Andrey Sharkov - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actor, Film, Filmography, TV series 2021



Actor Andrei Sharkov argues that after 40 years weakens the thirst for fame and recognition on the streets. Satisfaction comes to replace the passions and drone hormones, it comes from the opportunity to follow the vocation, to give the joy to the audience and earn a professional for bread with butter.

Childhood and youth

The future actor was born on January 15, 1958. Andrei's parents were doctors and hoped that the Son would also receive a medical education. However, the junior scars from childhood loved to be the center of attention and was engaged in the theatrical circle. It should be said that other family members also did not limit their medicine interests - a vocal education mother in his youth received a vocal education, and the People-Voigvach was fond of studying insects, especially Komarov.

Andrei Sharkov and his wife Tatyana Sharkov

After receiving the school attestation, Andrei tried to become a student of the Leningrad State Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography. When the Examination Commission of the forge of artistic personnel in the city at Neve said, the native of Murmansk "No", the young man entered the similar educational institution of Sverdlovsk.

In the Urals theater university, Sharkov did not fit and transferred to the Gorky school. In 1979, Andrei became a certified actor, but changed a dozen theaters for 15 years, until he found the stage that became his relatives, - BDT named after G.A. Tovstonogov.

Theater and films

All-Russian Fame Andrei Anatolyevich received in the fall of 2000 after the release of the first episodes of the detective series "Secrets of the Consequence". Shariks were shot in other multi-sieuled tapes on weekdays of law enforcement officers - "Streets of broken lamps" and "Devoloiy force", "National Security Agent" and "Litein-4". However, it was precisely the role of the pathologist Leonid Panova became the actor's business card. Thanks to the witty replicas of Character Charkova, Saga's investigator, Maria Shvetsova acquired warmth, Andrei Anatolyevich came up with the nickname of Manyuny heroine Anna Kovalchuk.

In addition to Panova, the viewers remembered the role of a native of Murmansk in the series Vladimir Bortko "Master and Margarita". In the adaptation of the novel, Mikhail Bulgakov, the actor appeared in the image of the administrator of Ivan Varenuhi.

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In the TV series "Leningrad-46", Sharkov reincarnated in Antikvara Efim Markovich Shreiman. In 2019, Andrei Anatolyevich played two more characters of Jewish nationality - Pererelmut in the short film Anna Melician "About Love" and a tailor Agenson in a 12-serial retrameterative "Podkinish". In the second of these tapes there was a familiar to Sharkov's role of forensic expert, but she got another actor - Sergey Barkovsky. In the "Podkin" starred Pleiada of famous St. Petersburg artists - Sergey Byzgu and Sergey Miugitsko, Margarita Bychkova and Alexander Tyutyumov, and in the main characters - Zhulika and Major Militia - Anton Shagin and Timofey Tribunesey reincarnated.

On the stage of BDT Sharkov, he was playing the role of Hegumen in Boris Godunov and Brother Lorenzo in Romeo and Juliet, Syrian in Maskarada and Shade-chatted in Alice. Moscow Theaterlands Actor sign on the brilliant duet with Viktor Sukhorukov in the play "Meet, we are leaving", set by Sergey Aronin in the theater named after the Mossovet.

Personal life

During his studies in the Gorky Theater School, Andrei fell in love with Tatyana Kapitonov's classmate, and the girl at first fascinated the guy by acting talent, and then - female beauty. The pair legalized the relationship only 5 years after the end of the university.

The wife took the last name Andrei, under which he starred in several ribbons, including twice (in different roles) - in the series "Secrets of the investigation." The most famous ribbon in the filmography of artists remains the picture of Ilya Averbach "Explanation in Love", in which Tatiana starred before admission to the theater school. In the 5-serial artistic film Seeds Aranovich "confrontation", the main roles in which Oleg Basilashvili and Andrei Boltnev, the wife of Andrei Shakov reincarnated to the passenger, together with his daughter trapped in the hostage at the Criminal Airport Krotov.

However, from many roles Tatyana Shakov refused, because he devoted himself to serving her husband. Andrei Anatolyevich says that there was anything in his personal life: both quarrels, and beating the plates, and the desire to submit for a divorce, but now the actor has no person more relative than the wife. Spouses adore a pet - Cat Timur.

Shariks blame themselves in the fact that there are no children in their family, "the artist was afraid to take responsibility for the life of a little man. However, when Andrei Anatolyevich's sister abandoned his daughter, the actor recorded the girl as his daughter and helped her to take place in life. Now the nephew of Sharkov is an adult woman, a mother of three children.

Andrei Sharkov now

On December 14, 2020, a premiere showing of the 20th season "Tyne investigation" started on the Russia-1 channel. The image of a cynical, but the good forescapespert in the tape is still creating scars. In the first episode of the series, Maria Shvetsov and colleagues investigate the robbery of the collector of the picturesque cavetles of Zagrevsky. In 2020 and 2021, the native of Murmansk continued shooting in the full-length film "Clown is me!" Directed by Andrei Noskova, where he again met with long partners on the site, Barkovsky and Tyutyumov.

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Andrei Anatolyevich continues to serve in the BDT named after Georgy Tovstonogov - in particular, performs the role of Sheilok in the premiere spectacle of the Pound Meat, coming on the second stage of the theater. On March 17, 2021, the actor became the guest of the program "The Fate of Man", where he shared funny and sad episodes of the biography. Boris Korchevnikov checked what scars looks not in the usual role of Leonid Panova take, but in other heads - a bowler, a tubeette and fese - and took a photo for memory.


  • 2000-2021 - "Secrets of the Consequence"
  • 2001 - "name of Baron"
  • 2003 - "Gangster Petersburg"
  • 2003 - "Alien face"
  • 2004 - "Bogatyri Online"
  • 2005 - "Brutal"
  • 2005 - "Master and Margarita"
  • 2005 - "Gentle Winter"
  • 2005 - "One Shadow for Two"
  • 2006 - "Life and death of Lyanka Panteleeva"
  • 2006-2010 - "Sonya Golden Handle"
  • 2010 - "House of a big river"
  • 2012 - "It all started in Harbin"
  • 2014 - "Heritage"
  • 2018 - "Bar" on the chest ""
  • 2019 - "Podkinysh"
  • 2021 - "Cloon is me!"

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