Natalia Vodyanova - biography, personal life, news, photos, children, "instagram", age, husband Antoine Arno 2021



Natalia Vodyanova is supermodel, the face of several fashionable houses, a large mother and a benefactor. Despite the official completion of the career, it continues to appear on glossy covers and world podiums, which has been successfully combining this activity with work in the Foundation.

Childhood and youth

Natalia Vodyanova's biography, Cinderella from Nizhny Novgorod, really looks like a fairy tale. Her success story is a rapid takeoff until the transcendental heights from the very called, the bottom.

Natalia was born under the sign of the zodiac fish on February 28, 1982 in a poor family. Father Mikhail Vodyanova The girl does not remember: parents broke up early. Troy daughters Mom Larisa Viktorovna Gromova brought up herself. One of the girls was disabled from childhood - Sister Vodyanova Oksana was born with a severe form of autism and cerebral palsy.

This caused not only numerous material, but also psychological problems: at that time, such diagnoses did not indulge in publicity, how to educate and communicate with special children, families had to be found in experienced. Such life has greatly influenced the future benefactor. Communication with the sister taught it to appreciate every moment and pushed to help the needy.

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Years later, the celebrity admitted the press that in childhood, nothing know about the diagnosis of Oksana, jealous of the sister, which was given all care and attention. Natalia itself was forced to quickly grow up to help the family and feel fully experienced, what is responsibility, looking after a sore sister.

Mother had a tight, and Natalia helped her to trade in the bazaar of fruit, taking 30-kilogram boxes with a commodity. About new clothes The future star of the podium in childhood did not even dreamed: I had to keep the old one. Education She went to receive to the Nizhny Novgorod Pedagogical College, and at 16, Vodyanov was enrolled in the model agency Evgenia. When Natalia recalls an early age, recognizes that it was not from the lungs. As the model told in one interview, she truly began to smile only in his youth.

At one of the appearse, the girl was noticed by the scout of Viva Model Management agencies and invited to the casting of the French feshene-company to Moscow. The appearance of the Slavic Beauty conquered the French, and then the events developed on the scenario of the fairy tales. After a few months, the girl went to Paris, where the model biography of Natalia Vodyanova began.

Podiums of the world

In 1999, Jean-Paul Gautier himself noted in Paris in Paris. Immediately after the event, Kuturier offered a beginner model of Russian nationality. The beginning of the career was not easy: the competition was incredible, and all the money earned went to the food and payment of the apartment.

It was from the Russian Cinderella in his youth and her godfather. Has her wealthy Frenchman, a doctor in the specialty. He sheltered the girl and decided many household problems. And also helped Natalia focus on learning English and work. The man and now remained another and later even became the godfather's father of the child Wateranova.

After participating in the New York Week of High Fashion on Natalia, suggestions fell. And soon she shone on the show Gucci, Ives Saint-Laurent, Calvin Klein. The model was starred for Vogue and Harper's Bazaar.

In 2002, Vodyanova became the most popular model on the New York Fashion Week. She spoke at once for 19 designers. At the same time, Natalia became the "face and body" Calvin Klein, who signed a contract with the Russian model. In the same year, she opened and closed the shows of the Ives Saint-Laurent collections, which are considered the most prestigious fashion in the world.

Triumph Steel Shooting for the calendar for 2004 Pirelli. This honor falls only to beautiful women in the world. Natalia, according to Sunday Times, entered the third hundred most wealthy people in the UK. So, in 2003, she earned more than £ 3.6 million.

In 2007, it became known that Vodyanova is the official person of the French House "Chanel". She visited the shows of collections in Paris, but it is noteworthy that the fashion house itself did not comment on his choice. Natalia became the face of the autumn collection of cosmetics.

In early 2008, already in the status of a large mother of Vodyanova announced the care of model business. She decided to devote himself to family, children and charity. The appearance of celebrity at the Haute Couture Valentino collection has become the last in the official career of supermodel.

Nevertheless, Natalia from time to time returns to the podiums and participates in some modes of fashion as a guest star for very large fees. So, Vodyanova became the official face of the advertising campaign of the Spirit "Schalimar". She struck fans with a storm view, starring in advertising brand nude. Among the subsequent works, it is celebrated in the photose session of the Euphoria fragrance of the Calvin Klein brand.

In 2017, Natalia Vodyanova discovered a new direction of activism - became the face of the Environmental Collection of the Brand H & M. The model posed in a light flying dress from pleated fabric. But the appearance of clothes was not special, but its material. Dress, like the other things in the collection, made from the new material Bionic, and in morestally, from the recycled secondary waste found in the oceans and in the coastal zone.

Soon the model began to participate in the activities of "Nude Hearts". To promote the charity foundation, she used the site on which news, the history of helping children and adolescents, as well as the Youtyub-Channel.

In 2019, Supermodel visited the fashion show of Louis Vuitton's fashion house, where Chloe Metz was also noted, Justin Tera, Alicia Vikander and Justin Timberlake.

