Wolf Messing - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, Predictions, Rumors and Latest News



Wolf Messing is the legendary pop artist who performed as a mentalist, predicting the future and reading the thoughts of the audience from the audience. In 1971 he received the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR.

Wolf Messing

He was born in the Polish-Jewish village of Gora Calvory, who at the time of the appearance of messing into the world was part of the Russian Empire. The Wolf family was numerous - parents raised 4 sons. They lived enough poorly, and children from an early age had to work a lot, helping her father and mother. In addition, the head of the Herkers family Messing was very devout and strict man, so all the sons adhered to the rules installed in the House.

Wolf from birth suffered from somnambulism, often wandered in a dream and then suffered from headaches. However, it was cured by the folk remedy - with the help of a pelvis with cold water installed before the bed. Hovering legs, the child woke up, and later Lunatism disappeared at all.

Native village of Wolf Messing

At 6 years old, the boy began to attend Header's Jewish school, where he studied the Talmud and memorized the prayer from this book. Rabbi, who taught the disciples, noted the amazing memory of the little messing and contributed to the enrollment of the teenager in Jibot, a special educational institution, which is preparing clergy.

Wolf Messing in youth

Wolf opposed this in every way, but his decision was influenced by an unexpected event, which he for a long time would consider his first vision. One day, a figure appeared in the dark in the dark in white and, calling himself an angel, predicted him a great future in Sana Rabbi. A devout boy believed and only many years later learned that it was a sedimed by the father of the tramp, filmography who was playing the role of the messenger of God.

In Jibid, nothing could interest messing, and, after studying there for several years, he escapes and departs in Berlin. In the train, Wolf first showed his unusual abilities, and in the most responsible moment. When the conductor asked the ticket from a small passenger, he handed him a piece of paper and looked at her eyes carefully. The ticket has procused a piece of paper and accepted it as a travel coupon.

Wolf Messing

In the capital of Germany, the boy got a messenger to work, but earned crumbs, which was not enough even for food. Once, fulfilling the next task, he lost consciousness and fell in a hungry fainting right on the street. Doctors, having counted that the child died, sent him to the morgue, where he lay down for three days, after which he woke up.

Having learned that Wolf Messing was able to fall into a short-term lethargic dream, the German psychiatrist and a neuropathologist Professor Abel took him to himself and began to train Wolf to manage his own organism, as well as to conduct various experiments on suggestion and reading thoughts.

Career in Europe

Soon, Professor Abel introduced Messing with a talented impresario by a hostster, who arranged a young man in the Berlin Museum of Unusual Exhibits. Wolf's task was to go to a glass coffin and fall into a hopeless sleep. In parallel with this work with the help of Abel and his assistant Schmitt, Messing was able to improve his abilities. He achieved a practically impeccable understanding of his mentally transmitted message, especially with the help of contact telepathy, when she touched his hand to the interlocutor, and also learned to turn off the power of the will any pain of his body.

Hypnotist Wolf Messing

Later, he began to act as Fakir in various circus troupes, including in the famous Circus Bush and Vitergarten variety. His number was as follows: Artists played a scene of robbery in front of the audience and hid stolen items in various parts of the hall. The message then appeared unmistakably found all the caches. This room once conquered the public, and soon the first glory came to the artist.

Wolf Messing on the poster

In 1915, a young man traveled in the world of World War II central Europe with the first independent tour. Later he repeated tours and in 1921 he returned to Poland a famous and secured person.

In 1939, when the Second World War, Father, Brothers and Nearest Messing Relatives, Having Jewish Origin, began in Europe, were arrested and shot in Majan. Khan's mother died earlier from heart failure, when Wolf was 13 years old. The artist himself managed to avoid a terrible fate and moved to the Soviet Union

Career in Russia

In the new country, Wolf Messing, thanks to the support of the head of the arts department of Peter Andreevich Abrasimov, continued his speeches with psychological experiments. At first, he was a member of the Agitbrigad, later received the title of Artist of the State Concert and went with independent performances in the houses of culture. Also, some time acted as an illusionist in the Soviet circus troupe.

On the personal funds of Wolf Messing, especially for the pilot Konstantin Kovaleva, who was the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union on the eve, the Yak-7 fighter was built in Novosibirsk, on which he flew to the end of the war. Subsequently, Kovalev and Messing became good friendships. Such a patriotic act raised the artist into the eyes of Soviet citizens, and there was always anchlag on his speeches.

