Natalia Bochkarev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films, Detention 2021



Natalia Bochkarev was remembered by the viewers of the Star Right of the inepeless housewife from the humorous Sitkom about the Bucino family. However, the actress's real fans are known that there are many serious dramatic roles in her filmography. Natalia is the acting artist of the theater, as well as the TV presenter on the channel STB.

Childhood and youth

The actress was born on July 25, 1980 in Nizhny Novgorod, the industrial attraction of which is the plant "Gas", where the Bochkarev, Mom - an accountant, and his father worked in one of the automotive shops. When Natasha turned 6 years old, she had a younger sister Nadia.

In childhood, the girl attended school classes for ballerinas, sang in the choir. Later, Natasha became interested in the career of the model, but soon changed the hobby on journalism. Natalia visited all events in the city, making articles on this topic, but at one fine moment I met the world of movies. In 1996, Bochkarev became a student of the Nizhny Novgorod school.

In his youth, Natalia survived a personal tragedy: her parents left each other from his life. Bochkareva had to take responsibility for raising the younger sister on himself.


After graduating from the school, Natalia remained in his hometown, where she had already done progress on the stage of the local drama theater. But the young performer was lucky to get to listen to Oleg Tabakov, who at that time traveled around the country in search of talents.

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The Natalia game liked him so much that the teacher invited her to the MCAT Studio School. Bochkarev took immediately to the 3rd rate. At the end of the university, the actress was invited by the famous director in the Taper of the Theater named after A. P. Chekhov, where it still serves.


The cinematic biography of Natalia Bochkareva started when the girl was a student of the Nizhny Novgorod School. The debut in the movie took place in 1999, when a picture "Chinese service" was released on the screens. A breakthrough in a career actresses happened after the played role of Dasha Bukina from the series "Happy together". In 2006, Natalia came to Casting to a new television project.

Initially, the main character was approved by Evelyna Blonds, but then the creators of Sitkom made a choice in favor of a little-known bochoker. The girl's hair was repainted in a flame-red color to visually make a performer older. In 2013, the last series of Sitkom was published, in which, together with the Bochkareva, Victor Loginov again appeared, Daria Sagalov, Alexander Yakin, Julia Zakharov and Alexey Sequin.

In 2016, Natalia tried his strength as a director. At one time she was engaged in filming his own project - the film "Free Day". This is a mystical drama shot in short-drawing format. Metropolitan Kinomans visited the premiere of the film in the spring, and in the summer of Bochkareva presented a picture of the sophisticated public in Cannes.

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In 2018, Natalia replenished his filmography of two projects. This is a comedy "night shift" with Vladimir Jaglyz and Pavel Derevyanko in high roles, where the Bochkareva tried the image of the hostess of the nightclub. The second film, where Natalia lit up, became the film "Tree Last".

At the end of the year, the actress's creativity fans waited for a surprise - a frank interview with the kinodius in the program Boris Korchevnikov "The Fate of Man". And the Bochkarev appeared in a new role for himself - he recorded the song "Clean" and released a clip to her.

Personal life

One of the trips to Moscow has become for the students of theatrical school of Natalia Bochkuray Sudbonosny. In the train she met the future husband - lawyer Nikolai Borisov, who returned home to the capital. Then Nikolai was still married, but for the sake of the Bochkoeva divorced his wife. They signed only after 7 years of living together when they waited for the first child. In 2007, the Son of Ivan appeared in the spouses, and a year later, the daughter of Maria.

In 2014, it was discovered that Natalia is divorced. This fact she hid even from their own friends. Later, the actress revealed the secret - all the guilt was her shooting and tour. A year after parting with her husband, Natalia Bochkarev was noticed in the company of the young colleague Vladimir Feklenko. Information about the romantic tie of stars was not confirmed: the actors consist in friendly relations.

In 2016, rumors were rumored about the novel Women with TV presenter of the School of Repair School on TNT, designer Alexander Kononenko. Couple together went to Cannes, and then rested, visiting Antibes and Monaco. Natalia herself did not confirm the changes in his personal life. But Alexander spoke in an interview about much more romantic feelings than friendship that he nourishes to his chosen.

In February 2017, Bochkareva pleased the photo fans in "Instagram", which was made on vacation in the Maldives. The actress has demonstrated that it is still in excellent form: she posed in a swimsuit against the ocean background.

A year later, the celebrity struck subscribers with changes in appearance. In the photo in the leather outfit and with a chain on the chest, Natalia demonstrated a firing figure, and on her face the subscribers noticed the marks of the cheekbar. In an interview with 2018, the actress reported that he was in love, but the chosen name did not call. According to the performer, they live together.

In the fall of 2019, the actress has become a person involved in the criminal chronicle. Natalia Bochkarev was detained by traffic police officers in the capital of Russia. The woman received two administrative penalties for the lack of talon of vehicle inspection and the OSAGO policy. Also in the presence of the actresses of the actress, a white powder bag was seized. As the examination subsequently showed, there was Cocaine.

With regard to the star of the screen, a criminal case was initiated about the illegal storage of drugs, a woman was given a subscription of the union beyond the city. The artist denies his guilt by calling the video with its detention mounted. According to Natalia, she spent her evening with his family.

Natalia Bochkareva now

Now the actress develops several directions of its creative activity. She is the organizer of the Studio School for Gifted Children, produces new tracks, the last of which became the song "Martini". In 2019, the premiere of the Comedy "Two girls per Meli" took place with the participation of the performer.


  • 1998 - "Chinese service"
  • 2004 - "Horseman named death"
  • 2005 - "Yesenin"
  • 2005 - "Zone"
  • 2005 - "Lawyer 2"
  • 2005-11 - "Kulagin and partners"
  • 2006-13 - "Happy together"
  • 2012 - "Fathers, and children"
  • 2018 - "Night shift"
  • 2018 - "Trees last"
  • 2019 - "Two girls on Mel"

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