Mikhail Gorsky - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor, films, "soldiers", filmography, "instagram" 2021



In the early 2000s, Russian actor Mikhail Gorsky began a professional career. Since then, he has played a number of memorable roles in the theater and cinema. The images of dramatic and comedian characters were well-tested from nature. Heroes of full-length films and television series fell in love with hundreds of people.

Childhood and youth

Mikhail Yuryevich Gorsky was born in the capital of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in the fall of 1976. The early biography of the future actor was entirely connected with Moscow.

The boy grew and brought up in the family of intellectuals, not related to the art of art. Despite this, starting from kindergartens, he participated in matinee and concerts dedicated to the festive events. The child gladly told poems, which easily remembered.

Mikhail Gorsky - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor, films,

In school years, Misha visited free from lessons, Misos was visited. In medium-sized classes on the advice of parents, he began to go to the choreography classes. Teachers from the studio of ballroom dancing praised him for a good feeling of rhythm, plasticity and ability to repeat complex PA.

Having matured, the rustic met with peers from the district house of pioneers. New friends who were interested in dramatic art led him to theatrical circle.

By participating in the layout of the plays of classic and modern authors, a resident of the capital realized that he wanted to become a professional actor. The surrounding, not indifferent to the fate of the teenager, helped in the realization of dreams.

At the age of 16, the Gorsky arrived the first time in the famous Moscow guitis. The young talent was enrolled on the acting of the Honored Arts Worker - Director Alexei Vladimirovich Borodin.

By receiving higher education, Mikhail did not fall into the ranks of the Russian army. With the foundations of the discipline, the young man became acquainted during rest in Pioneer camps. The actor sincerely believed that military units lost in his face of the perfect soldier - he was so mandatory, responsible and endless person in early youth.

Films and theater

In the late 1990s, after the end of the State Institute of Theatrical Art, Mikhail entered the service in the RAMT - the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Culture in the field of dramatic theatrical art for children and the youth. Having performed a number of episodic roles, a graduate of the workshop A. V. Borodina moved to the Taroupe of the Metropolitan "Hermitage", where he was involved in the play "Souser", "Russian Preferes", "Monster" and "Azep".

At the beginning of the 2000s, the apparent hope of the actor was noticed by Russian directors. Gorsky entrusted to play characteristic characters in the play "Beekeepers" and "School of Szitov" Scenograph Nikolai Roshchina. As part of the young team, Moskvich took part in the International Festival in St. Petersburg. There, his abilities noticed people who shot the movies.

Mikhail's screen debut took place in the painting of Garik Sukacheva and Ivan Okhlobystin "Holiday". The young man with filing the authors got an episodic role of the groom. On the set, Mikhail was lucky to get acquainted with the stars Alexander Baluyev, Sergey Batalov and Mikhail Efremov. The first experience of staying in front of the camera guy remembered for a century.

Mikhail Gorsky - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor, films,

In the mid-2000, the Gorsky filmography was replenished with a multi-dimensional drama Igor Chernitsky "farewell echo", Kinethenty Viktor Volkova "Three sisters", TV series Dmitry Breschevsky "Moscow Saga" and a fantastic thriller Alexander Duleran and Sergey Koryagin "Bunker, or scholars underground".

Fame to the metropolitan actor came after the comedy project "Soldiers". The role of the younger sergeant Roman Maksimenko for a happy chance went to him without samples.

Starting from the 9th season of the epic on the life of the motorized rifle military unit, the Gorsky starred in 9 seasons. He perfectly fit into the cast, where Boris Shcherbakov, Artem Grigoriev, Oscar Kuchet, Svetlana Permyakov and Nazar as-Samarai.

Then the piggy bank replenished the roles of Evanov in Kinoshag Vasily Pichula "Zapasta Zhilina", Stephen in the atmospheric TV series Leonid Belozorovich "House of Executional Content" and Alexander Lysenkov in the continuation of the criminal history of Timur Alpathov, Valery Mysnikova, Yuri Popovich "Ceremak".

The 2010th for the actor began very intensively. He fell into a number of cash projects who were walking on large screens and on TV. The Gorsky distinguished himself in the TV shows "Our Space", "Operation" Gorgon "and" Black Wolves ", as well as the full-length tapes" Gagarin. The first in space "," Courier from Paradise "and" The Best Movie 3D ".

Further career growth was provided by comedy, dramas and detectives. However, none of the projects achieved the success of "soldiers". The most successful roles of Captain in ironic "Multi-Sherry" "Olga", Vasily in the Melodrame "Pearl Wedding", Petit in the criminal thriller "Point Support" and Alexei's neighbor in the picture "after you" are considered.

Personal life

In his youth, Mikhail took care of the device of his personal life and after celebrating the birthday of the Colleague on the "Hermitage" theater played a wedding with the director's assistant - a girl named Catherine. The wife gave the actor of two daughters Avdota and Agela, whose photos are decorated with an actor account in "Instagram".

In an interview with Gorsky says that the family for him is a "generator of happiness." Three women surrounding actors help in work on complex images and brighter rare moments of leisure.

Mikhail Gorsky now

Now Gorsky plays roles in a number of theatrical productions. It is involved in the performances "Master and Margarita", "Black box" and "Cabaret Glanas".

In 2021, a project was published on Russian television with the participation of Mikhail. Observers entertainment portals recommend fans of actor's creativity to watch the series, based on the real story about the poachers acting on Baikal, called "Reserved Special Forces".


  • 2005-2007 - "Soldiers"
  • 2012 - "House of exemplary content"
  • 2013 - "Gagarin. First in space »
  • 2013 - "Maryina Grove"
  • 2014 - "Wonderworker"
  • 2016 - "Pearl Wedding"
  • 2017 - "Olga-2"
  • 2017 - "Baryshnya and Hooligan"
  • 2017 - "After you"
  • 2017 - "Hacking"
  • 2017 - "Points of Support"
  • 2018 - "Ordinary Woman"
  • 2018 - "Unstable"
  • 2019 - "Consultant. Licheful times »
  • 2020 - "Crane in the sky"
  • 2021 - "Reserved Special Forces"

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