Vera Voloshina - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, street, feat, execution, guerrilla



Information about the faith of the Voloshina and its participation in the Great Patriotic War for years was known only by a narrow circle of people. But this historical injustice managed to fix, and the world found out about the feat of Soviet intelligence officers who gave life in the name of the Motherland.

Childhood and youth

Vera Voloshin was born on September 30, 1919 in the city of Scheglov (Kemerovo). The girl's father died soon, so she was brought up by stepfather. Vera has already been active and creative in childhood, engaged in sports, giving preference to gymnastics and mild athletics.

In School, Voloshin was diligent, pleased the parents with good marks. She liked literature, she even wrote poems that read before the class. People's peers described the girl as good, cheerful and compassionate, who knows how to find an approach.

After graduating from 10 classes, yesterday's schoolgirl went to Moscow to enroll in the State Institute of Physical Culture. During this period, she was fascinated by shooting, wanted to use skills when participating in the Civil War in Spain, but received a refusal.

The dreams about the sports career were also not destined to come true. During the ski campaign, the student was cold, got sick with flu, given a complication on his feet. From the selected university had to leave, but Voloshin was not desperate. She entered the Institute for Cooperative Trade and became a cadet of the Moscow Aeroclub. There, the girl learned to jump with a parachute and piloting the plane, hoping that these skills would use it in war. After all, she knew what else would take part in the battle for Moscow.


After the beginning of the war, the Voloshin was sent to the digging of the tagging and pvv. But the girl with such a role was disagreering and sought permission to go to the front. As a result, she managed to get into the ranks of the Red Army, where she joined the intelligence and sabotage group of the Western Front.

An intelligence officer fulfilled its first task in October 1941, after which she visited the rear for another 6 times. Soon, the replenishment arrived in part number 9903, including Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya was among the recruits. Sociable Voloshin made friends with a girl, first kept separately.

At the end of November, Zoya and Vera went to the next task, which consisted in the destruction of the villages in which the Germans were located. But because of the unexpected shelling, the group was divided, and the paths of the girlfriends were separated. Then they saw the last time.

Without having a card with him, the volition squad held several successful sabotage in the rear of the enemy, but in the end they stumbled upon an ambush. The heroine went ahead and fell under the shelling. When the rest went on her search, they discovered only blood and traces of tires. Many considered the girl of the victim, but the circumstances and the cause of her death were not fully known. The partisan was announced to miss the missing, even though there was almost no hope for her return.


Spring light on the fate of the Soviet saboteurs decided the writer Georgy Frolov, the audience to help find peace of her lucky mother. He found out that as a result of the shelling, faith did not die, but he was injured and captured to the Germans.

For several days, the girl was tortured, and on November 29, 1941 they were executed through hanging. The circumstances of her death in the sources are described in different ways. Some argue that the execuls executive executive executioner was a promotional, other, on the contrary, - that such an elderly woman who stayed there with a pregnant daughter, who stayed there with a pregnant daughter, after the Germans had expelled all the inhabitants of the village of Golovkovo.

According to the official version, the celebrity was hanging on IWA, according to the less common - on the arch at the entrance to the village. But the body pretended to drive cars, so later it turned to the tree branch.

However, all information converge in one - before the death of Vera led himself brave. She propheted victory over the fascists and, as if in a mockery over them, performed the song "Internationale", after which he was hanged.

When the Germans left the village, the locals with the honors buried the partisan on the spot of her death. After years, the remains removed and transferred to the fraternal grave in her native Kemerovo. In the head, where the death of Voloshin met, she was installed a monument.

The title of the Hero of the Soviet Union is not awarded, but she was recognized as the hero of the Russian Federation by Decree Boris Yeltsin. In addition, in the 60s celebrity posthumously awarded the Order of the Patriotic War.

Personal life

With her fiancian jury, the heroine met even at school, they were classmates. Lovers planned to get married, and shortly before the care of the front, the girl bought a wedding dress. But both of them were not destined to gain happiness in his personal life. The chief of celebrities died in 1944 during the Mogilev operation.

The paths of the couple were still crossed years later, albeit in symbolic form. In their hometown, the names of the heroes were named streets connecting between themselves. In addition, in the day of youth, they set the sculpture of the young lovers circling in the Walsta, whose prototypes were faith and Yuri.


  • Monuments of Vera Voloshina in the villages of Kryukovo and the Golkovo Moscow region.
  • Streets named after faith Voloshina in Kemerovo, Novokuznetsk, Belovo, Dagestan lights, Mytishchi, Moscow.
  • In Naro-Fominsk, the name of the Vera Voloshina wears the house of children's creativity.
  • In Kemerovo, in honor of the faith of the Voloshina, the city park is named.
  • The name of the partisani is assigned to schools in Kemerovo and Golovo
  • In honor of the faith of the Voloshina, the vessel of the Azov shipping company is called.
  • Little Planet 2009 Assigned to the name Voloshina
  • Electropotse of the suburban message "The name of the hero of Russia faith Voloshina".
  • The documentary "Vera Voloshin: Killed twice."

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