James Franco - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



James Franco - American actor, film director, screenwriter and producer, artist and writer, teacher of filmmaking in New York University. The artist rightfully won the unlawful title of the avid workaholic Hollywood. It is easier to meet on the set than in secular events or during rest. In the year, the Contractor participates in the work on five or more films, including the directorial projects.

Childhood and youth

James Franco was born in the California Palo Alto city. Doug Franco, James's father - a leaving from Portugal, who ruled the business in Silicon Valley. Betsy Verne, the mother of the future movie star was a Jew. It is known that the parents of women immigrated from Russia. Betsy wrote a poem, Novels, and also worked as an editor in various publishers. In addition to James, two more children grew in the family - the younger sons Tom and David. The brothers are trying to keep the connection today. David in the future became an actor, more famous in cinematic circles as Dave Franco.

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James studied in a secondary school, but the childhood period cannot be called prosperous. At the age of 13, the boy first encountered representatives of the law. Over the next 2 years, the teenager was repeatedly arrested for the use of alcoholic beverages, for causing graffiti and stealing perfumes in the mall. For some time, the young man was even under the care of the state, after which he took himself in his hands, began to learn well and stopped violating the law.

The senior classes ended in the Higher School of Palo Alto, where he specialized in mathematics and even passed the practice in a significant American aircraft manufacturing corporation Lockheed Martin. In addition, James participated in all dramatic school productions.

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After graduating from school in 1996, Franco enters the University of California in Los Angeles, where he planned to specialize in the field of English and literature. But in the university, the student lectured one course and threw it for training in the acting skills of Robert Carnegie in the theater "West Playihause". Another mentor of the future star became Ivan Chabbak, who had previously studied Charlize Theron, Halley Berry and others.

Already removed in films, Franco returned to the university, and in 2008 he was able to receive a bachelor's degree. In addition, later he graduated from Columbia University in the specialty "Dramaturgy" and the New York University in which he studied at the director. James received another diploma in North Carolina College, where she passed a course of poetic skills and literary creativity.


The first episodic appearance of James on the screen is recorded in television films and TV series "Bicycle", "1997", "serve and defend", "Profiler" and others. The first major role of the actor came to the teenage series "Cranks and knotted". Franco starred in the 18th series of this painting, but did not receive popularity. So began the biography of the actor in the movies.

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On the big screen, the artist debuted in the lyrical drama "unknown", and played the first prominent role in the youth comedy "at any cost" in 2000.

The popularity and growth of acting career came to the beginning of the new millennium. In 2001, James fulfills the main role in the biographic picture "James Dean" about the childhood and youth of the famous American actor. For a deep understanding of the psychology of the famous man, Franco received many enthusiastic feedback from film critics, and was also awarded the Golden Globe award and nominated on Emmy and the US Fine Actors Guild Prize.

An even greater resonance received the execution of James Franco's role to Harry Ozbarne in the film screening of the 2002th Spider Comics. In 2004 and 2007, 2 continuations of this picture came out, where the talent of the actor reveals even more significant.

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In the first decade of the 20th century, it is possible to allocate the psychological drama "The last case of Lairki", where Robert de Niro became his partner, the Military Drama "The Great Raid", Tristan and Isolde Melodrama and the Military Duel Duel. Interestingly, for shooting in the militant "Squadron" Lafayette "" James in 2006 had to be trained and obtaining the rights of the pilot.

In 2008, another successful film - a comedy "Pineapple Express: I sit, smoke," for which James Franco nominated for the Golden Globe. And for the secondary role of Scott Smith in the biographic picture of Harvey Milk, the actor received the "Independent Spirit" award. These works rated film critics and television viewers.

Noticeable projects in the filmography of the artist were the comedy fighter "Interview" and the film version of William Folkner's novel "Noise and rage.

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Also in 2009, James Franco debuted as a director with a short film film Stephen. For this work at the 60th Berlin Film Festival, the film actor received the Teddy Prize. Soon, the artist's filmography is replenished with a comedy role in the criminal adventure film "Old Values", where James appeared in the exercise of the merchant for the prohibited substances and weapons, which meets the company of young students in the performance of Selena Gomez, Ashley Benson and Vanessa Hudgens.

Franco fans are watching his game in popular Hollywood ribbons "Eat, pray, love", "the uprising of the planet monkeys", "destroyed tower". James uses all the verge of his artistic talent, equally convincingly embody different images on the screen.

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In 2013, Franco appeared in the Biographical Drama "Lavlais", where he played the editor of the magazine "Pleyboy" Hugh Hefner. With the participation of the star, the premiere of the fantasy painting "Oz: Great and Horrible", in which the performer appeared in the acting ensemble with Mile Cunis, Michel Williams and Rachel Weiss.

A little later on the screens came the film "Rugging James Franco." Jokes over the actor were with delight accepted by TV viewers. In November of the same year, the artist, together with the famous screenwriter, ROGEN removed the parody of the clip of Raper Kany West. This video James and Seth called Bound 3.

2013 turned out to be a harvest on the directorial works of James Franco. He releases the film "When I was dying," in which the main character is playing - insane Darla, as well as the documentary tape "Interior. Leather Bar and Psychological Drama "Dity God". Unlike acting, among which many comedy images, James-Director are interested in serious plots, allowing a new look at human nature. Such films were "noise and rage", "Bukovsky", "Zerozille".

