Vasily Suyunova - biography, personal life, photo, news, "voice. Children », Songs," Toy "," Cukuki "2021



8th season of the project "Voice. Children "turned out to be rich in talented participants. Miron Provines, Makar Massa, Arina Milenko, Julia Gavrilova and many other contestants delighted the jury and viewers with excellent singing. However, Vasilisa Suyunova was able to surprise not only vocals, but also a bright outfit.


The future participant of the show "Voice. Children "born on August 21, 2006 in the capital of Russia, but now lives in the city of Troitsk, which is part of the new Moscow. Vasilisa is a middle child in the Syunov family. By the time of the girl's appearance, the businessman Ruslan and Image Irina's businessman had already daughter Anastasia and Son Roman. Later, parents gave Vasilisa two younger brothers - Arsenia and Savelia. In August 2020, the mother and father of five children celebrated the silver anniversary from the day of the wedding.

The participant of the main vocal competition of Russia is studying in the Trinity School No. 3, which is part of the Municipal Autonomous Educational Institution of the Lyceum of the City of Troitsk. The girl chose a philological direction for himself.

In addition to studying and vocal, Vasilisa in childhood was engaged in dancing and horse riding, mastered the tricks of struggle and swimming techniques. The girl adheres to a vegan diet and claims that she has her opinion on everything. "

Music and projects

In the younger school age, Vasilisa performed the role of a girl in a music television show for kids "Cukuki". Since 2017, a resident of Troitsk participates in the festival "Generation NEXT", and in 2019 he was honored to conduct this forum.

Suyunova is a semi-finalist of the Russian selection for "Children's Eurovision". Vasilisa took the composition of the audience the composition "Mom, do not hold." Popular became Single Suyunova "I do not want to grow up."

Irina does not get tired of inventing new outfits and hairstyle for vocal gifted daughter. Also, the mother starred in the video of Vasilisa "Party" ("Bangher"), whose premiere took place in February 2020.

In March 2020, a schoolgirl, together with the younger brothers, removed the cartoon on the maternal scenario about the confrontation of a coronavirus, containing recommendations not to exit without the need from home, use the mask, gloves and delivery of products. Scrolling text in the animation tape sounded according to Vasilisa.

Show "Voice. Children"

To perform on blind auditions, a Troitsk resident chose a song Toy ("Toy"), with which the Israeli singer of Neta Barzilai won on Eurovision 2018. The composition in the style of "Middle East Pop Hit" Suudean fulfilled in Russian, while the costume of Vasilisa was not inferior on her painful and creativity along with Israeli at the Main Vocal Competition of Europe.

The first on the vocals of the contestant was reacted positively to Basta, after a moment the example of the senior colleague was followed by Egor Cre. Svetlana Loboda was enjoyed longer than all blind singing, but she turned his chair to Suyunova. According to the tradition of the 8th season, the debates of the judges lasted longer than the actual singing, but the young vocalist decided to enter the team of the native Rostov-on-Don.

The triumphs of the 5th release of blind listening, shown on March 12, 2021, were also 11-year-old Anna Yurkevich from Minsk and 12-year-old Ai-Herell Shuluu from the Republic of Tuva, to which all the judges also turned. Both contestants, like Vasilis, have chosen Bast as a mentor.

Vasilisa Suyunova now

On March 8, 2021, Vasilisa performed at the largest childish fashion show of Russia Kids Fashion Week, held in the Central Children's Store. A schoolgirl appears in new images in Tiktok and is filmed in the "after school" show, leaving the Disney channel. Photo from shooting Suyunov regularly posts on a page in "Instagram".


  • "Children's Eurovision"
  • "Voice. Children"


  • "Mom, do not hold"
  • "I do not wanna grow up"
  • "Party" ("Bangher")
  • Something New.
  • "Do not say anything | Silent on me "

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