Irina Khakamada - biography, personal life, photo, news, politician, public figure, politician, books, youtyub-canal, lectures 2021



Irina Khakamada - Radio and TV presenter, author of books and leading master classes. In "zero" she managed to make a brilliant political career. Later, the lady switched to social life and coaching.

Childhood and youth

Hakamada Irina Mutsovna was born on April 13, 1955 in Moscow in an international family. Father of the future policy of Mutsu Khakamada, Japanese by nationality, turned out to be a revolutionary who immigrated to the Soviet Union in 1939. He left his wife and children in his homeland, who, according to Irina Mutsovna, he continued to love, already being in the Union. Union with Nina Josephovna became a marriage for the calculation - otherwise the Japanese would not have been able to receive citizenship.

The mother had Russian and Armenian roots and worked as a teacher of English. From parents Irina got a mixed nationality and a sonorous surname, which a woman returned to himself, even having been married. The "iron lady" of Russia does not like to remember their childhood due to the fact that this period was not the happiest in her life.

With parents who did not pay the attention of his daughter, Irina was not in close relationship. Father did not fully own the Russian language and did not understand how to communicate with the child, which grows in the cultural conditions alien to him. Mom girls constantly sick and at all wishes could not spend a lot of time with his daughter. One day, when Mutsu decided to raise his hand on Nina Josephovna, a 10-year-old daughter was not afraid to hit his parent head in his stomach, beating his desire to repeat the deed.

As a child, Irina did not get very well and with peers who did not want to take a girl with non-standard appearance in their circle. Such an attitude led to the fact that she had complexes, one time she lived with the feeling of his wrongness and unnecessaryness. At the age of 14, Irina decided that she could not continue further, and herself, without any help, began to fight fears and problems.

At the end of High School, Irina entered the University of Peoples' Friendship. Patrice Lumumba, at the Faculty of Economics. In his youth, having received a higher education, defended her thesis on the same area at the Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov, and in 1983 he received the title of associate professor on political economy.

Career and politics

Success came to Irina not immediately. In adulthood, she entered into a single mother with a non-Russian surname. To work the girl did not want to take. Despite the prestigious diploma, she got only a night guard. In his youth, also worked in the manufacture of confectionery.

Career Khakamada started in 1980. Then the future politician took the position of the Junior Researcher of the Research Institute of State University of state. The next 5 years, Irina Mutsovna worked in the station, starting with the post of senior teacher, and later became the head of the department.

In 1989, the Candidate of Economic Sciences was plunged into business and headed the Cooperative Systems + Programs. At the same time, he was led by the information and analytical center and was the main expert of the Russian commodity exchange. In addition to entrepreneurship, he was engaged in charity, creating a helping service to be patients at home in the Sverdlovsk region of the capital.

In 1992, Khakamada created a "batch of economic freedom", which became the start of her future political career. From this point on, the Women's business sharply went uphill. In 1993, the lady was elected to the State Duma of the Russian Federation an independent deputy, in 1994 she organized the Liberal Deputy Group "Liberal Democratic Union", and in 1996 he became a member of the State Duma Committee on taxes, budget, finance and banking system.

In 1997, Irina Mutsunova headed the Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation for the Development and Support for Small Entrepreneurship. In 2004, he highlighted his candidacy for the elections of the President of Russia, at the same time, the post of Chairman of the Democratic Party "Our Choice" was taken, which after a while he became part of the People's Democratic Union public movement. In November 2012, Khakamad became a member of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation on human rights issues and the development of civil society.

Thanks to the successful political activities of the lady in 1995, Time magazine called the "politician of the XXI century", having allocated its 100 most successful and well-known women in the world. Also, according to the results of social support, Irina Mutsovna has repeatedly become a woman of the year. In 2003, the publicist became a guest of the Talk Show of Avdoti Smirnova and Tatiana Tatstnaya "School of Crossing".

Then the "iron lady" of Russia decided to retrain and, departing from politics, concentrated on the literature. In addition to a number of scientific publications and articles in leading media, Irina has been writing books. The first work of Khakamada "SEX in big politics" came out in 2006.

