Anatoly Sobchak - biography, political career, criminal prosecution, personal life, death, photo and latest news



Anatoly Sobchak is a well-known democratic reformer and a political figure of the "Perestroika", one of the authors of the current Constitution of the Russian Federation, the first mayor of St. Petersburg. In recent years of life, he became a scandalous key figure of Russian politics, accused of corruption, abuse of official duties and bribery. Under his leadership, many high-ranking officials and diplomats of modern Russia worked under his leadership in St. Petersburg, including President Vladimir Putin and Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

Anatoly Sobchak in childhood

Sobchak Anatoly Aleksandrovich was born on August 10, 1937 in Chita in an ordinary family. His father, Alexander Antonovich, worked as an engineer on the railway, and the mother of Nadezhda Andreyevna was an accountant. Young Sobchak was not the only child in the family, he had three more brothers.

Anatoly Sobchak

Sobchak's childhood was held in the city of Kokand, located in Uzbekistan. There, the family moved due to the translation of the father in service. The future politician studied at a regular local school with his brothers. He was a talented, attentive, diligent and insistent schoolboy who did not give trouble nor to parents or teachers. At the end of High School, he entered the University of Tashkent for the Urfaculty, but literally a year later in 1954 he was transferred to the Leningrad State University, which most likely became the beginning of his fateful reunion with Peter.

Anatoly Sobchak headed the Department at the University of Leningrad

At the university, the student Sobchak actively showed his desire and ability to study, thanks to which he became a Lenin scholarship. In 1959, at the end of the university, young Anatoly on the distribution was sent to work in the Stavropol Bar College. In 1962, Sobchak returned to Leningrad, graduated from graduate school and defended his dissertation.

Then three years taught in the special school of the police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, and from 1968 to 1973 there was an associate professor of the Faculty of Law in the Leningrad State University. In 1985, Anatoly Alexandrovich was headed by the Department of Economic Law on the same faculty.


Sobchak's political career rapidly began in 1989, when he after joining the CPSU was elected by the People's Deputy to the Supreme Council. Then he headed the Subcommittee on economic legislation and law enforcement and became one of the founders of the Interregional Deputy Group of the USSR Armed Forces. In less than a year, Anatoly Alexandrovich entered the Leningrad City Council and headed him in a month, and in 1991, according to the election results, he became the first mayor of Leningrad. After coming to the power of Sobchak, the city on the Neva returned his historical name and again became called St. Petersburg.

In St. Petersburg City Hall, with Sobchak, the majority of young at that time specialists who are currently high-ranking officials and diplomats in the Kremlin have worked. In particular, the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev, President of Russia Vladimir Putin, head of Gazprom, President of Gazprom, President of Rosneft, President of Rosneft, Igor Sechin, and many famous Russian politicians and many famous Russian politicians.

In the very first year after the entry into the position of St. Petersburg Mayor Sobchak actively showed himself and won the authority among the population. He took an active part in creating the movement of democratic reforms, opposed the actions of the GCCP in the August 1991 coup in Leningrad, organized and called for the population to protest rallies against the actions of the State Committee for Emergency Supports, which allowed Leningrad to confront the decions of this department.

However, the authority of the first person of St. Petersburg was not indisputable. His sincere commitment to democracy crossed tightly with commitment to authoritarian methods of leadership by the city, which entailed endless conflicts with local legislative power.

Anatoly Sobchak at the airport

Sobchak was also repeatedly becoming a defendant of high-profile foreign currency and banquets in order to attract investors and humanitarian aid flows to the city. But the "rate to the west" led to the suppression of the Petersburg local industry. At the same time, residents of the city condemned the mayor for regular international events on the banks of the Neva and accused of dissolving the city budget.

In 1995, Sobchak's associates persuaded him to run at the Russian presidential elections in 1996 and to become a competitor to the ex-head of the state of Boris Yeltsin. However, Anatoly Alexandrovich completely and categorically refused the idea. In 1996, he also lost the governor elections to his Zamu Vladimir Yakovlev and left the post of mayor of St. Petersburg.

Career Sobchak's policy went out also rapidly, as started. The first mayor of St. Petersburg became a symbol of the bright social group of Russia, which in the early 1990s sought change in the country. For one part of the society, Anatoly Aleksandrovich is associated with the destroyer of a sustainable and usual world order, while others perceive it as a figure leading the country to freedom through the revolutionary fracture.

Criminal prosecution

In October 1997, Anatoly Sobchak, the General Prosecutor's Office, was attracted to the criminal case of corruption in the St. Petersburg City Hall as a witness. After some time, this criminal case Sobchak was brought as accused under articles "bribes" and "abuse of official powers." Then the Ex-Mayor's family of St. Petersburg became loudly discussed in the media and society, and accusations of all mortal sins fell into Sobchak.

Anatoly Sobchak was instituted a criminal case

Against the background of these events, Anatoly Alexandrovich has seriously deteriorated by the state of health, and instead of the prison chamber, he fell into cardiology with a heart attack. After some time, Sobchak left the city and flew to France for treatment. In Paris, he lived until 1999 inclusive, where he decided to recall his scientific activities. He read his lectures in Sorbonne and other leading universities of France, wrote two books and published more than 30 scientific articles.

Anatoly Sobchak and Vladimir Putin

In November 1999, a criminal case against Sobchak was discontinued beyond the lack of a crime, and he returned to Russia, stating his intention to get into a large policy again. In early 2000, Sobchak took the position of confidant to the presidential candidate Vladimir Putin and headed the political council of democratic movements and parties of St. Petersburg.

Personal life

The first Sobchak marriage took place in his student years. Then he married the first beauty of the philological faculty of the pedigree. Herzen Nonn Gandzyuk, who gave birth to a senior daughter Maria. But in 1977, family idyll went out, the future mayor of St. Petersburg divorced his wife, living with her for 21 years.

Anatoly Sobchak with his wife

The second wife of Sobchak became Lyudmila Nastov, with whom he met as a lawyer and helped in a difficult marriage process with her first husband. The second Sobchak's wife became his reliable and real companion in a political career, she always took an active part in her husband's affairs and supported him in all endeavors.

At the same time, the spouse of the ex-mayor of St. Petersburg was engaged in implementing his own projects, in particular, was the representative of the Russian government in the Board of Trustees of the German Fund "Memory, Responsibility and Future", and also occupied several responsible posts.

Anatoly Sobchak and Ksenia Sobchak

In 1981, the Daughter of Ksenia Sobchak was born in the family in the family, which is currently a Russian TV presenter and a successful journalist. Daughter Sobchak, like Anatoly himself, is a figure of an ambiguous nature of society.


On February 20, 2000, at the time of the fulfillment of the duties, Anatoly Sobchak died at the office of the presidency of Vladimir Putin's presidential candidate in the hotel Svetlogorsk. According to official data, the death of Sobchak came as a result of an acute heart attack.

Funeral Anatoly Sobchak

The sudden death of Anatoly Sobchak became a loud incident, which resulted in large-scale peres. Rumors about the death of the ex-mayor of St. Petersburg appeared and multiplied with a lightning speed. Some stated that Sobchak was killed due to the fact that he knew a lot, others put forward the version of alcohol poisoning and the Viagra preparation.

In May 2000, the prosecutor's office of the Kaliningrad region was initiated by a criminal case regarding the murder of Sobchak by poisoning. But the examination after the opening showed that in the body the policy there was neither alcohol nor drugs, as a result of which on August 4, the criminal case of the murder of Sobchak was closed.

Grave Anatoly Sobchaka

Anatoly Alexandrovich Sobchak buried on February 24 in St. Petersburg at the Nikolsky cemetery.

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