Sergey Manukyan - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs 2021



In 2018, the Voice program on the first channel decided to expand its television role and give the road not only by young diving, but also singers whose age confidently approached the mark of 60+. If we consider that three of the four judges are much younger than the performers, it seems that the exchange of experience will occur in two directions.

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In the premiere of the show, one of the participants instantly unfolded Leonid Agutin, and after the other members of the jury, hitting the interpretation of the CAN't BUY ME LOVE Bitle Hit. Still - after all, they were not someone else like Sergey Manukyan.

Childhood and youth

It is said that the accident is not accidental, and one day the heard composition from the radio is capable of changing life. It so happened to the future pianist, in childhood I did not think about any art. On March 15, 1955, was born in Grozny and, despite the dreams of Soviet boys about the glory, at least Yuri Gagarin and the study of the universe, stretched to the ground and wanted to master the non-German profession of the tractor driver.

Already at 8 years of age, having acquainted with the first jazz melody, fell in love with the whole genre seriously and for a long time. To the school where young musicians are growing, he was not taken, but, since, at that time, the Poland of Pioneers, who talent a teenager did not bury. And later, the nugget was accepted first to the Orchestra of Gosperary - "knock" on the drums, then to the urban school in the class of drums and in local teams.

Sergey Manukyan in youth

The Manukyan family lived near the train station and was, on the memoirs of the Matra, very conservative. Father held a solid position of the prosecutor and left his son a major farewell - "the convicts need to regret, it is necessary to pray for them." He learned this lesson well and, despite all the passages of Chanson, respectively treated his work in captivity.

The second studio album released in 1997, consisting of 9 "secret" songs, devoted to the close and most important people to the parents of Vladimir Schmidtovich and Tamara Ivanovna, two brothers, his wife and children.


Changes the place of residence on the city of Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod), honed the skill in Alexander Shishkin Quartet, then moved to Tallinn and in the Rock group "Avicenna". At the Riga Festival, acting as a vocalist, produced Furore and conquered the audience, and strict mentors.

By the way, it was "singing jazz" Manukyan started with a light hand and the unique voice of Ella Fitzgerald. After stunning success, invitations to prestigious contests, tour, awards, recognition, work on radio and television fell apart. Then opened the way to world scenes.

In 1985 he moved to Moscow, played as part of the Orchestra Anatoly Roll. In general, the 80s in his creative biography is considered by the "golden age" when fruitful activities started with foreign colleagues - Richard Eliot, Sweet and Tears, Blood, Frank Popya, Quins Jones, who secured a joint project with Cindy Looper, Earth Wind & Fire, Michael Bolton.

Musician Sergey Manukyan

The beginning of the next decade is devoted to solo programs with rare involvement of performers - Daniel Kramer, Vyacheslav Gorski, Andrei Kondakov and others. At that time, he was awarded the highest title in his musical direction and the "Ovation" award. In 1991, collaborated with Lyudmila Sokolova and Igor Boyko.

In the discography of jazist 9 albums: 5 solo and 4 festivals.

Personal life

Sergey Manukyan in his personal life, as in the profession, chose once and for all. How the "Little Giant Jazz himself" himself jokes, "the first marriage and hopefully the last." The wife Marina, who gave four children's beloved husband - Valery and Nigjahn, Dina and Ariadna - to form a historian, and part-time - the best friend. In one interview, Maestro called himself a free artist, deprived of the right to create when he wakes up. First, because this requires the ability. Secondly, a big family that needs to take care and feed.

Sergey Manukyan with grandchildren

In the footsteps of the Father, the heirs did not go, but would have succeeded in their field: the eldest son is an athlete, the eldest daughter studied philology in the University of Edinburgh, the youngest finished the Philosophy of the Faculty of Moscow State University.

By the way, the panel of home the head of the family loves not only exquisite works, but also dishes of their own preparation. Creates them, however, infrequently, but on inspiration. Special preference, as a true oriental man, gives meats in Armenian, appreciates wine, not against heating voice ligaments and in front of the concert solely in reasonable limits.

Sergey Manukyan - a gambling football and boxing fan. Rare free minutes devotes to reading historical books.

Sergey Manukyan now

Festivals and tours are also the work of an unsurpassed master of instrumental vocals and soul jazz. It seems that he is waiting everywhere and always. Perhaps, in addition to the talent, who conquered the earthly ball, the secret is still in the infinite charm and the sense of humor, for which he was nicknamed by Russian Pierre Rishar and the second Raykin. And in relation to life - despite the weak vision (the composer is blind on one eye), it shines with love and radiates optimism, chargeing them around them.

Sergey Manukyan in 2018

Manukyan does not share music on the genres, recognizing only the "good" and "bad", and considers the "manifestation of Divine kindness" and "way to come to God." And playing it - fuzzles, "feeding the truth of another level."

At the end of 2017, "Domestic Ray Charles", together with Evgeny Brest presented to the Moscow audience the program "Phonebook".

After entering the screens of the first issue of the Voice 60+ vocal program, the Internet exploded with enthusiastic comments and responses. Yes, and the mentors themselves could not watch the speech sitting. The only representative of the beautiful sex in the jury - Folk-singer Pelagia - Emko summarized the thoughts of the gathered:

"We all beloved that you are here."

Sergey Vladimirovich has a page on Facebook, where a photo of granddaughter or pictures from concerts are posted, and among the few groups there is one, especially its characterizing - "Community of people sympathizing with homeless animals.


  • 1989 - "Sergey Manukyan and Avicenna Group
  • 1992 - "Jazz at the old fortress"
  • 1995 - "Jazz Voices"
  • 1997 - "Secrets"
  • 1997 - "Jam for Two"
  • 1999 - "First Moscow Jazz Festival in the Hermitage Garden"
  • 1999 - "Your smile"
  • 2002 - "Feather"
  • 2004 - "Feather - 2"

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