Now Natalia is removed from time to time in fashionable photo shoots. For example, in 2020 the model took part in the advertising campaign of the Luxury Burberry brand, appearing in front of the cameras in the bathing suit.

Television and social activities

In 2001, Natalia first tried herself in cinema. She played in the film "Stragonfly". Later, the model filmography has been replenished with several more paintings. In the "Battle of Titans", she appeared in the image of the jellyfish gorgon, in the romantic comedy "Lovers" reincarnated in the heroine Ariana, the beloved character of Jonathan Ris-Myers. But the cinema was not inspired by the celebrity.

In 2009, Natalia received a place for the co-host semifinals of the International Music Competition "Eurovision", held in Moscow. Andrei Malakhov became the second leading.

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Love for children affected all celebrity activities. In 2013, she became a new TV host popular children's show "Voice. Children "and admitted the press that she came to the transmission only because he loves children. Dmitry Nagiyev acted as a co-model model. Repeatedly Vodyanova became the heroine of the television show "Evening Urgant".

Natalia regularly participates in sporting events. So, in 2014, she became a participant in the Presentation "Sochi-2014", held in Vancouver, later appeared at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Sochi. Also led the draw ceremony for the qualifying tournament of the World Cup - 2018.


Popularity and large revenues allowed Natalia to think about the well-being not only his own family, but also around the world. Soon, charity became an integral and large part of the model's life.

Poor and problematic childhood, the sister's illness of Oksana was forever crashed into the memory of Vodyanova. When fame and wealth brought it to the very top of Olympus, Natalia did not come out. In 2004, the model with world glory was founded by the Nude Heart Foundation for the construction of playgrounds in Russia and abroad.

The fund is engaged not only by construction, he also carries information and educational functions. Natalia recalls, in which information Vacuum had to live her relatives, and does not want other families who are hard because of the child's disease, were also forced to pass through it.

The press knitted a foundation with a sick sister Natalia, but the celebrity said that it was not sympathy to work with children's playgrounds, but his own past. The sister due to autism did not feel so strongly wasolation as the little Natasha, who was always walked from Oksana and felt a strong remoteness from other children. According to Wateranova, in childhood no one wants to stand out, it is the prerogative of adolescents and adults, on the contrary, at an early age everyone wants to be together and the same, so the model and engaged in the construction of such places where all children will be able to play together.

The logo for the foundation has developed and painted the first husband Wateranova Justin Portman. In a short period, the organization has built more than one hundred game sites and parks in 68 cities of Russia.

In 2011, Natalia opened another charity program "Each child is worthy of family", which is engaged in the problems of children with the peculiarities of development. The main activity here is aimed at changing the system that established in Russia, in which more and more families refuse kids with features.

Vodyanova is a famous philanthropist that participates in various international projects as a invited star. So, in 2017 she visited Mumbai to the shares of the charity organization "Education to Girls". The model struck the public in a new way in the dress of the Dutch designer Iris Wang Herpen.


In 2015, the scandal broke out. Sister model insulted and expelled from the park cafe. Due to the diagnosis, the girl has specific appearance and behavior, which, according to the leadership of the cafe, frightened the rest of the visitors. An unpleasant conflict broke out. Oksana's mother even caused a police to punish offenders. ACCOUNT CAFE ACCOUNTED ACCOUNT ACCOUNT OF INSULTATION OF HAVE AND DENTALITY. The conflict was interested in stars and world media, who spoke in support of the Kwyanovoy and her sister.

According to representatives of the cafe, everything looked differently. As the press writes, the girl wanted to drink and went for a bar counter, and when they tried it to be not allowed into the office space and send a place to intended for visitors, began to beat his head about the wall. After that, Oksana was offered to call an ambulance and offered to leave the cafe. She allegedly continued to beat his head, and then sat on the floor. Her accompanying did not explain the situation, and the waiters did not know how to react.

According to the staff of the cafe, no one offended Oksana. They offered to call an ambulance, as the girl behaved in a strange way, and no one was sure that she did not receive damage. To put it by force, no one also tried.

Scandal entailed a public resonance. Stars and journalists began to openly talk about the problems and difficulties of disabled. Vodyanova, being an activist and benefactor, recognized that in an unpleasant situation with her sister, their advantages were.

The country was divided into two camps in this matter, and each had their own arguments and reson. Many people supported Vodyanov, they believe that people with peculiarities should receive the same services and the same attitude as the rest of the population. But those who asked a reasonable question about danger were found. After all, the behavior of the girl was dangerous for her herself, and no one in the cafe knew whether a person with mental disorders would not be dangerous for other visitors.