One of the bright film of 2015 was the drama "My name is Michael", in which the artist appeared in the image of Michael Gladts hero. Franco Character for a long time he considered himself a homosexual, but in a mature age married to the girl Rebecca (Emma Roberts) and began the preaching path of the Christian pastor. In the film also appeared Zakari Quinto.

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In 2016, the film "Why He?". The new comedy, the director of whom John Hamburg, tells about the meeting of the head of the family with a boyfriend - an eccentric millionaire Silicon Valley Lardom Maikhu. The role of the latter and performed James Franco.

Also in 2016, Franco took part in the filming of the film "Alien: Testament". The actor got the role of Captain "Testament" Jacob Branson. The picture tells about the crew of the spacecraft, which discovered the planet, which is unknown "paradise". The tape became the sequel of the film "Prometheus" and the 5th film of a fantastic franchise about the Universe "Funny". Director of the long-awaited film was Ridley Scott, who shot the 1st part of the popular militant in 1979.

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Of course, the main premiere of the year turned out to show the comedy drama "Mount-Creator", where James performed as a director of the project and the executor of the leading role. His partner in the frame was the native brother Dave. They tried out the images of the director and the actor of the Hollywood painting, recognized as the worst film of all the times and peoples. Franco film was highly marked by film critics.

Personal life

In the youth of more than 4 years, James Franco met with the actress of Marla Sokoloff. Then about a year old act with the model Ashley Artman.

With the beginning of 2006, an actress Ana O'Riley appeared in the life of a man. The couple was together for 5 years, but the girl did not become the official wife of the actor. At the end of 2011, they announced the cessation of relations. One of the main reasons for the separation of James and Anna called a small amount of time they could be held with each other due to a rich work schedule.

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In addition to the acting and directing profession, James has mastered the writing skills. Several literary works of Franco - "Stories of Palo Alto", "California Childhood", "Dangerous Book of Four Boys", "Anonymous Athlers", "Directors of Herbert White" and "the strongest disorder".

The press has repeatedly appeared information that James Franco - Gay, because the actor for his career performed a large number of gay characters and bisexuals. The interest in the Gay culture of Franco called "artistic addiction to homosexuality." It was about those films that the actor removed himself, and about his roles in the projects of other directors. The man himself considers such rumors as part of the image.

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In an interview, Franco repeatedly said that she admires the talent of the singer Lana del Rey. According to the actor, he is ready to write a book about the famous girl. James was also not against marrying her.

In 2016, Franco surprised fans, as painted her hair in pink and turquoise colors. Photo in a new image, he published in the Instagram network. In the star biography, this is not the first experiment. Before that, the actor painted her hair in red. On such radical changes, it decided to participate in the Riff Raff Raper clip. Fans still called the participation of Franco in such a video full failure.

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The celebrity monitors the physical form (James's growth is 180 cm, weight - 75-76 kg) and draws attention to modern fashion trends. The artist for a long time is the face of the perfumery company GUCCI and advertises their aroma Gucci by Gucci Pour Homme.

In May 2017, the media reported that the American fashion house Coach began to cooperate with James Franco. The actor became the face of the new male fragrance of Coach for Men.

In the same year they started talking about the new serious novel of the actor. His choices became a young student Isabelle Pakzad, who works on television editor. Prior to this, the personal life of the artist did not develop for 6 years. Officially, the artist announced a relationship with a girl at the premiere of the Broadway play Straight White Men, which took place in the mid-2018.

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The relationship with Isabel did not affect the relationship and the sexy scandal in which James came in early 2018. Within the framework of the ME TOO, 5 women, including Ellie's actresses, Sarah Tyuts-Kaplan, Violet Palei, accused the star in sexual harassment. The incident occurred after the participation of the actor at the Golden Globe awards awards ceremony. On the defense of the colleague stood the star of the screen Sharon Stone. The artist considers sexual claims of many men by their inability to conquer women's attention, and nonsense is not worth spoiling a reputation and career to colleagues.

Despite the fact that James with the project "Mount-Creator" planned to engage in the fight for Oscar, his name was eliminated from the list of nominees to the main prize of the year. In an interview with Stephen Kohlbera, the artist denied all the accusations, although he expressed respect for those women who are not afraid to speak. The sex scandal did not affect his career and personal life of a man.

James Franco now

The repertoire of the artist is Pttit the names of new projects with his participation. In 2018, he managed to play in the TV series "Two", the militant "World of Future", the fantastic picture of Kin and Western Cohen Brothers "Bastera Skrangs Ballad".

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In 2019, the premieres of the drama "Long House" and the horror film "Bloody Surf", in which Franco will appear again in the foreground. Now he is preparing for work in the adventure film "Multiplier" and the Drama "Drunk Fireworks", with the creators of which already signed contracts.


  • 2001 - "James Dean"
  • 2002 - "Spiderman"
  • 2002 - "The last thing of Lamarck"
  • 2005 - "Great Raid"
  • 2006 - Tristan and Isolde
  • 2008 - "Harvey Milk"
  • 2011 - "Rise of the planet of the monkeys"
  • 2013 - "Oz: Great and Horrible"
  • 2014 - "Interview"
  • 2014 - "Noise and Rage"
  • 2017 - "Alien: Covenant"
  • 2017 - "Miracle Creator"
  • 2018 - "World of Future"
  • 2018 - "Kin"
  • 2018 - "Basher Skranggs Ballad"

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