Ruslan Alekhno - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Wife, Julia Krasnikova, International Fan Club, VKontakte 2021



Ruslan Alekhno does not cease to surprise his fans with talent and artistry. Charismatic and scenic chain allow the Contractor every year to increase the army of fans. The Belarusian singer has not only great vocals, he knows how to build in the images of popular artists from different eras.

Childhood and youth

The artist was born on October 14, 1981 in the Belarusian city of Bobruisk. Father Ruslan Fyodor Vasilyevich was a military man, and Galina Ivanovna's mother is the seam. There is a singer and younger brother Yuri, known for his designer talents in Europe. From childhood, the boy had a special passion for music and singing. Already at 8 years old, Ruslan entered the music school and she successfully graduated from her class of pipes and bayan.

Also during the receipt of the musical education, the young singer mastered the game on keyboard tools and guitar. According to the artist, he always wanted to sing and perform on a big stage. From 15 years, young tagging took an active part in vocal competitions in which he deservedly received the main prizes.

After graduating from high school, the Future Star of Estrada entered the Bobruis State Automotive College. According to him, he did it only for the sake of a cheerful student life. Ruslan did not forget about music for a minute and continued to show vocal talents in urban and international competitions.

Having received a diploma of higher education, Alekhno went to serve in the army. At first, the young man fell into air defense troops, but, manifesting himself with an excellent vocalist, was transferred to the academic ensemble of the song and dance of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus, with whom four years in Europe toured.


The creative quarry of the pop singer began since childhood. But he received wide popularity in 2004 after the triumphal victory at the prestigious competition "People's Artist - 2". This event opened Ruslan path to a large scene and recognition of fans. After the victory on the project, the singer recorded the victory of the song "Unusual" in the composition of the trio with Alexander Panayotov and Alexey Chumakov, which blew up all musical channels and radio stations.

In 2008, Alekhno took part in Eurovision from Belarus, on which he spoke with the song Hasta La Vista, written for him by the soloist of the Prime Minister Group Taras Demchuk and Eleonor Melnik. The singer could not win in the European-scale superconcourt, but his speech increased the rating of spectators, he recorded a new one, the album monotored with the hit album.

In 2015, the popular pop artist participated in the 3rd season of the one-to-one reincarnation show, which started on February 8 on the TV channel "Russia 1", and was recognized as the winner of the season by popular voting. During the participation in the competition, Ruslan embodied on stage 36 images. The singer especially remembered work on reincarnation in Andrei Mironova, as they needed to use acting skills more here than the singer. To recreate the image, the artist even had to apply two pairs of contact lenses to achieve such a color of the eyes like "Ostab Bender."

In 2016, Ruslan also appeared in the show "one to one. The battle of seasons, "where he took the honorable second place. The competitive repertoire of the Contractor again entered the bright and brilliantly presented "reincarnation". Moreover, among them were like men's images (for example, a magnificent room in which the singer tried on the image of Valery Leontyeva) and female. The audience was delighted with the Romance of Tchapeshi, where the vocalist portrayed Fain Ranevskaya.

In 2019, Alekhno performed at the stage of blind auditions in the "Voice" show. At that time, the artist chose the composition "Substitute music" from the repertoire of Yaak Joala. Raymond Pauls became the song by the composer, and the poems wrote Andrei Voznesensky. The judges did not appreciate the brilliant performance of the vocalist, which caused a storm of negative reviews from network users.


2005 In the musical biography of the singer was pretty fruitful. He starred in the clips, participated in international vocal contests and continued to work on the expansion of the repertoire. Also, the vocalist concluded a contract with the FBI Music Production Center and released the album "Sooner or Late", consisting of 12 compositions.

Since 2012, the next creative stage has started in the life of the artist. Alekhno recorded the compositions "Do not forget" and "we will stay", and later with the hit "Favorite" became the laureate of the Belarusian "Song of the Year - 2013". Then the singer released the album "heritage", which included the songs of the war years in gratitude to the veterans who won fascism during the Great Patriotic War.

In 2014, Ruslan and Valeria recorded the star hit "Heart of glass", the clip to which the famous film director Egor Konchalovsky was shot. The song Duet ranked top positions in the ratings of prestigious musical charts. With the same composition, Ruslan and Valeria spoke at the Royal Albert Hall of the city of London and pleased the audience with her talent.

