Evgeny Knyazev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



In his youth, being a student, Evgeny Knyazev did not miss any lecture, and now the rector of the Schukinsky Theater School believes that years spent in the university are priceless. The current youth mistakenly believes that Internet possession and the ability to press buttons in gadgets is a way to acquire knowledge.

Only in the audience is instilled the skills of the artisan, and the acting is craft, although it is impossible to teach him to end, if a person does not feel, does not absorb and does not transform. The talent will develop if the head of the corner is not the desire to sell itself more expensive, but a noble goal to become an artist.

Childhood and youth

Evgeny Vladimirovich Knyazev was born on August 9, 1955 in the village of Sakuratovo Tula region, which is not far from the famous Casual Polyana. In addition to the magician himself, another 3 sisters were brought up in the family. Mother was a housewife, and Father is miner. Lived not burning. The dream of the theatrical stage settled in the Heart of Zhenya from an early age, but the embodiment was long and difficult.

After graduating from school in 1972, Eugene rides Moscow in the hope of entering the Schukinsky Theater School. But hope is not justified, and the young man has to go to the Mountain Institute. But even there he does not leave children's dreams.

Starting from the 3rd year, Eugene is actively involved in student amateurs. Passing the practice in Leningrad, the future actor decided to test his strength again and went on the course Ruben Argamenzyan in Lhyutmik. But it was necessary to finish the started, and in 1978 Zhenya received a diploma of the Mining Institute.

The second attempt to assigrate theatrical school was successful, and Evgeny Knyazev was credited to the teacher of Lyudmila Vladimirovna Podagna. To transfer from one student bench to another is not so simple, but Evgenia prevailed to comprehend the acting skills. A big role in the disclosure of prince as an actor played his mentor, who knew how to pick up the key to each student.

At that time, the Schukinsky school actually became a native home for Zhenya. In the afternoon, along with her close friend, Evgeny Nerladakov, a young man worked in the wardrobe, and after he went on theaters, he read a lot. Knyazev tried to absorb everything that could come in handy in the future.


At the end of the school in 1982, Eugene enters the service of the Wakhtangov theater. Knyazeva invited Eugene Simonon there, which immediately saw the character and temperament of the artist. The debut of Eugene on the theatrical stage was the role of Gaetan in the production of "Rose and Cross".

A real breakthrough in the theater biography brought a role in the play "Three Persons of Casanov", submitted to the public in 1985. This is the production of Yevgeny Rubenkovich, who himself brought together the plays of Tsvetaeva and gave them a common name. Knyazev's wife, by virtue of the young years, got the role of young Casanov, the ripe years of the character embodied Vasily Lanova, and old summer - Yuri Yakovlev. The audience met this performance with delight.

After that, Knyazhev performed the role of Don Guana in "Little Tragedies", Count Oboljaninov and others, each of which came seriously.

In 1992, Evgeny Knyazev met Peter Fomenko, and this acquaintance was very fruitful. Starting with a small, but interesting role in the play "Business", the actor later participated in all productions of Fomenko. 1993 brings the role of the donor in the play "Without guilt's guilt", for which Knyazov receives a state of state. In 1996 he - Herman in the "peak lady", and in the 1999th busy in the "Miracle of St. Anthony" as Ashilla.

Knyazev's cooperation and Fomenko ended in the fact that Peter Naumovich went to the idea of ​​creating his own theater, and Evgeny Vladimirovich remained in his native Vakhtangovsky. And although he did not find the roles close to the world, still rejected two suggestions to go to other theaters.

Feeling the lack of interest in working at the Vakhtangov Theater, Eugene began to play in the entrepreneurs and advocate the invited actor. Images that embody princes, interesting and unexpected. Among the bright theatrical roles, Eugene celebrate Berliosis in the formulation of Berlioz, Barro in the play "Arto and his Double", as well as the hero in the play "Provocation".

From the late 90s, the artist taught to Alma Mater, and in 2003, collegiate teachers elected Knyazeva Rector of Pikes. Evgeny managed and play, and lead. In 2010, with the arrival in the Vakhtangov director of Rimas Tuminas, the actor as if a new life began on stage.

Evgeny Vladimirovich shines in the role of Arbenin in the Lermontov "Maskarada", for which he received the "Theater Star", reports Alexei Karenina drama by dance in the formulation of Anna Karenina, a fully solved choreographic language. In Tsar Edipe, 3 generations of the Theater Institute were published on the stage: Knyazov himself, his student Viktor Dobronravov and his mentor Lyudmila Maksakova.

In relation to the spectrum, "Smile, Lord" in the press did not meet other epithets, except "stunning" and "grandiose." Knyazev played with Sergey Makovetsky, Julia Rutberg, Alexey Guskov, Viktor Sukhorukov. And, as noted critics, the words "played" in this case are not enough.

