Vyacheslav Dubinin - biography, personal life, photos, news, lectures, brain and its needs, brain chemistry 2021



Vyacheslav Dubinin is a Russian biologist and a neurophysiologist who studies the human brain, its structure and properties. Now a man is among the influential popularizers of science, such as Alexander Markov, Sergey Savelyev, Stanislav Drobyshevsky.

Childhood and youth

Vyacheslav Albertovich Dubinin was born on August 23, 1961, Virgo on the sign of the zodiac. He graduated from the Biological Faculty of Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov in the specialty "Higher Nervous Activity".

The science

For many years, Vyacheslav Albertovich was a researcher at the Department of Physiology of Man and Animal Biological Faculty of the Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov, taught biology, psychology and medicine. In 1995 he became an associate professor, and then a professor at the Institute of Youth of the Moscow Humanitarian Institute. Had more than 100 scientific works on brain and neurofarmakology physiology. He was an expert of the Interdepartmental Foundation "Science of Lonlyzity", lectured and courses in the cultural and educational center "Arhet".

Biologist Vyacheslav Dubinin

In 2016, he prepared the course "Chemistry of the brain" on the structure and functions of this body, electrical processes, neurotransmitters, adrenaline and norepinens, hormones. The most important mediator professor called Acetylcholine, which regulates the neuromuscular system and reduces the level of excitation during stress.

Dubinin argued that the human body is capable of forming immunity from birth, because in primitive times the baby lived in not sterile conditions, and in a dirty cave. Therefore, vaccinations can be done within a few hours after childbirth. Allergy, according to a scientist, is the reaction of hypersensitive people who have a immune system too well, so it must be not strengthened, but to weaken.

In May 2017, the biologist read the lecture "Brain and Alcohol". He told that this word has arabic origin and means "the soul of wine". The substance is formed in the blood during the decay of glucose, is well soluble in water and fats, so in the body penetrates everywhere. In small quantities affects dopamine neurons, relieves fatigue, stimulates motor activity. A large dose begins at a mark of 100 grams of alcohol, or 250 grams of vodka, shelter. Someone becomes aggressive from her, the other falls into depression, the third is sexually liberated. It is impossible to say that at the same time the "true face" of a person is revealed, it is the brain failure under the influence of a powerful psychotropic substance.

According to Dubynin, in recent years, the number of children suffering from autism has increased, often they often have an abnormal digestive system, incomplete cleavage of proteins and the reduced activity of the dipeptidylpeptidase enzyme, which leads to an excess of exorphines that are akin to opiate and violate the brain.

In October 2020, Vyacheslav Albertovich participated in the festival "By the way. Online "Together with Military Physician Alexei Waterozova, Chemist Alexei Pavaysky, physicist Evgeny Stepinin, literary critic Konstantin Milchin, candidate of psychological sciences by Evgeny Osin and other scientists. Speakers told about happiness and ways to achieve it from the point of view of their disciplines.

Personal life

A man is married, he has three daughters and three grandson. He considers the joy of paternity to the most positive emotion in the biography of any person. In communication calm, friendly and never refuses to make a joint photo with fans.

In privacy, chemical processes, according to Vyacheslav Albertovich, also play an important role, for example, arms increase the amount of oxytocin. Physical proximity is an unusual behavior for any living being, requiring a psyche coup, hormones respond to it. Pheromones give information about the level of immunity and sex hormones of the partner, so the person reacts primarily on them. The human species is unique in that these are the only art animals that create monogamous pairs.

Vyacheslav Dubinin now

On April 23, 2021, Dubinin gave an interview with Irina Shikhman, the video appeared on the Yutiub-channel "And to talk?" Titled "Why do we need orgasm, love, jealousy and sex?". The neurophysiologist spoke about the criteria for choosing a partner, monogamy, courting, aphrodisiacs, hormonal waves, postpartum depression, homosexuality and many other things.

On the same day, Vyacheslav Albertovich participated in the round table at the Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University dedicated to the preparation of scientific personnel. He discussed this topic together with the rector of Arkady Margolis, a neurobiologist Vasily Klyucharev, Nick Adamyan from the University of Aberdeen, Andrey Konikov from the National Research University "Higher School of Economics" and others.


  • 2003 - "Regulatory systems of the human body"
  • 2014 - "Neurobiology and Neuropharmabolog"
  • 2021 - "Brain and its needs. From food to confession "

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