David Spiritual - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



David Spiritual - Hollywood actor who received world famous thanks to the roles of the Special FBR FOK Mulder's specialties in the TV series "Secret Materials" and Heck Moody writer in the television series "Raudley California".

A high level of professionalism allowed the actor to become the owner of two "golden globes". In 2016, David received a registered star on the Hollywood "Alley of Glory."

Childhood and youth

David Gukhovani was born in New York on August 7, 1960 in a low-income family. According to the sign of the zodiac, the future actor turned out to be Lvom. Margaret Spiritan, the mother of the future celebrity, was a plaid, worked as a teacher at school. Ammam spiritual, father David, - publicist. He wrote several books, including an autobiographical novel. It is known that David's parents divorced 11 years after his birth.

By the nature of David in orphanage was closed and poorly, but the uncommon mind of the young man opened him the road to a prestigious school of New York. In this educational institution, the spiritual studied with John Kennedy Jr., who died in a plane crash in July 1999.

David spiritual in youth

After graduating from school, David Dukhovan entered Princeton University at the Faculty of Pedagogy. The student earned money in the university independently, working as a guard, bartender or delivery of products. Later, David received a master's degree in English literature in Yale University, was going to defend his thesis to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. However, some events that occurred in life forced the actor to change this decision.

While working on the dissertation, the young man signed up for acting courses, as a result of which the theater game became a kind of hobby, which further influenced the creative biography of David Duzhovny.


For the first time on the screens of TVs, the spiritual appeared in 1987, starring in the short advertising of Löwenbräu beer. At this time, the film actor decided to stop working on the dissertation and switched attention to the stage skill. Thanks to an attractive and unusual appearance, as well as a crazy desire to become an actor David managed to get into the world of cinema.

A year after the debut in the film "Business Girl", directed by Director David Lynch, making a tempting offer to film actor - to play transvestite in the mystical TV series "Twin Pix". The spiritual adopted this proposal.

David spiritual in the episode

After an episodic role in Twin Piccas, the ascending star of Hollywood received an invitation to shoot the series "Diaries of red shoes", where they played an abandoned lover. This stage is considered initial in the creative biography of the actor.

Spectators remembered the "Evolution" tape, presented in 2001. In the filming of the painting, together with David, the Governoral was instructed by prominent representatives of the American Cinema: Julianna Moore, Orlando Jones, Shann William Scott, Dan Eykroyd.

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David's fame received in 1993 with the start of the shooting of the series "Secret Materials". This picture has become a real hit on television. Soon the name of the film acter was firmly associated with people with Agent Fox Merder, who conducted an investigation into a pair with Dana Scully, the role of which Gillian Anderson played. Spectators and experts of the world cinema called "secret materials" the best work in the creative biography of the American artist. In the future, roles in television series will become the main works in the career of the American.

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In 2007, the shooting of the "Raudley California" series, or "Californikaishn", where the spiritual role of the writer who worries his personal and creative crises plays the spiritual and creative crises. Hollywood actor for all seasons was completely immersed in work in this series. For 7 years on the air, the film conquered the cult status. In 2014, the spectators saw the final California Season 7, but failed to relax celebrities from filming.

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In the summer of 2015, David Dukhovan and Gillian Anderson worked on the new season of "secret materials", the premiere of which took place on January 24, 2016. The new season of the series consists of 6 episodes.

I remember the audience and comedy drama "Family Jones". In this film, David Dukhovan worked on the set along with the actress Demi Moore. Famous actors, directories and workers of the shooting sites who worked with David are spiritual noted that on the site he behaves openly, rarely provokes disputes and lays out as much as possible to achieve the result.

In 2014, the American actor took part in the shooting of the advertising of the Russian beer "Siberian Crown". In the new video, David said that Russia "has something to be proud of". More than once in an interview with the press representatives, he mentioned that "always felt half the Russian." Nevertheless, in April 2014, the actor changed his position. In the Microblogging Service Twitter David published a tweet, in which he called himself a Ukrainian:

"I grew up, thinking that Russian, but only now I realized that he was always a Ukrainian. It's never too late to change. "
David spiritual and his star on the Hollywood Walk of Glory

At the beginning of 2016, David Gukhovan received a star on the Hollywood "Alley of Glory." At the ceremony, the American film actor noted that he plans to return to the director.

"I would put a couple of films before quit smoking. The ideas that I have, the stories that I wrote is rather for an independent, low-budget cinema. These are human stories, they are hard to remove and show, "said the spiritual at the solemn ceremony.

Friends and colleagues came to congratulate the spiritual, including the creator of "secret materials", producer and screenwriter Chris Carter.

In January 2016, new series of 10 seasons of television series "Secret materials" came out on the screens. The audience was able to once again see the heroes of David spiritual and Gillian Anderson. The creators did not discard the ideas of past seasons, but decided to show the new storyline. Chris Carter noted that the series fans saw the completely other Mulder and Scully.