Wolf Messing and Konstantin Kovalev by the aircraft

It is known that Wolf Messing was familiar with Joseph Stalin, which was sufficiently skeptical about his abilities. Nevertheless, when the medium predicted the collapse of the aircraft on which the son of Stalin Vasily was to fly to Sverdlovsk, along with the CCD hockey team, the head of the USSR insisted that the son would go by train, having silent about the reason. The plane really broke, and the whole team, except for Vsevolod, Bobrova, who was late for the flight, died.

Wolf Messing and Joseph Stalin

But the next Secretary General of the Soviet Union Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev had an antipathy to Messing, which began with the refusal of the artist to speak at the CPSU Congress with a speech prepared for him. Wolf Grigorievich predictions about the future of Russia did only in the case, if she was confident. And the requirement of Khrushchev "predict" the need to remove the body of Stalin from the Mausoleum, according to the mentalist, was extremely important billing.

Speech by Wolf Messing

After the failure of the fictitious performance, the mestern began problems with touring. At first, their geography has changed, and he was sent to small villages and village clubs, and later and no longer ceased to give permits to performances. Because of this, Wolf Messing developed depression, he closed in himself and stopped appearing in public.


Wolf Messing, as the identity of the legendary, is surrounded by all sorts of rumors and speculation. The same applies to his predictions. The Book of Memoirov, published in the magazine "Science and Life", published in the magazine "Science and Life" in 1965, allegedly written by Telepat. Subsequently, it was found that these "memories" fabricated Mikhail Vasilyevich Bustunov, Head of the Department of Science of the Komsomolskaya Pravda. But, by plaguing a huge number of mistakes and presenting unreliable facts, the author of the book raised a new wave of the popularity of Wolf Messing.

In fact, the artist has always treated its abilities not as miracles, but as new scientific possibilities. He collaborated with scientists of the "Brain Institute", doctors, physiologists, psychologists and psychiatras, trying to explain their own skills from a physiological point of view. For example, "reading thoughts" he explained as a reading of the movement of the muscles of the face, contact telepathy allowed the artist to feel the microscopic movement of a person if it was not where it is necessary when looking for an item, and so on.

Wolf Messing

Nevertheless, there are a number of predictions that voiced Wolf Messing publicly, and which were recorded even before the events that occurred. So, he definitely called the date of the end of World War II, however, according to the European hour belt - May 8, 1945. Later he received personal gratitude from Joseph Stalin for this prophecy.

Some predictions of Wolf Messing came true

Also before the start of the conflict between Germany and the Soviet Union in early 1941, when these countries have signed a non-aggression pact, Messing on a speech at the NKVD club said he sees tanks with a red star on the streets of Berlin. Another significant omen was made by telepath of Joseph Stalin, who strengthened the persecution of Soviet Jews. Messing said that the "leader of the peoples" will die for a Jewish holiday. And indeed, the death of Stalin is quite symbolic. March 5, 1953 fell on Purim, the day of the Jewish celebration of the rescue of Jews from extermination in the Persian Empire.

Personal life

In 1944, in a speech in Novosibirsk, where Wolf Messing was then lived, he met a young woman Aida Mikhailovna Rapport, which became not only his faithful spouse, but also the closest assistant and an assistant at concerts.

Wolf Messing with Women Aida

They lived together until the summer of 1960, when Aida died from cancer tumor. Close familiar argued that the date of death of his wife Messing also knew in advance.

Wolf Messing and his Bologna

After the funeral, Wolf Grigorievich fell into depression, aggravated by the ban of Khrushchev for touring activities. By the end of the life, he lived in the apartment along with the sister of Aida Mikhailovna, who cared for the devmer. Messing found consolation only in two Bologna dogs, who cassed his leisure.


Wolf Messing still during escape to the Soviet Union was damaged by the legs, which in the last years of life began to disturb him strongly. He repeatedly appealed for advice to the doctors and, in the end, lay down on the operating table. In addition, the mission has developed a persecution.

Grave of Wolf Messing

Before leaving the apartment, as witnesses from the ambulance brigade, the artist said goodbye to the house, giving understanding that he would not return there. The operation was successful, the doctors were confident that the patient would soon recover. But unexpectedly, on November 8, 1974, Wolf Messing has refused the kidneys, the lungs emitted, and he died. Buried the legendary medium at the Moscow Vostryakovsky cemetery.

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