"This is something very separate. Some confessional acting existence, when on stage - and the heroes of the performance, and just people. The word sounds in the play. That's how it is - with a capital letter. And the viewer monitors not behind the plot, but for the thought. Worst - trite, but, rightly speaking, hopping breathing. "


Princes mostly theatrical actor, but on his account dozens of movie roles. The first on-screen work Eugene is the Russian language teacher and literature Andrei Petrushov in the film "Work on Errors".

Evgeny Knyazev in the film

At the same time, there are several more paintings with the participation of the artist. Among them, the philosophical fairy tale "Fantastic History", Detective "Method of Killing", a historical drama about the love of the graph and the serf "Countess Sheremetyeva" and others.

With the beginning of the new millennium, Evgeny reappears on television screens. Works in such serials as Mosekayika, 12, "Simple Truths" and "Fifth Angel", give a new impetus for cinematographic activities. The actor remains faithful to its principle of choosing a project: interest in setting and partners.

The most recognizable became the main role of Knyazev in the film "Wolf Messing". Director Vladimir Krasnopolsky knew in advance who he wants to see in this role, so the performer's candidacy was practically not discussed.

Evgeny Knyazev as Wolf Messing

Having enlisted the acceptance of the actor a year before the start of the filming, the Krasnopolsky then simply introduced it to the film crew already in makeup and costume. There were not only almost the same height of Eugene and Mentalist (178 and 173 cm), but also the striking physiognomic similarity.

In Messing, the artist reincarnated once again in the Military drama of Sergey Ginzburg "Son of the Father of Peoples", telling about the fate of Vasily Stalin. In this role, Meshi gela. In the form of Iosif Vissarionovich, Evgeny appeared in the biographical series "Orlova and Alexandrov" with the participation of Anatoly White and Oley Sudzilovskaya.

Evgeny Knyazev and Olesya Sudzilovskaya in the film

Thanks to the pronounced type, Knyazev did not once be able to play the ideologue of Marxism Lion Trotsky. In 2006, it was the screening of the novel "nine lives of Nestor Makhno", the central character in which Paul Derevko embodied. After 7 years later, another baiopic was followed - "Passion according to Chapay", where the role of a bright military leader went to Sergey Strelnikov.

Another political figure of revolutionary years in the Piggy bank of Eugene - Grigory Zinoviev. The actor fulfilled this role in the project of Estonian cinematographers "December heat".

A series of paintings about famous personalities continued to ribbon about Marina Tsvetaeva "Mirror", where Knyazov acted as the poet Boris Pasternak. In the TV series "Wangeliya", the image of the priestly jersey Elena Yakovlev, Eugene played the father of Little Wang. In the criminal drama "Unfortunate", Knyazev's hero was sitting behind the wheel of the car of the oligarch Boris Berezovsky.

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Evgeny Vladimirovich's breadth of Evgeny Vladimirovich demonstrates passionately in love with a breeder's horses in Drama "Rysak", professor of psychology, whose students help people in the "group of happiness", the father of a teenager's daughter, who is not the authority for her, because he lives in two families, in the melodrama " Boy and girl. "

In the drama "Star of the Epoch", the screen and real life of Knyazev was intertwined. Eugene, an actor and teacher played the director of the theater of working youth, which parallelly teaches in the theater school.

Personal life

Speaking of personal life, Eugene emphasizes the significance of the family. With his wife Elena Dunaeva, art historian, and the teacher of the Schukinsky school, the actor raised two children. Daughters graduated from Gitis, Alexander - Producery Faculty, Asya (Anastasia) chose theatrical director.

Knyazev is included in the Public Council of the Russian Jewish Congress. The organization is based on media signaling Vladimir Gusinsky as a charitable association of representatives of this nationality.

In social networks, Evgeny Vladimirovich is not personally present, but the photo of the artist is freely available on the network and are published on the page of the Wahtangov Theater in "Instagram".

Evgeny Knyazev now

In 2018, Evgeny Knyazev starred in the series Vladimir Krasnopolsky "Expropriator". The focus film precesses the events of the popular detective drama "Gangster Petersburg" and tells about the years of becoming a criminal authority on nicknamed Baron. The artist played a relative of the mother then still novice small thief.

By the end of 2019, a tape on the script appeared in the actor filmography and in the formulation of Victor Merezhko "did not expect". The main role of the old musician who fell into the nursing home was performed by Oleg Basilashvili.


  • 1988 - "Work on errors"
  • 1999-2003 - "Simple truths"
  • 2005 - "Star of the Epoch"
  • 2006 - "Nine Liberty Makhno"
  • 2007 - "Judicial column"
  • 2008 - "Montecristo"
  • 2009 - "Wolf Messing: Seeking through time"
  • 2011 - "Group of Happiness"
  • 2013 - "Passion for Capay"
  • 2013 - "Son of the Father of Peoples"
  • 2014 - "Orlova and Alexandrov"
  • 2015 - "Unfortunate"
  • 2017 - "Peace to your home!"
  • 2019 - "Did not wait"

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