David is dedicated to the time and music. In 2015, the first American album was appeared, called Hell or Highwater.

The new plate consists of 12 tracks that spiritual wrote himself. The title song is available to fans in the single format.

David himself noted in an interview that the new album did not incarnate his dreams, and work on the record - just the desire to transfer their own feelings to the listeners, talk about their understanding of those sensations that sometimes experienced a person.

"The creation of an album is similar to the implementation of my dream, although I have never had such a dream. It's still hard for me to believe that it happened. But these songs are a real expression of my feelings, so I looked forward to share them with everyone, "the actor said in an interview with Rolling Stone.
David spiritual wrote a book

In December 2016, American began working on a new record. A photograph from the recording studio with the relevant signed signature was published on the Facebook page.

A talented artist showed himself and on a literary field. The first book of David was the name "Sacred Cow", it was told about three animals who escaped from the owner in search of the best living conditions. The debut edition of the spiritual appeared on the bestseller list The New York Times. In the second novel, the "steep tanks of Dent" speech about the opposition of two baseball teams.

Personal life

High, static (David - 184 cm growth, weight is 77-80 kg) The actor has always been the focus. Personal life of the spiritual is actively discussed in the media. The star for a long time could not find a permanent companion of life, since he was not satisfied with the monogamous relationship. The actor who has a beautiful appearance has never suffered from a lack of female attention. He had novels with actresses Perry Rivz and Vinon Rider, but such relationships continued for long.

Tea Leoni and David Spiritual

In 1997, the world star still found the only one who wanted to associate his life. David Gukhovan married Actress Tea Leoni, who gave birth to him two children - the daughter of Madelein West and the son of Kid Miller. After 11 years of marriage David and Tea decided to part, after which the actor officially admitted that he suffers from hypersexuality.

Even before the wedding, the star of the screen turned to the rehabilitation center with this problem, but then David could not confess to reporters in true intentions, called alcoholism hospitalization. Repeatedly passing treatment in a private clinic from addiction, the man once again decided to reunite with his wife. In 2009, the spouses began to live together. True, already in 2011, the disagreements, destroying marriage, appeared in the family of the spiritual. In 2014, the couple officially divorced. According to rumors, the disease has not retreated from the artist, causing suffering from close.

David spiritual with his wife and children

More than once in the press reported the novel of the spiritual with partner on "secret materials" Gillian Anderson. The fans of the television series believe that the actors who played Scully and Mulder agents are not only found, but also secretly issued marriage. Celebrities refuse to comment on such information today.

The actor monitors health and regularly appears in the gym. Previously, David loved playing sports, but with age, his choice fell on a safer kind of training.

David spiritual

In 2017, rumors about the novel of David Gukhovanie with an athlete Monique Pendlberry were leaked to American media. Photo pairs appeared in many international tabloids. At one time, the girl played for the football team The Eagles and was educated at University California in Irway. Acquaintance has happened thanks to a friend of the actor, the owner of Sunlife Organies, where Pendlberry worked at that time.

David Spiritual and Monique Pendlberry

The girl was the younger choice for 33 years, but it did not prevent a pair to find a common language. Monique accompanied the actor on the set of the next season of "secret materials", which took place in Vancouver, and then the lovers flew into Malibu, where they met with the parents of the girl. Now lovers continue to meet, which confirm the pictures of paparazzi.

David spiritual now

In 2017, the audience saw the spiritual in the film "Twin Pix: Return". The first two episodes of popular American film vehicles were presented at the Cannes Film Festival.

Among the novelties of 2018, the 11th season of the series "Secret Materials", which, by the way, is devoted to the Most of the posts on the personal profiles of the actor in the "Instagram" and "Twitter" filmography.

David Spiritual and and Gilian Anderson in 2018

Despite the fact that Rumors about David's novel and Gillian in real life did not find confirmation, on the screen of their heroes still associated their relatives. The romance of specialists developed throughout the 7th season. Then Scully and Mulder became the parents of the son of William. And his sudden loss went on the basis of the storyline of the last part of the television film.


  • 1988 - "Business Girl"
  • 1990-1991 - "Twin Pix"
  • 1992 - "Beethoven"
  • 1992-1996 - "Red shoe diaries"
  • 1993 - "California"
  • 1993-2002 - "Secret Materials"
  • 1998 - "Secret Materials: Fighting for the Future"
  • 2001 - "Single arrows"
  • 2005 - "Secrets of the Past"
  • 2007-2014 - "Bludlivaya California"
  • 2008 - "Secret Materials: Want to believe"
  • 2015-2016 - "Aquarius"
  • 2016-2018 - "Secret Materials"
  • 2017 - Twin Pix

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