Such a resonance brought out of equilibrium of all participants in the conflict. The Mother Oksana and Natalia asked for questions about journalists to leave her and daughter alone. Cafes and neighboring entertainment points and power points began to avoid the press, and the scandalous institution itself was closed. After the speaker's hands, numerous checks were held in the cafe, which revealed a huge number of violations. The management stated that they are no more violations than the neighboring cafes, they simply "got under distribution" and became hostages of the situation.

Natalia called on the press not to demonize the authorities of the cafe. She met with the bite of sisters and tried to calmly talk about the situation. The sides of each other understood. As the press model stated, it was not bad or cruel people, they did thus simply from surprise and inappropriate, because all Russian society was not adapted to communicate with disabled people and special people.

Beauty and Health Secrets

The celebrity constantly adheres to the diet and even put on her children. With a rise of 176 cm, it weighs from 45 to 50 kg, but the heirs do not require compliance with model standards. Diets for them mother picked up soft and aimed at improving the body.

In an interview for British publications, Natalia explained its methods of upbringing in that it is important to follow the weight and food habits from young age, because the habit of what, how and when there is to stay for life. Vodyanova does not require children to observe complex diets and does not make them hunger, just asks to adhere to the diet, from where various harmful foods are excluded and the amount of sweets is reduced.

At one time, Supermodel was engaged in Yoga and Pilates, but she did not suit her result: her hands became pumped, losing smooth femininity, which did not like Natalia. She found out for himself and engaged in dancing. The model visits a small studio where private lessons takes.

A pharmacy lines of cosmetics prefers as careal lines of the face and hair of Vodyanova: they are the most gentle. In real life, Natalia adheres to natural style and practically does not use makeup. This is the secret of her youth, the supermodel believes.

Personal life

As it should be a true Cinderella, the prince appeared in the personal life of Vodyanova. In Paris, at one of the closed parties, Natalia met a collector of paintings and a free artist Justin Portman, the Englishman by nationality. The 33-year-old aristocrat and the Russian model did not immediately like each other. Their acquaintance was marked with a loud quarrel. But on the second day, Portman called Vodyanova, apologized and offered to meet. Since then, the pair has not separated.

In early 2001, the model went to a photo session to Africa. Traveled along with his Russian chosen and English aristocrat. Natalia returned to Europe to Europe. Justin Portman at the time of the son's appearance was located next to the beloved.

Their firstborn Lucas was born in London, and after 6 weeks after his birth, Vodyanova returned to the podium. Maternity did not affect the appearance of supermodel. The young mother continued to work a lot, but now Justin and Son Lucas were with her everywhere.

Wedding of Vodyanova and Portman played after the birth of the Son. The marriage was recorded on September 1, 2002 in St. Petersburg. The celebration was able to fame. Walked wide, in Russian - 3 days, and a banquet for honored guests were organized in Peterhof. For the newlyweds and their guests rented the throne hall of the Grand Palace and even included fountains. Guests entertained the artists of the ballet of the Mariinsky Theater. Soon the pair had a daughter of Neva, and in 2007, the son of Victor.

However, any fairy tale has the end. The family life of Vodianovoy and her husband ended with a divorce. Journalists believe that the cause of separation was the fact that Natalia met a new love. In 2010, they were talking about her relations with the Russian director Andrei Boltenko, but the rumors were bullied.

The french billionaire, the son of the owner of the LVMH concern Antoine Arno, became the new chief of the model. They met in 2008, during the participation of Wateranova in the photo session "Louis Witton", but romantic relations were developed only in 2011.

Already on first dates, supermodel introduced his chosen one with his family, and not only with children, but also with her grandparents. Arno actively joined Natasha's family affairs and soon offered to move towards him.

In August 2013, Natalia's personal life went on a new scenario: she adopted Antoine's proposal to move from London to noisy Paris. May 2, 2014 Son Maxim was born in civilian spouses. And in June 2016, the son of the novel appeared to the world, which became the fifth child of Wateranova.

In 2019, fans spoke that the celebrity is waiting for the sixth child. In the photo of the Watering subscribers of its account in the "Instagram" saw the changes in the figure, which were written off for pregnancy. Meanwhile, the benefactor did not confirm the fact that pregnant.

Later, Vodyanova and Arno announced the engagement: they played an official wedding in 2020. In January, couples with children drove into a new home. Mansion is located in Paris.

Natalia Vodyanova now

During the Pandemic period, Natalia returned to Moscow. The reason for the arrival in Russia was not a desire to escape from strict restrictive measures in Paris, but a new project of a large mother.

Vodyanova spoke by the author of a fascinating traveler, whose premiere was scheduled for 2021. The format of the transfer called "Russian holidays" was unique - see the beauty of the Kola Peninsula and the Caucasian Mountains had to have children born and grew up in Europe.

Together with Natalia, her senior sons and daughter Neva took part in the project. They, who grew away from the ground, where the bears walk through the streets, "they could not make no further stereotypes. The model decided to show the heirs amazing corners of their homeland. In an interview, Vodyanova expressed the hope that they would be able to love her as well as a mother.

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