In November 2017, the Music Youth Project "Together a Voice" started on the World TV channel, in which young musicians from neighboring countries participated. The organizer of the musical teleconcurs was the founder of the La Group Production Center Lina Arifulina, the owner of Teffi. Alekhno entered the number of project mentors. The company was made up by Margarita Pozoyan, Mark Tishman and other performers.

In 2017, a festive hit "New, New Year" appeared in the repertoire of Ruslana, which also participated in the Assorti, Alexey Chumakov, Alexander Panayotov, Alexey Goman. Alekhno also never ceased to support young musicians from Belarus.

For example, in May on the TV project "You're super!" The NTV channel Singer came out to greet the Belarusian performer faith Yaroshik. In 2019, the vocalist pleased the fans with the new album "My Soul" with the title composition "I will give you love," and a year later I presented the fans of the tracks "Let's forget" and "Lonely World".

Public position

In September 2020, Ruslan, among other performers, became a bulling object. The reason for this was the song called "Favorite do not give", created by the Belarusian authors by Evgeny Oleinik and Julia Bykov. According to the authors, they wrote a composition in support of Alexander Lukashenko as the current President of Belarus based on the results of the August elections.

The track was based on the phrase from Alexander Grigorievich's speech with the message to the people and Parliament. The song was performed by the Belarusian and Russian artists, among whom Nikolai Baskov, Philip Kirkorov and others were. After entering the video on YouTube users networks, customized opposition, began to send angry comments and threats to project participants.

In an interview, Alekhno admitted, agreed to present this composition without thinking. Lukashenko's policy, according to the singer, faithful. The artist itself is often in his homeland, where his parents live. In the performance of the song about love for the Motherland, where he was born and grew, the vocalist did not see anything crazy. The track displaced the position of Ruslan - "For peace and friendship with Russia, for peace in my country."

Personal life

The personal life of the artist was stormy. With the future wife, actress Irina Medvedeva, the artist was familiar with the youthful years - young people lived in one city. At a certain point, they decided to conquer the Russian capital and moved to Moscow. Soon, luck smiled in both: Ruslan became a member of the "People's Artist", and Irina received a job in a comedic project "6 frames". In 2009, the couple decided to get married.

However, the marriage was short-lived - after a couple of years, the spouses broke up. The media reported that the ambitious Ruslan could not stand the rapid acting career of his wife, which began to appear not only on the screen, but also in the metropolitan theatrical scene. The singer himself rejected these speculations, admitting that in the Union with the Medvedeva he lacked home heat and comfort due to the permanent employment of Irina at work.

The artist responded positively in an interview about the ex-spouse and considered it the only man who was able to open the soul. The performer also said that he was not going to marry in the near future, the more he sees a woman next to him from the artistic environment. But unexpectedly for himself Ruslan met the lady of the heart.

An acquaintance occurred at a wedding from a common friend, after which the Roman began between Alekhno and Julia. Soon the lovers got married, and in 2017 the second spouse gave the singer daughter Barbar. Julia's herself is a versatile personality. The chosen by the artist received 4 higher education, in particular philological and designer.

In the VKontakte community, an international fan club appeared, on the pages of which are now posted news about the work of the artist, photo and video of Ruslana's speeches. The singer himself leads an instagram account, where it is also divided with subscribers by what is important for him.

Ruslan Alekhno now

In 2021, the artist continued creative activities. In May, it became known that Alekhno entered the jury of the first season of the Belarusian version of the show "X-factor". Together with the singer of talented contestants, the musical critic Sergei Negro, Raper Serega and Olga Buzova, was evaluated. In an interview, Ruslan said that the project should radically change the vector of the development of the Music industry of Belarus, to open the world of bright and charismatic artists.


  • 2005 - "Sooner or later"
  • 2008 - Hasta La Vista
  • 2013 - "Heritage"
  • 2015 - "Favorites"
  • 2017 - "I will give you love"
  • 2019 - "My Soul"


  • "People's Artist - 2"
  • "Eurovision"
  • "One to one"
  • "Voice"
  • "X-factor"

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