Literally a year later, the author released a love-political novel "Love. Out of the game, "on the reasons of which in the future planned to remove the feature film. In 2006, Irina Mutsovna, together with the fashion designer Lena Makashova, created and released a collection of fashionable clothes under the Khakam brand. Since 2008, Khakamada manifests itself in the role of TV host of own copyright programs. According to her, she does not plan to return to politics in the near future, but also silently for what is happening in the country and the world, a former deputy also does not intend.

Along with this, the business woman conducts trainings and master classes to the Russians, sharing with people their own experience of achieving success without limiting freedom. Irina Mutsovna also teaches MGIMO and International Business School under the Government of the Russian Federation. According to the results of trainings, she released the books "Success in the Big City" and "Tao Life", which are in great demand for readers. Editions have become a source of current quotes and winged phrases.

In 2009, Khakamad conducted a course of career lectures for women "Kaif, Drive and Career" in many cities of Russia. Despite the declared topic, most of the master classes occupied conversations about men, in particular about male polygamy. Irina convinced the listeners that it was normal that her husbands had always changed her, and she did not see any problem in this. According to Irina Mutsovna, the path to female happiness lies through the recognition of this fact and the refusal of jealousy and attempts to tie a man to him.

Hakamada acted in the transfer of "Lectures on the" Rain "" and in such a slight experimental format talked to the audience about leadership and responsibility. The video of the program went through the Internet under the speaker name "awesome lecture of a smart woman."

Irina Mutsovna led anti-crisis training for women, where they advised not to lie on maternity leave and not be afraid to open their own business. The Khakamad courses called on to stop sitting off and afraid, start investing in herself, their knowledge and impressions. She called the modern era of "Chaos Time", said that to achieve success and recognition, she needs to match, be mobile and easy, do not try to entrenched for material values ​​like houses and cars.

Hakamada was officially out of politics back in 2008, but continued to loudly express a public position and comment on the global situation. As an experienced politician, the lady paid special attention to the situation in Ukraine. In his statements, the publicist accused Russia to incite the conflict in Ukraine, stating this in the media.

In April 2014, Irina Mutsuna on the radio "Echo Moscow" was called by the accession of Crimea to Russia "Annexia", accusing the Russian authorities and, in particular, Vladimir Putin in attempts to dismiss Ukrainian citizens. Such a public position of Khakamada, its statements were interesting to Ukraine, where ex-policies increasingly began to invite to participate in discussions in the role of an expert on the Ukrainian problem, where it shares its subjective opinion of a liberal nature.

In 2015, after the death of Boris Nemtsov, the leader of the Soyuz of Right Forces party, Irina gave a great interview in which he told about friendship with a politician and called him a "man of cosmic charm." In 2017, "13 brutal rules for women" appeared on the network, in which the publicist shared with a female audience accumulated over the years of life experience.

Irina Mutsovna continued to occupy an active life position. In addition to holding trainings, Khakamada often appeared at the secular events of the capital. In October 2018, she became Chairman of the Jury Competition "Miss Office", which was held in the 9th time. The final of the event in which the winner was determined, took place on December 1 on the stage of the Moscow youth center "Planet KVN".

In the same year, as a guest, the publicist acted in the transfer "And to talk?". And the Bibliography of Khakamada was replenished with a new book "Restart: how to live a lot of lives." In 2019, the fans saw Irina in the Kira Program Program "Wife. Love story". And on the Yutiub-Channel there appeared a video master class "Restart: Reboot".

Style and appearance

For many years, Irina Mutsovna never ceased to be considered an icon of style. Pretty quickly image policy has become recognizable thanks to a thoughtful image. Khakamada prefers black color in clothes as a dominant, complementing costumes with original accessories. Crawls in which the publicist appeared in the public turned out to be concisely sophisticated, reminiscent of Japanese minimalism.

An integral part of the image, with which the lady got used to associate the public, became glasses (without which it practically did not leave) and a short hairstyle. Irina Mutsovna carefully chose the rims, which harmoniously approached the facial features, and also admired fans asmetric or short-triggered bangs. To share with fans of advice on the upbringing of taste, Khakamada released the book "In anticipation of herself. From image to style. "

However, there were those who noted the "non-humanity" of beauty politics. Online appeared articles with photos of the publicist of different periods, which demonstrated the presence of plastics in the appearance of Irina Mutsovna. Users noted that on the face of the lady noticeably the use of fillers, while the neck gives the true age. Despite similar comments, the writer retains an excellent physical form, having a slender figure aged 60+ with an increase in 175 cm and weigh 65 kg.

