Anna Vall - biography, personal life, photo, news, "etiquette", lectures, articles, "instagram", age 2021



On March 15, 2021, the Prime Minister of the College's Experimental Project was held on the CTA TV channel. According to the realistic show, 12 difficult adolescents from all over Russia, as if they were in the past, being at school acting on the Soviet rules. Follow the order, change the main characters for the better, help them cope with psychological problems and dependencies had to director Anne Vall, Zeadis Irina Zilberman and the class teacher Denis Dolkin.

Childhood and youth

December 27, 1954, in Karaganda, Ernst Valla was born daughter Anna. Together with two brothers and two sisters, she belonged to the 5th generation of the ancient genus of the German barons of Mantoufel, living in Russia. Her ancestors were treated to the Protestant branch of the Mennonites, who did not fight the weapons, so they were forced to leave Prussia, in call Catherine II settling the empty lands of the Volga region, Crimea, etc.

"The society in which I grew was a feature - there were no people in Karaganda who would have root there. We, generation of the 50s, - the first who born there is massively. My parents are Germans from the Crimea, and the neighbors arrived from Ukraine, someone else from somewhere. Everyone had such a roll-field, and it was natural, "the woman told in an interview in the 2020s.

The director of the future "college" at STS recalled that growing German in the post-war situation on the territory of the Soviet Union was not easy. And the wise mother, who possessed the classic German language at an incredible level, did not insist at all so that children owned them to a similar extent.

At the end of High School No. 78, where the student was easily given the exact sciences, and humanitarian, the graduate had a question not to choose a profession, but education. The girl knew that he would easily enroll in Philfak, which did in 1972, having passed a serious contest in the IGU named after Andrei Zhdanov, noting INAZ. After she studied in graduate school of the Leningrad Pedagogical Institute named after Alexander Herzen.


Anna Ernstna achieved a lot of heights on the philological field. She became a specialist in speech culture and communication, the author and leading programs for argument, etiquette, business correspondence and literacy for adults.

Vall performed a permanent speaker of business and HR events, regularly published articles and conducted open lectures in St. Petersburg, many of which can be found on Yutubeub. For example, "art to be non-bank", "about business and secular etiquette", "competent speech and speech etiquette", "meaning and role of emoticons in business etiquette".

In her saturated professional biography there was a place and "etiquette" on the TV channel "Food", from where the TV viewers learned about the rules of behavior at the festive table and for everyday meal.

Now the native Karaganda is part of the Igro speech training company. Here, together with the colleague Igor Rodchenko, she talks about "the time of the first. The speech skills of the head "and leads the storm (school of coaches of spectacular skill).

Self-talented trainer offers courses "On love: client service" and "Russian in an adult", where the stresses are sought, the relevance of using the phrase "Good day," spelling, and is responsible for the online school "Be kind! "

Shaw "College"

In the 2021, Anna Ernstna was taken by the director's chair in the television television, almost immediately faced disobedience from students. But from conflict situations, with his colleagues managed to come out with dignity.

When a 14-year-old Muscovite Daniella Baronina was opposed to putting on the school uniform, Vall demonstrated the ability to find a compromise. The woman talked to the rebellion, led weighty arguments and allowed to be in a white shirt and jeans, stating that the speech now is not about violating the rules, but about respecting other borders.

After the solemn oath, the IGRO speech training coach invited the wards to check their level of knowledge from the 1st to the 7th grade and determine who would continue the path on the project.

First answer questions (decrypt the abbreviation of the USSR, tell, who is such a Basta, determine where the Pisa Tower is), the mentor caused Veronica Dmitriev, but also her refusal eventually accepted with understanding and external tranquility.

On March 15, the participants saved Stepan Gaidarov from deductions, and Veronica left teachers and, according to the results of the vote, the threat hung over Valery Jurassov.

"To say goodbye to you today would be the right decision. But we would be bad teachers if they did not notice the potential in you. We give you a chance to stay at school and spend another week here. We hope that this lesson was not only for you, but for all other students, "said the head of the pedagogical composition.

Personal life

On January 23, 1991, Anna Ernstna was born the only daughter Olga, who graduated from the University of Science and Technologies Lille-1 and now living in Germany. Charming blonde launched his own fashionable brand bags Olya Step, and from February 14, 2021 decided to develop the author's Youtyub-Channel, publishing there with drum cameras on popular hits.

Photos of loved ones, observations over the world, funny cases and some facts of the personal life of Vall sharing on their pages in Facebook and VKontakte.

Anna Vall now

Anna Vall continues to teach all those wishing to harmonious communication, speech and behavior in modern society, read lectures and develop their own projects under IGRO. You can sign up for courses through the company's page in "Instagram", a separate group in VKontakte and the official website.

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