Alexander Oleshko - biography, personal life, photo, news, orientation, wife, age, nationality, films 2021



Alexander Oleshko - a popular TV presenter and actor, which is mostly comedy. Looking at him, the viewer thinks that the man is unknown bad mood and problems, and by positive and kindness he is ready to be generously sharing with others. Showman Dmitry Nagiyev somehow noticed that when the artist "walks to visit culinary programs and is preparing something in them, he does not add sugar into the dough, he just smiles into it."

Childhood and youth

Alexander Oleshko was born on July 23, 1976 in Chisinau. People of different nationalities lived in this city. Russians, Jews and Moldovans constantly went to each other, gathered for big noisy tables, celebrated in companies. It greatly affected the character and worldview of Alexander.

As the favorite of the public Lere Kudryavtseva in the program "Secret by Million", the father left the family when he was small. Nevertheless, from parents who chose serious professions in adulthood, he was passed by a creative vein. In his youth, Mom was fond of singing, and dad played a saxophone.

Relations with stepfather did not work out. The upbringing of a small artist fell on grandmother's shoulders. She dreamed of growing grandson with a pious man who later would have received a spiritual seminary and became a priest. But Alexander from early childhood dreamed of scene. Already at such a young age, he loved the attention of the public, without losing the lowest opportunity to paint in the light of sofit.

Grandma told that in childhood the future actor changed in various characters and even tried to be made with her cosmetics. On the bans, the boy answered that he would become an artist. Olesko's school bench wanted to live in Moscow and tirelessly repeated it to every familiar. At school participated in all productions and events and was generally considered a pioneer activist. The teachers were proud of such a talented student and gladly gave Sasha roles in school ideas.

The idea of ​​recreating the images on the stage or on the screen did not leave Alexander for a minute. At school, the exact sciences of Olesko were not given, and the parents suspected that the son does it consciously, not wanting to absorb unnecessary to the actors of knowledge.

In the early 90s, Olesko set close to the fact: he is going to go to Moscow. For all objections, the guy resolutely answered that it would run away if they banned to fulfill the dream. In the end, stepfather with the mother surrendered, and happy Alexander left to flow into a pop-circus school. Talented young man accepted on the first attempt. Love for bright and fascinating circus art helped the future star to learn with pleasure.

Already in the youth Sasha earned his life alone. He became leading on television, which was extremely happy. Study took place without difficulty, and the artist at the end received a diploma with honors. Immediately after the school, Olesko chose the stage, but I had to stop participating in various projects when the actor entered the Schukin school for the course of Vladimir Ivanov.

For 4 years, the future TV star never regretted the decision to leave Chisinau. Later, in an interview, Alexander will name the student years the happiest time in his life. Later, the artist returned to Alma Mater - the State Circus School teacher on acting skills.


After graduating from the Schukin school, the actor served at the Moscow Theater of Satira. The invitation was also coming from Konstantin Rykin, and Oleg Efremov called Mchat. But Valentine Pleuke Olesko did not reach the end of the season. Disagreements with the leader pushed him to dismissal.

Waving for some time without work, Alexander received an invitation to the theater "Contemporary", where she worked under the leadership of Galina Volchek. The famous director taught Olesko better to build in the image and feel all the features of the nature of his hero.

The debut in the "contemporary" for the actor was the epiphany from the "Cherry Garden" Anton Chekhov. The role was severe for the young artist and was not immediately given, but the support of the team helped the Talent of Alexander to reveal to the fullest.

At the same time, Olesko participated in the stage of the theater. Vakhtangov. Work in the play "Mademoiselle Nitush" brought the actor the first award "Golden Seagull". Alexander is proud of such an achievement, because his idol Andrei Mironov once worked on this role.

In 2018, Olesko, Alexander Shirvindt and Fyodor Dobronravov received the Moscow Komsomol Prize as the best acting ensemble. Colleagues played in the phantasmagoric stage of the Satire Theater "Where are we?". Alexander fulfilled the role of a popular TV presenter who was crazy.


The first hit in the cinema at the actor took place in the estate-circus school. After that, he left the shooting platforms for a long time. Already after the Schukinsky school, Alexander returned to cinema. He started with small secondary and episodic roles in the series. Further young man's career developed quickly.

In the filmography of the actor, not to read the rating projects that still remember. These are the paintings by Svetlana Druzhinina "Gardemaryarina-3" and "Secrets of Palace Pockets", the fighter "Code of honor" with Igor Lagutin and the Detective "Turkish March" with Alexander Domogarov.

