Alexey Borodin - biography, personal life, photo, news, director, theater rant, age, family, rewards 2021



Sergey Nikolayevich, the editor-in-chief "Snoba", considers Khuduka Ramut Alexei Borodin, the most educated and intelligent man from all those who met in his life path. Despite the solid age of the director, its performances still cause live response from youth.

Childhood and youth

The future director was born on June 6, 1941 in the city of Qingdao, based 50 years before his birth. The city was part of the manzhou-go state, created by the Japanese in China, occupied in the 30s of the XX century. About Pu and - the head of the puppet state formation, which ceased to exist after World War II, Bernardo Bertolucci shot the film "The Last Emperor".

Alexey is the firstborn in the family of Vladimir Alexandrovich and Zinaida Yakovlevna Borodiny, shortly after his birth to those who moved to Shanghai. Parents presented the son of three sisters: Natalia, Tatiana and Mary, the eldest of which (in marriage of Nikolaev) in 2012, published a book "Family Chronicles" in 2012, in which, on the basis of archives, photographs and childhood memories, restored the history of their relatives.

The great-grandmother and great-grandfather Alexey Vladimirovich came to China for the construction of the CERE, and after the revolution, it was preferred to remain in the subway. Vladimir Alexandrovich, who was educated in St. Petersburg and Prague, had a youth in the United States, and then created a paint plant in Shanghai. The family of Borodins had a big house with a servant. Children stood the performances that Alexey directed. The boy has already informed his relatives in childhood that he would become an artist.

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Parents with children often visited the Club "Society of Citizens of the USSR in Shanghai", and in the 4th grade transferred firstborn from the English school to Soviet. Borodins represented life in the USSR on the films of Gregory Alexandrov and Ivan Pyriev and dreamed of repatriation.

The first attempt to return to the Soviet Union The family took in 1947. However, consular officers advised Borodin to abandon the idea, motivating that the relocation would be too heavy for young children. In fact, almost all repatriates of the Stalinist pores were repressions, many were crossed in camps.

Borodins were repatriated in 1954 and, having spent one winter in Kazakhstan, received a house in Pushkin near Moscow. At the age of 13, Alexey first visited Moscow, which he had previously seen on the screen. A trip along with sisters on the father's car, the first visit to the Red Square and Lenin Mountains Borodin remembers now.

A little later, the teenager went to Moscow on the train independently and on his return told his parents that he found the university in which he would learn. After receiving the certificate of maturity, the native Qingdao realized the intention. However, Gitis Borodin entered from the second attempt, and after 3 years of study on the theater, the Faculty decided to switch to the directorial.

Yuri Zavadsky and Irina Anisimov-Wolfe became mentors of Alexey in the university. A student who lives in the Moscow region has not relied on a hostel. Borodin traveled to the Institute on the train and chose flights with the greatest time on the way - on the way to Moscow, the young man read books. Sometimes early raises turned around for a man's guy at lectures, but Yuri Alexandrovich was liberally treated the provinces of a talented student. Alexey was an insection theater and all his life remembered Giselle with Galina Ulanova in the Bolshoi Theater and the "Fruits of Enlightenment" in Mkate.


The first formulation of the novice director was the stage in 1968 "two comrades" in Smolensk theater. The performance was defeated for "formalism".

From 1973 to 1980, Borodin led in the city of Kirov Tyuzom, which is now called the theater on Spasskaya. In 1980, Alexey Vladimirovich headed the Central Children's Theater, after 12 years I have changed the name to the Russian Academic Youth Theater. During the years of stagnation, TsDT turned into a platform of the official, who survived at the expense of forced cultures of schoolchildren. The new leader began to fight the practice of school adsidiviki - Borodin is convinced that visits to the theater should not be carried out from under the stick.

The first noisy success of the Moscow theater headed by Alexey Vladimirovich became the play "Trap No. 46, the growth of the second", in which football fans were first became heroes. At the beginning of the XXI century, Borodino drags of the works of Boris Akunin became sensations of theatrical Moscow. Now the Ramt considers the British playwright to be a British playwright that Stoppard, whose plays with Anchelas go in the building on the theater Square. Borodin has a number of state awards, including the Order "For Merit to Fatherland" IV and III degrees.

Since 1971, Alexey Vladimirovich teaches in his native university. Among the students of the master, actors such as Mikhail Polikamaco and Chulpan Hamatov, as well as the star of the series Vladimir Chuprikov, whose earthly biography was cut off in the fall of 2020.

Personal life

With the future wife of Elena, Vladimirovna Borodin met even during childhood in China. Lelia, as the girl's name was native and friends, from the 4th grade studied at the same school with Alexey, and her father owned the kiosk in which the boy bought Russian books and magazines.

After the wedding in the family of Borodins, two children were born, one of which named after Grandfall Vladimir was headed by Russian newspapers "Izvestia" and "Labor", and now lives in the United States and is engaged in a restaurant business, but does not consider himself an emigrant. Elena Vladimirovna and Alexey Vladimirovich five of grandchildren.

Alexey Borodin now

On February 4, 2021, the premiere of the play "Woe from Wit", supplied by Borodin, took place in the Russian Academic Youth Theater. Reviewers noted the ease and romanticism of the production, in which Chatsky is not so much the observer of the obstacles, how many in love is a young man, and Famusov is not a singer, and the obstacle with age. In an interview, Borodin admits that in the interpretation of the play by Alexander Griboyedov, the Roman Yuri Tynyanova "Death of Vazir-Mukhtara" very much helped him.

In June 2021, the artistic director of the Ramma turned 80 years old, and a month later, the centenary anniversary was noted the theater headed by him. On the eve of the anniversary, Alexey Vladimirovich gave an interview with the Russian newspaper and the Moskvich publication, which shared the details of the biography and personal life. And on June 10, the director, together with the actress Nelli Uvarov, 20 years of serving in the Russian Academic Youth Theater, visited the "Evening Urgant".

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