Personal life

The personal life of Irina Khakamada, as well as its political biography, is saturated and diverse. The first time she married in 18 years for Valeria Kotlyarov. To such early marriage "Iron Lady" of Russia pushed the desire for independence and the desire of independence outside the parental house. In the first marriage, in which her son Daniel was born, Irina lived 6 years.

The relationship was crashed after Irina met the second chosen one - Sergey Zlobin. Khakamada not thinking filed for a divorce with her first husband. Life with a new beloved did not bring personal happiness to a woman, and she decided to break the relationship.

Then the third marriage was followed with Dmitry Suinhenko, the ex-president of the investment company Rinako, with whom Irina also lived for a long time. Meeting with the current husband Vladimir Sirotinsky allowed a woman to feel truly happy. With him, she gained not only true love, heat and mutual understanding, but also powerful support in all its endeavors.

In 1997, in 42 years, an experienced politician-economist gave birth to the long-awaited daughter Maria. Only recently it became known that the daughter of Irina Khakamada belongs to the category of special children, she was diagnosed with "Down Syndrome". Moreover, in 2004, the girl was diagnosed with blood leukemia. But thanks to the professionalism of Russian doctors and the fact that daughter's disease was revealed to reveal at an early stage, the heiress of the hakamada managed to save and heal in a short time hered from cancer.

Children of Khakamada, according to her, did not interfere with her to lead political and social activities. And even when a collision with difficulties in the struggle for the life of her own child, the steel character of Irina Mutsovna allowed her to survive the vicinations of fate and to withstand all the tests with dignity.

Publicist accounts in social networks, including Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Microblogs for it - the ability to share their knowledge with subscribers and receive new information.

Over time, the daughter of Irina Khakamada, Maria Sirotinskaya, became a media personality. Her novel with Vlad Sithdikov, the champion in the press of the barbell Lyzh, was discussed in the program Andrei Malakhov "Let them talk." The couple became the guests of release "Male / Women." On the air of the transfer, young people told that they met in the theater studio, which have been visited for several years.

Soon Masha, together with Mom, spoke on the issue of "Live Great!". The girl shared with Elena Malyshevy plans for the future. Maria visits college, has established ceramics production. In May 2018, Masha and Vlad participated in a fashionable show. Lovers planned to play the wedding, but Mary's mother advised not to rush with such a responsible step.

Irina Khakamad itself often becomes the heroine of popular gears. On the TV show "Stars came together" she told TV viewers about how one day he made the most expensive purchase. Irina acquired a fur coat from Barguzinsky sable for € 50 thousand, for money that earned in personal trainings for one influential client. Interestingly, the purchase of a business coach made secret from the spouse.

Irina Khakamada now

In 2020 he continued to conduct a coach program. On the official website of the business coach publishes news about performances and master classes. Also wishing to participate in the popular Khakamaton training-marathon, which Irina Mutsovna called a guide for personal effectiveness in everyday life, work and relationships. In "Instagram" the ladies appeared a video in which she shared with the subscribers of opinion on self-insulation and coronavirus.

Also, the public figure gave an interview to Boris Korchevnikov in his project "The Fate of Man". Khakamad told the TV presenter of childhood and youth, about relations with husbands and children. Guest Studio also turned out to be Maria Sirotinskaya. The daughter of Irina Mutsovna told that he broke up with a boyfriend. Prior to that, the media appeared information that Masha married. Now the girl is engaged in the project Nelli Uvarov "naive? Very".

In 2021, the master class "Tao Life: Three Steps to Success" was prepared for the residents of Yekaterinburg.


  • 1995 - "General case"
  • 1999 - "Maiden Surname"
  • 2002 - "Features of the National Policy"
  • 2006 - "SEX in big politics. Self-Made Woman Tutorial »
  • 2007 - "Love, outside the game. The history of one political suicide "
  • 2012 - "Tao Life: Master class from a convinced individualist"
  • 2014 - "In anticipation of yourself: from the image to style"
  • 2018 - "Restart: how to live a lot of lives"

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