Polina Lee - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Show "Voice. Children "," Instagram "2021



On February 26, 2021, Lee had a responsible mission to Polina - to close the third blind listening to the 8th season of the show "Voice. Children". Fortunately, with a difficult task, the teenager coped with his bang, causing the praise of all the members of the jury and passing to the Basta team. Despite the fact that Egor Creed and Svetlana Loboda did not turn to a talented participant from St. Petersburg, the TV viewers agreed in a single opinion that it was one of the best performance performances.

Childhood and youth

At the time of participation in the 8th season "Voice. Children "on the first channel Polina turned 14 years old, and the contestant clearly understood that it was her last chance to get into the age framework of the project.

The purebred Korean was born on August 22, 2006 in Kyrgyzstan, and now he lives in St. Petersburg, where he studies perfectly in secondary school No. 509 of the Krasnestsky district. Girl's parents who support the heir to all do not know the Korean language, and she once tried to master them, but for today I remembers only a few words.

A beginner singer has a big family. She has older sisters Diana (May 21, 2001) and Karina (April 17, 2003), the youngest Melin, who has been doing successes in Taekwondo, and the younger brother Vladislav, in the 2020th received the first award in the tournament on acrobatic track .

From an early Years, it has been in the center of the Creative Freedom of the "Territory", the Fast Junior Band and Dancename Studio, as part of the Knowname Kids won the 3rd place at Dance Mania in 2018. In the same year, the ascending star participated in the XVI "Generation Next" and starred in the TV series "Major -3", playing the daughter of the Gastarbaitera-Ketyanka, who worked for the dolls plant, and hit the frame with Pavel himself.

In 2016, a resident of the Northern Capital distinguished himself at the city festival of vocal creativity "Singing Company", and in 2019 the ward of Alla Chechurina won the "Solo" nomination on the "Voices of the Planet". In the summer of 2020, young talent joined the musical reality show "Who are you?!", Where I confidently got to the final.

Show "Voice. Children"

Polina did not once tried to become a full participant of the children's "voice." In the 4th season, she tried to "break through" in a duet with a sister (however, they failed to conquer members of the jury on the blind auditions), and in the 2020s, the dreams were pregnant. But now such an outcome of the teenager was even glad, because it was enough time to work on himself and gain experience and confidence."Everything went as I wanted. I liked everything since my image (and this is important for confidence on stage) and ending with the selection of songs. Oddly enough, this year I did not worry at all and did not worry. I felt confidently, I was pleased that everything is in order with my voice, which means everything will be okay, "whether he wrote under his own photo from filming on a personal page in" Instagram ".

On February 26, 2021, after a joke, Dmitry Nagiyev that Charizms and a laconic traditional profile were added on this project, the schoolgirl quietly and confidently reached the auditorium. Singer, closed in a fashionable white trouser costume, favorably shading long dark hair, prepared a cover on the famous Shakira Schakers. Underneath Your Clothes.

The performer forced from the first minutes to dance and singing Hydra Crea, and Vasily Vakulento to turn his face immediately after the chorus. Upon completion of the music number, the girl could not hide emotions and jumped on stage from joy, admitted by the only lady in the judicial board, which evaluates his speech by 10 out of 10 points, as he did a great deal and posted at the maximum.

Svetlana Loboda noted the filigree iodley contestants, which supported both Basta, who asked to namely name those present in the Support Group:

"I want to also appreciate the performance: I really liked it, it was without too much noise, without unnecessary high-profile notes of unnecessary, very neatly, very frankly. And the techniques that Svetlana Loboda says, they were executed ambitious, in my opinion. "

In a short interview with Taisia, the schomorokhovo reported that it would be happy to go to the team to any mentor, and the Chit Colombian Star suggested to the teacher Zhanna Wolskaya.

Polina Lee now

2021, in addition to hitting the long-awaited children's "Voice", brought a talented polyney Lee and a debut solo track called "sidotal", recorded due to participation in the reality show "Who are you?!".

Young singer is willingly sharing with subscribers in social networks by unknown facts of biography and personal life, as well as Kavever on well-known hits (My Boy Billy Alish, "Untracile Eyes" Alena Shvets, "Fly" Anton Belyaeva, "Dark Orange Sunset" of the group "Papin Olympos "," Comet "Jony, etc.).

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