Richard Kropaie - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



Perhaps there is no such person in the world that would not hear about the legendary group of Rammstein ("Rammas"), because the German team became the same for Germany who were at the time of the BEATLES for the United Kingdom. Few people know that the creator of the rock band is not Tille Lindemann, but guitarist Richard Kropa, who in 1994 suggested a frontman to organize a musical team in the style of industrial metal. After the appearance on the stage, Richard's high and muscular brunette (the growth of the musician is 180 cm, and the weight of 88 kg) MiG became the favorite of the women's audience.

Childhood and youth

A future musician was born on June 24, 1967 in a small German settlement Wittenberg, and the childhood of Kruspe was held in Schwerine, in the city in northern Germany.

Parents of a guitarist at the birth of a son called it with a green, but in the future the German changed his name to a more elegant and became Richard. The boy was brought up in a large family, in addition to him, brother and sister grew in the house, Richard is a younger child.

Musician Richard Kropa

Little parents are known about the parents of the villagers, the guitarist "Rammov" was brought up without his father, and his mother lived with stepfather. The brunette does not like to remember the family relationship and repeatedly confessed in an interview that he does not have a warm relationship with his mother.

Since childhood, the future creator of the Rammstein group adored music. He idolized Australian Rock Stars AC / DS and insanely fanatel from the American team Kiss (however, the love of Richard did not pass to these groups, although he once criticized their creativity). These teams and to this day are the classics of the guitar scene. In the youth, Krospye had problems with foreign performers because of the iron curtain, because the original carriers with music were impossible: the boy had to listen to the cassettes rewritten.

Richard Kropa in childhood

The solo guitarist often recalls how he wrote the name of the favorite group in the notedraka, for which he was punished in front of the whole class.

By the way, the conflict with stepfather at the 12-year-old boy occurred as much as because of the favorite group. Richard's room hung an image of the cassed Kiss participants. Step from the future musician had an unpleasant character and broke a poster on pieces. Kropa is often remembered in an interview, as the whole night sucked and tried, like a mosaic, collect an image.

The youthful life of Krpye is similar to the biography of Lindemann: the guy also professionally engaged in sports. When the boy was 12 years old, the mother gave him to the struggle (with which the infinite arguments of fans are connected about the fact that Kruple was in wrestling). But the fate of Richard has developed differently, for the most part due to the case.

Richard Kropa in youth

When the teenager was 16, he performed at competitions in Czechoslovakia. Abandon the young Cruppie acquired a guitar, to then resell her in the GDR: in Germany, on such a deal, it was possible to earn good money. Upon return, the guy stopped in a tent camp, where the girl saw that Ricard had a guitar. The stranger asked to play, and to interest Freilain, the young guy improvises, unintelligently twitching guitar strings one after another. Surprisingly, the Kruspe managed to impress the listener: the future guitarist "Rammov" realized that he had to play on a musical instrument, and besides the opposite sex was crazy about guitarists.

Richard Kropa with a guitar

The young man understands that he cannot without music, so he enters the instrumental school, where he gets praise from the teacher. So, by 20 years, Richard Kropa became the only participant in the German group with musical education.


Richard practiced guitar rhythms practiced in the game for 6 hours a day, but I realized that it was time to get out of ordinary training and participate in music groups.

Participating in the little-known German punk group First Arsch, the burning brunette meets with the future vocalist "Rammshteina" by Tillem Lindemann, who looked at the drums. In the same place, Richard communicates with Rhythm Gitarist "Rammov" Paul Landers.

Richard Kropa and Rammstein Group

If you look at the old photos of Richard, instead of the burning blue-eyed brunet, you can see a blond with dreadlocks braided in the tail, for which Lindemann called the Solo guitarist "squirrel". And so the "official nickname" of a lap in the early musical groups - Scholle, which is translated from German as a "block" or "rock".

Richard had an idea of ​​the ideal group in the head, so he offered to friends to create the music that would play in millions of tape recorders and headphones, namely Rammstein.

Richard Kropa and Paul Landers

"Ramma" was formed in Berlin in 1994: Oliver Rider and Christopher Schneider also joined Tille and Richard, and later Paul Landers and Christian Lorence entered the creative composition. After the album Herzeleid (1995), the guys became popular and the VMI has won a significant fan audience. According to KroPye, the German group cannot be attributed to any direction in music, because Rammstein is a unique and original style.

Richard Kropa and Emigrate Group

Richard, Richard, has a different Emigrate project created in 2005. In this collective, Kropa is acting as a vocalist. The musical team is fundamentally different from the German Industrial Group. How the musician, Rammstein jokes, is a man, and Emigrate is a girl.

Personal life

Like other participants of Rammstein, Richard Kropaie is an outstanding person, which only stand-out clips Pussy and Mann Gegen Mann, where Richard appears in front of the audience with a minimum number of clothes. In Germany, even temporarily prohibited the album of the Liebe IST Für Alle Da group, for which its participants filed a lawsuit in 2016.

Yes, and in many ways, sarcastic lyrics are talking about "Rammas", as about extravagant personalities who will certainly impress each person with their work. The guys are very diverse, in their role there are also lyric songs, for example, about unrequited love.

Hairstyles Richard Kropa

In the morning, Richard loves to do yoga, and also not indifferent to the Russian language (as evidenced by the fan sites).

In addition to the game on the guitar and singing, Richard is well obtained crafts. At least, Handmade brought a lamp income, because during the time of the GDR, participation in the rock band was not considered a cash. Therefore, to have at least some money in your pocket, Richard did not hesitate to go out on Berlin's street and sell decorations made by hand.

Richard Kropa and Karon Bernstein

If we talk about the personal life of a muscular handsome man, then you can write a book: Richard Kruspe was far from one girl.

For example, one of the women of Zhughigi Brenet was Marika - the former wife of Tille Lindemanna. The couple had an illegitimate daughter of Kira Lee Lindemann (the woman retained the first husband's name), but the beloved relationship did not dare to legalize the relationship.

Richard Kropa and Margot Bosier

In 1999, Krospye married Karon Bernstein, and the Son of Merlin is born in lovers. But the happy family life with the actress and the little son Richard exchanged on a passionate guitarist emigrate Margot Bosier. In September 2011, the Solo-Gitarist was the Father for the third time: Margo gave birth to a daughter, which Maxim Alaska called. With all children, Richard Kropa maintains a warm relationship.

Richard Kropa now

According to rumors, Rammstein work on a new album, the release of which is scheduled for autumn 2017, also the Germans are going to release a DVD with the recording of concerts. The guitarist "Rammov" is not registered in Instagram, so what happens in the personal life of a guitarist - it remains only to guess.


In Rammstein.

  • Herzeleid (1995)
  • Sehnsucht (1997)
  • Mutter (2001)
  • Reise, Reise (2004)
  • Rosenrot (2005)
  • Liebe IST Für Alle Da (2009)
  • TBA (2017)

In Emigrate.

  • Emigrate (2007)
  • Silent So Long (2014)

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