Oleg Dal - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, Cause of Death, Films, Iraid Sister, Age, Filmography



Oleg Dal is the Soviet actor and the poet, the subtle spiritual organization of which contributed to the incarnation on the screen of the most subtle, barely bye the faces of characteristic heroes and prevented the relationship with real people.

Childhood and youth

Oleg Ivanovich Dal was born before the start of war, on May 25, 1941, in the near Moscow town of Lublino, which today enters the territory of the capital. In addition to Oleg himself, in the family of the railway engineer Ivan Zinovievich and teacher Paul Petrovna, Russian by nationality, was brought up by Iraid's sister.

In school years, the boy began to engage in basketball, but very soon left these classes due to the discovered heart problems. After that, poetry, literature and painting became his hobbies. Like any boy who grown in the war years, he dreamed of a heroic profession of a pilot or a sailor. But child dreams were not destined to come true due to the mentioned health problems.

After reading the work of M. Yu. Lermontov "Hero of our time", the distance caught fire the idea to become an actor to someday play Pecherin. And after 15 years, his dream will come true.

In 1959, after graduating from high school, Oleg Dal decided to enter the Theater School. Parents made sharply against this. The first argument was the instability of the acting profession and, accordingly, salaries, and the second is that Oleg from childhood Kartvil.

Nevertheless, he went to hand over the entrance exam, having prepared a monologue of Nozdrev from Gogol's "dead souls" and an excerpt from the "MTSI" beloved Lermontov. Dalya waited for success. The talented young man was credited to N. Annenkov Shpkinsky Theater School. His classmates became Vitaly Solomin and Mikhail Kononov.


In the journal "Youth" was published a story "Star ticket", written by Vasily Aksenov, which in 1961 decided to film Alexander Zarkha director.

After the selection among the students of theatrical schools, several dozen people were considered, samples began, following the results of which Oleg Ivanovich was taken to the role of Alik Kramer. In the summer of 1961, attentive shooting in Tallinn began. A year later, the first in the biography of Dahl film "My younger brother" appeared on the TV screen.

After entering the picture on the artist, two famous director - Leonid Agranovich and Sergey Bondarchuk turned their attention. Agranovich even entrusted the major actor a major role in a detective entitled "A man who doubts".

In 1963, when this film came out on the screens, the distance just finished training at the Theater School. The actress Theater "Contemporary" A. Pokrovskaya, who was so impressed by the work of Daly, was attended by his thesis performance that he invited him to work towards her theater. Passing a two-stage contest, the young actor was enrolled in the troupe. But it did not bring a big breakthrough. For several years, Oleg Dal performed in the "contemporary" exclusively roles of the second plan.

The next television work Daly became the film "First Trolleybus", shot at Odessa film studio. The picture came out on the screens in 1964 and was very warmly adopted by the public due to the easy and cheerful plot. Streets of Odessa and Moscow and a real trolleybus park with real employees were decorated with ribbon.

Over the next couple of years, Oleg had only two minor work in the movies - the film "Bridge" and "from seven to twelve". In 1966, he noted a director of Lenfilma Vladimir Motyl. Dahl, recommended by his colleagues, immediately got into the director's image of the main character of the film "Zhenya, Zhenya and Katyusha".

The picture was adopted by public managers negatively and was converted by a very small number of copies. It did not prevent her from getting a huge success in the audience. The young actors on the shooting have fun. The hooligan tricks of Dalya and Mikhail Kokshenov, who could not stop joking, walking around the city in military uniform, ended for Oleg Ivanovich 15 days.

Nevertheless, all these problems did not affect the growing popularity of the artist. His next job was the film "Chronicle of the Picky Bomber", in which he fulfilled the role of a pilot named Evgeny Sobolevsky. This picture brought an actor all-Russian fame. Thus, the end of the sixties became peak in Daly's career both in cinema and in the theater.

In the "contemporary", where he returned after a long break, he entrusted the first significant role - Vaska ash in the play "At the bottom".

In 1968-1969, Dal fell into the field of view of such famous film directories, as Nadezhda Kosheverov and Grigori Kozintsev.