Olesko was a partner of the faith of Alerts in the "envy of the gods", Egor Bourieva in the Turkish Gambit, Vladimir Vdovichenkov in August. The eighth, "Mikhail Porechenkova in the comedian almanac" Moms ".

Alexander Oleshko and Katya Starshov in the TV series "Daddy's Daughters"

Remarkable work is considered to be the role in the popular TV series "Daddy's daughter". Alexander heat responds about those filming and acting. According to Oligarch Fedotov, colleagues are still trembling, sometimes they are going to gatherings and create creative tandems. So, with Catherine, senior artist spoke a duet on the ether of the program "Life is beautiful" with the song "Top, Top, Top Tops". Interestingly, after a successful project, the young fans of the performer were long called by his "Alligator".

This is the creative biography of Olesko, that the audience love was brought to him either comedy characters, or the overall nature of the films. Among those are included in the US "Very Russian Detective", the film is aware of Mikhail Bulgakov "Fat Eggs", the comedy "man with a guarantee" and "advertising pause". In the dramatic historical TV series "Catherine" at Olesko, on the contrary, a serious hero - Fyodor Rockots, a Russian artist who preferred to order portraits of the Moscow nobility.

Alexander believes that he has not yet had loud and significant filmmakers, and at the same time declares:

"I am the only actor in the world who does not want to play Hamlet. I want to play Horstkova, Trofaldino, Figaro. I want to have some interesting program on television, where I could speak and interview, and remember, and sing, and reincarnate. "


Charismatic artist quickly found a niche for himself and on television: at different times, Olesko was led by concerts and humorous transmission of "Smeshariki" on the "home", worked in the TV project "Minute of Glory", as well as in the show "Alphabet" and "Home Fairy Tales".

A separate mention deserves the participation of Olesko in the show of the "big difference" reincarnation, where the actor showed dozens of funny parodies on the stars of the Russian show business. There for the first time originated by the Million Star Tandem with Nonaya Grishava, who later appeared in a number of television shows.

From 2014 to 2017, Alexander Oleshko conducted the transfer of "exactly in-point." The cheerful and resourceful entertainer quickly conquered the audience, but not all transfer colleagues were satisfied with his manner of reference. Oleshko's sharp conflict turned out with Leonid Yarmolnik, sitting in the jury. At first, the star films "that Münhghausen" and "man from Kapuchin Boulevard" was outraged by the fact that Alexander is too talking and does not give the judges to express observations. Later during the ether, the Yarmolnik gave Oleshko 10 thousand rubles. And asked to fly to India. He argued this by the fact that in Russia the leading still does not work out anyway and he does not see career growth, and the first Bollywood fighter will make it famous for the entire peninsula.

However, the TV presenter managed to shine at the music show. Together with the Intar Bouusulis, he performed "Vocaliz Trololo" from the repertoire of Edward Hill, and later reincarnated in Editu Piefu.

In 2017, Alexander left the first channel, as the leadership reported, because it was not found suitable for the format of programs. The actor switched to NTV, where the show "You are super! Dancing". According to the recognition of the television, the transfer for children is unique. In childhood, Olesko was engaged in dancing and does not know what is important for the child the word support.

At the "first button", the artist returned a year later, first as a guest of Elena Malysheva in the transfer "to live great!", And then as a leading project "Today. The day begins. " Later, the artist fell into the jury of the TV project "Melniki and Mistnie".

In addition, Olesko does not miss the opportunity to refer to the affairs of charity. For a long time, he participated in the shares of the International Fund for Assistance to the Frank Child. In 2016, Alexander executed the song "New Year" to record the album "The Best Day!", The means of selling which went to the organization "Give Life".

Alexander Oleshko continued to lead an entertainment show on the NTV for children's "baby's mouth." The relaxing manner of communication and the sense of humor determined the choice of the program's creators when Alexey Kortnev left it. The transfer in which the kids explain the words and concepts, and their parents are "decrypted" from 1992 and has "changed registration several times."

Alexander does not consider himself neither TV presenter, nor a singer, but an actor who loves television and knows his "kitchen". And not every artist will "bend" under the laws of television. Olesko agrees to endure dictates of directors and producers, only if they are incredibly talented, and ideally - ingenious.

