Milos Zeman - biography, personal life, photo, news, president of the Czech Republic, drunk, Vladimir Putin, age, "Satellite V" 2021



Milos Zeman - the European Political and Public Worker, which occupies the presidency of the Czech Republic since 2013, acquired fame as a supporter of the progressive development of modern society. Demonstrating the loyal attitude to the Russian Federation, the head of the state bordering the Poland, Germany, Austria and Slovakia, was criticized by the colleagues in the European Union and caused dissatisfaction with his own citizens. He was even trying to blame in the treason in 2021.

Childhood and youth

Milos Zeman was born in September 1944 in the territory that was part of Nazi Germany. An early biography was associated with the city of Colin - one of the centers of the BEGEMI and Moravia, which is attached to the lands of Czechoslovakia after the end of World War II.

Father, minister of the post office, left the family when the child was very small. Mother, primary school teacher, had to work for two. Since 1948, the future politician spent most of the time in the grandmother's society. An elderly woman who lived without her husband, as she could have cared for relatives.

Milos Zeman in youth

At a young age, Milos studied in the secondary school secondary school. In the late 1950s, discovering the ability to mathematics, entered the specialized educational institution in Cologne, where there was an economic bias.

On the eve of the final exams, Zemric had problems. He was going to refuse to admit to the final exam due to work containing a high assessment of the publicistic work of Karel Chapeka's prohibited by the Communists "Conversations with T. G. Masarik".

With difficulty future policies managed to get a diploma of secondary education. The prescription had a recommendation that prevented a receipt to the university.

Milos coped with this. Having got a job by an accountant, he proved that deserves the degree of financier. The moratorium on obtaining higher education was removed, and the Son of the teacher entered the correspondence department of the Prague Economic School.

From service in the army in the invarriage age of Zemrena fence the certificate of the presence of heart failure. The student calmly defended the graduation project and became a teacher at the Department of Professor Paul Gross.

Career and politics

In the late 1960s, a year before the degree of Master of Economics, Zeman, inspired by the events of Prague Spring, entered into the ranks of Czechoslovaki's Communist Party. After a short period of time, he was disappointed in the ideas that colleagues put forward, and was expelled from the organization as an unrealized face.

For political reasons, he lost his posts in Wes and for a decade worked at the Technosport, Sportpropag and Noctua sports companies. In the 1990s, Milos returned to scientific practice and joined the team of the Forecasting Institute at the Academy of Sciences Czechoslovakia.

In 1993, after the election by the Chairman of the Social Democratic Party, the economist met the confidence of like-minded people, bringing the vast popularity of the Organization that claimed power in the country. Active activity led to the fact that Zemman took the post of chairman of the government, but on ideological reasons after 4 years he refused the post.

In the early 2000s, the politician first participated in the presidential race. After the failure, the ChDP leader went to the shadow in order to register his own party. In 2013, during the open election in the country, the head of state, Milos already in the 1st round of voting dominated competitors with a result of 24.21%. In the 2nd round, he strengthened his position and took a place at the roaring of the country.

In 2018, politician once again put forward his own candidate for the post of head of state. The pre-election company was characterized by clashes with a competitor Jerhi Dragosh. Candidates were merciless to each other and resorted to help media.

Despite the fact that against the background of the global political crisis, land was considered a pro-Russian politician, citizens of the Czech Republic, confident in the leader, gave their votes for him. The reason for the conversations was that the newly elected President of the Czech Republic on the eve of the announcement of the voting results stated that to solve the problem of the Crimean Peninsula, the parties should agree on compensation. Moscow found the wrong proposal to exchange the territory for cash or gas.

In addition, Zeman supported the construction of "Northern Flow - 2", coordinating the position with the Ministers of Industry and Trade of the Republic. The President noted that the country aims to defend their own political views, despite the criticism of the project from the United States of America and a number of EU members.

In addition, the president opposed the European population with refugees. In an interview, he said that integration can only take place in the similarity of traditions and cultures.

Personal life

About the personal life of the land is known. President of the Czech Republic, according to official data, entered into a lawful marriage.

With the first wife, forms, he signed in his youth, after graduating from the university, in the early 1970s. Son David, born in 1971, made a happy family.

When the child has grown, the politician divorced his wife and legalized the relationship with the helper of the Czech-Slovak Nationality Ivan Balnarchic. The youngest of the children, the girl of the Katerzhin, was born in 1994.

On the shoulders of the second wife, there was concern for health policies that had a number of serious diseases. Together with the doctors, she did everything to defeat sugar diabetes and save the president from bad habits. Despite their efforts, in 2021, Milos began to resort to the assistance of a wheelchair because of the neuropathy stop.

Milos Zeman and his wife

Close to the political and social interests of Milos, and also cast leisure, to the deterioration of well-being included hiking and skiing. Now in the house in the town of Novaya Vesla, the most popular entertainment are viewing family photo archives, listening to the plates of the Swedish band ABBA, playing chess and reading science fiction books.

Milos Zeman now

Despite the fact that after the formation of the European Union, the Czech Republic's Cescription Cabinet made rates on the Western partners in the North Atlantic Alliance and closely collaborated with the United States of America, headed by Barack Obama and Donald Trump, and then Joe Biden, Zehan, called Neffatvengers Agent KGB, sought to support friendly Relations with Russia. Incident in Vrbetice in April 2021, questioned the level of competences and complicated the life of the President, who planned to purchase the drug "Satellite V" in order to vaccinate citizens.

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