Since the first, he collaborated in the film "Old, old fairy tale" based on the works of Hans Christian Andersen "Floor", "Road Comrade", "Swinserp" and "Hans Churban". Kozintsev introduced Dahl in his "King Lira" for the role of a jester, which later became one of the brightest films in the actor filmography. This tape, which came out on the screens in 1971, won a number of international premiums at festivals in Chicago, Milan and Tehran.

An interesting project was the participation of the performer in the first film fiction-tales of Evgeny Schwartz "Shadow", where Galn got two roles at once: scientist Christian-theodore and his shadows -Teodora Christian.

Soon, the actor moved to Leningrad and joined the troupe of the Leningrad Dramaater. At the beginning of the seventies, several more interesting film colleges were added to his piggy bank.

In 1972, the actor began working on the film "Land Sannikov", in which it is soon disappointed. In his opinion, a cheap spectacle made from high-quality material. After this picture, the distance more carefully approached the choice of roles.

In 1973, a children's dream came true - he embodied the image of Pechorin in the picture "on the pages of Pechorin magazine."

Closer to the end of the seventies Oleg Ivanovich, slowed down the pace in cinema. One of the latest works in the work of the actor was the film "Vacation in September", which was released in 1979. At the same time, the shooting of the Agens of Robert Stevenson "Suicide Club, or the Adventures of the Titled Operations" was taken to shoot, where the distance brilliantly coped with the main role of Prince Florizel. The picture appeared on the screens in 1981, a year, when the brilliant actor did not.


Oleg Ivanovich was a multifaceted artist. The bright side of his nature was a singing talent, which served as an excellent decoration of many film directions, where he starred.

Several songs in his performance sounded in the musical picture "Old, old fairy tale." In the full confidence of the land of Sannikov's land, Dal sang "there is only a moment", but the film entered the film, rewritten by Oleg Anofriev.

But the song "Cupid", which sounded in the comedy Leonid Gaidai "can not be!", Associated only with the voice of Oleg Dalya.

Top composition "Where is he, this day?" The poems of Robert Christmas and the music of Bogdan Trotsyuk was performed by the actor in the heroic film "Omega" version, based on the real operation of the Second World War. Dahl played a scout in him.

To the topic of war, the actor approached especially sincere. He participated in the transmission of the "Anthology of the Soviet Song", which came to the 30th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, where "Eh, Roads" sang.

Personal life

Many were in love with the famous actor, but far from finding their second half did not succeed long enough. The actor married Actress Nina Doroshina, then he tried to arrange a personal life in marriage with Tatiana Lavrov. However, due to the severe nature of Oleg Ivanovich, both unions broke off.

And here on the set of "King Lira" Dal decided the one that finally was able to tame him. The fateful acquaintance took place on August 19, 1969.

The chief of the actor was Lisa Eikenbaum, which was involved in working on the picture as a mount member. Soon the lovers got married. They managed to preserve the feeling of early love, which attaches a special charm relationship over long years.

Oleg Ivanovich was very proud of his wife, and Elizabeth always cared for her husband. She was the only one who managed to pick up the key to such a talented, but such a complex person. In the last years of the life of the actor Elizabeth surrounded the spouse of even greater care.

The actor's children were not born in any marriage.


The actor began problems with alcohol, which he did not solve. In addition, they affected the health of the actor and the problems with the heart, and the frequent conflicts with directors.

Oleg Dal left life at the age of 39 during a business trip in Kiev. It was not March 3, 1981 in a hotel room. The cause of death is called a heart attack, which could be triggered by the use of alcohol, which denied the widow of the artist. In addition, Oleg Ivanovich himself, for some time, he talked to death that death would begin.

The artist was buried at the Vagankovsky Cemetery of Moscow. On the grave of Dalya, a strict monument was put on which the portrait photo of the publishing house was located.


  • 1962 - "My younger brother"
  • 1963 - "A man who doubts"
  • 1967 - "Zhenya, Zhenya and" Katyusha ""
  • 1967 - "Chronicle of the Picking Bomber"
  • 1970 - "King LIR"
  • 1973 - "Land Sannikova"
  • 1975 - "Can't Be!"
  • 1975 - "Omega version" "
  • 1977 - "Golden Mina"
  • 1980 - "Uninvited Friend"

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