In 2019, the channel "Russia-1" prepared a new project called "Invite to the wedding". This is a contest of performers speaking on the marriage celebrations. Alexander Oleshko - among the leading talent show. The company was made up Anastasia Volochkova, Alexey Chumakov, Philip Kirkorov and other bright representatives of show business.

The New Year's holidays 2019, the actor spent with a close friend and the Nonaya Grishava colleague in the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory. Artists read the Children's "Nutcracker" under the accompaniment of the symphony orchestra. In a similar act, Olesko participates on the scene of Vakhtangovsky: Alexander reads the "Red Hap" and "Scarlet Flower".

Personal life

Alexander's first marriage lasted for a short time - a year and a half. Actor with a former wife Olga White supports warm friendships. The questions of journalists are responsible that they were divided by mutual agreement, the divorce process was peacefully. However, there were those who suggested that the spouses united just friendship. And the wedding is fictitious, the marriage with the Muscovite needed Olesko to get the metropolitan residence.

Constantly around the personal life of the artist is a lot of rumors, sometimes the most ridiculous. It is known that neither the family nor children he has. This gave rise to the question of the orientation of Alexander, and on television, the man allegedly fell due to the "blue lobby". On the other hand, it was believed that rumors about sympathy for representatives of their own sex is a PR, which is also beneficial and the actor himself, because Olesko's name is constantly on hearing and in the headlines of newspapers.

In an interview, which Alexander gave the glossy publication in 2011, he told that he loved and love. His girl was called Victoria Mineyev, by education - graphic designer. However, later the relationship stopped.

Olesko's current companion did not tell anything:

"I still wait for me when I am given a credentials, permission or, as it is now fashionable to speak, the sanction to reveal your chief of the world. There is enough one photo shoot, an official statement, as a huge avalanche of attention will collapse on a person. There will be discussions, gossip, speculation ... Do you imagine what kind of female, unacceptable for public life, the brittle body to endure all this? ".

In 2012, the actor got a private housing in Moscow. After 3 years later, Alexander trusted a change in the first channel "Perfect repair" program, although the artist is fond of design and reworked apartments to friends and acquaintances. In the house of Olesko, Alice's cat and cats Walter and Elisha Breed Maine-kun live. Photos and animal videos periodically appear in the "Instagram" Alexander.

Now the actor supports physical form (Oleshko's growth - 180 cm, weight - 70 kg) in the gym and pool. According to celebrities, water gives him the necessary relaxation after a difficult working day. In addition, Alexander has a subtle sense of style and knows how to dress well. Nevertheless, the haters often can be heard that the artist's hairstyle resembles a wig of Joseph Kobzon. The artist himself with humor refers to this kind of statements.

In 2020, in the media, another information about the "chosen" of the TV presenter appeared. According to journalists, they were choreographer Maxim Abrosimov. Together, the artists appeared at the event dedicated to the opening of a memorial plan in honor of the Soviet trainers. Olesko introduced his companion as director.

Alexander Oleshko now

In February 2020, it became known that the TV presenter went with NTV. He said that she completed the work on the TV channel after the expiration of the contract, and not because of the alleged conflicts. According to the actor, his workbook remained in the theater. Vakhtangov.

At the end of 2020, the show was started by the series "Soyuzmultfilm" "Secrets of the Honey Valley", in which the film was spoken by the actor's vote. In addition, Olesko became a member of the cultural and patriotic project "Path to victory. Volokolamsky frontier. " As a lead, he conducted a record of the concert "Victory songs".

In February 2021, the return of the project "Extreme Channel One of the Channel One was returned. Olesko took the honorary place of the leading music show. Daria Antonyuk, Dominic Joker, Maria Zaitseva, Valeria Lanskaya, Alexander Panayotov and others were announced by the transmission participants. The judges of the season were Leonid Yarmolnik, Maxim Averin, Maxim Galkin.

Now the artist continues to go to the scene of the Metropolitan Theater, to participate in the sounding of paintings.


  • 2001 - "Turkish March"
  • 2005 - "Advertising pause"
  • 2005 - "Turkish Gambit"
  • 2006 - "Weakness of a strong woman"
  • 2008 - "Shadow of Samurai"
  • 2009 - "Inhabited Island"
  • 2010 - "on treason"
  • 2012 - "August.Imm"
  • 2012 - "Man with a guarantee"
  • 2013 - "Daddy's Daughters"
  • 2015 - "Spring exacerbation"
  • 2016 - "Catherine. Takeoff"
  • 2019 - "Dinosaur-2"

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