Valeria Skyrando - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actress, Films, Swimsuit, Filmography 2021



Valeria Skyrando is a Russian actress, the starting point in the film engineer which was a vivid role in the clip of the scandalous rock band. Wide resonance contributed to the interest of directories to her. Now Valery is among the bright representatives of Russian cinema and television.

Childhood and youth

Valeria Shkyrando was born in St. Petersburg in November 1988. The family of the future actress was not relatives related to the world or theater. In addition to lera, the daughter of Lisa was grown in the family, according to the actress herself, her antipode. If Lisa grew a calm child, then with Valeria, the parents only dreamed. Later Elizabeth mastered the profession of designer and left to work in Europe.

The teachers of the acting profession in the girl were obvious. In addition to artistism, Valeria turned out to be a good hearing. She regularly visited theatrical circle and music school, with his rock band performed on school discos.

After graduating from school, Lera entered Moscow Gitis. Soon she returned to St. Petersburg, because he decided to translate to the local theatrical academy, where he chose the specialty "Artist of the Music Theater."


After the end of the theater university, Valery Shkyrando managed to work in several theaters of St. Petersburg. At first it was the theater "On Neva", he was changed by the "Rock Opera" and "Buff". In 2013, she left the theater and focused on the film.

The debut role of a beginner actress on the screen was the image of Diana in the 8th season of the criminal tape "Streets of broken lanterns." Then another series of serial roles were followed in popular tapes "Witness Protection", "Road Patrol" and "Live First."

In 2013, the actress was filmed for the "Bag" clip "Leningrad". The video became a small film in the film: The video shows the process of creating a clip with a shavy actress, which is constantly trying to influence the course of filming and change props, artists and scenario stroke.

In 2015, the cinematic biography of Valeria Shkyrando enriched himself a bright role of Alina in a melodraman "Pregnancy test."

But Glory came to Skyyrando after entering the screens of the military-dramatic painting Dmitry Meshieva "Battalion". This is a film about the heroic female detachment created in Petrograd in 1917 by order of the temporary government. For the role in this picture, the actress sacrificed his hair: Valeria was forced to shave the sleek.

As the actress admitted, at first she felt uncomfortable, but quickly got used to. Shkyrando also told that he could have been able to experiment with weight for role in the film, as Rene Zellweger and Christian Bale.

In 2014, Valery received a role in the series "Piranha Trail". He is an empty of the book by Alexander Bushkova from the cycle about the former Special Forces of Marine Cyril Mazura.

2015 became a breakthrough year for the St. Petersburg actress. Her filmography was replenished with a melodrama "all this jam", the series "Shamananka" and the Saga "Family Album". The project "The youth" became significant, in which the actress played Kristina Romanov. On the set, she worked with actor Anatoly Kot.

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Every year, the repertoire of Valeria expanded, and new roles turned out to be more significant. This applies to the melodrama "Podkinyshi", in which she played the main role - Neonatologist Julia. During filters, performers had to deal with infant artists. Later in the piggy bank, Shkyrando turned out to be a dramatic role from the "Crime" detective, where Paul Priluchny and Daria Moroz starred. The criminal theme continued in the project "Missing. Second breathing, "where she played a lawyer.

With great interest, the artist plunged into the shaped world of fantasy-militant "Defenders", where he performed the role of Elena Larina. The film was created by the type of superhero projects of Hollywood. But, unlike foreign blockbusters, in the Russian film we were talking about the superhero squad created in the USSR in the midst of the Cold War.

In 2016, Valeria participated in the filming of the entertainment program "Cinechow". The actress set the number together with the artist Alexei Vorobyev for the song from the cartoon "Bremen Musicians". Alexey reincarnated to the musician, and she was in the princess. On the filming between celebrities ran spark. And in the final speeches, Vorobiev decided to demonstrate his feelings for Skydomo and passionately kissed her.

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In 2017, the actress starred in a fantasy film "Legend of Kovrovrat". The story unfolds in the XIII century, when Rus was exposed to the invasion of the troops of the Golden Horde. The protection of the Russian people comes a leader from Ryazan Evpathy Kolovrat.

Successful in terms of film engineers became for Valeria 2018. The actress fulfilled the main role in the Duet of Law, where he played along with the faith of the Shpak. Both heroines are involved in the investigation of complex crimes. The performer also appeared in the acting ensemble of the Psychological Drama "Apartment", which was awarded the Golden Eagle Prize.

Another loud project is the comedy series "Year of Culture", in which Shkyrando starred together with Alexander Yatsenko, Fedor Bondarchuk, Alexander Lykov, Olga Mednich, Maria Karpova. Character Valeria is a strong woman who "drags" on her husband-alcoholic, son and elderly parents, but it remains an attractive special.

In 2019, Valeria appeared in the melodrama "confused", in which he played with Anatoly White and Love Tolkalina. The plot of the series tells the story of two families who are forced to raise children each other for a medical error.

Also, the actress did not forget about his main formation. She performed as a music group IDIOT with Ivan Krasotin. Young people released tracks in the style of indian, hip-hop and raw.

Personal life

The actress has not yet found her husband, but admits that he is already thinking about changing the status. She claims that it will be the best wife, dusty and economic. Lera dreams of several children, believing that the family should be big.

Valery's personal life does not turn into the plot for the news. What is his chosen one, journalists do not know. At the same time, the actress is regularly divided by frames from his own life in "Instagram". She lay out landscapes and pictures of everyday things, but Selfie makes it infrequently, which upsets fans of appearance and figures.

The actress itself loves to watch Storsith in "Instagram". She is interesting to publish museums, galleries, auction houses, as well as people of creative professions, from artists to creative directors of fashion houses. Such content inspires Valery.

Hobby Star - Cooking. She is a master cooking dishes of French cuisine. From sports activities, Valeria prefers badminton. She was addicted to this game during a joint trip with parents to Finland. Today, the actress does not miss the opportunity to go to the court and spend a fun time with friends or relatives.

The artist calls himself Meloman. She is interested in music from classics and baroque to jazz and electronic compositions. For one birthday, Skyrando organized a trip to Milan on opera in La Scala.

The bright features of the actress repeatedly caused questions about plastic operations, fans even find some differences in the photo of the artist before and after the alleged plastics, but Skydomo itself did not declare serious cosmetology procedures. She carefully monitors himself and is not shy to appear without makeup.

Valeria Shkyrando now

2020 was rich in new projects. Valeria Skyrando performed two main roles in the films "Medical Error" and "Storiz". The first is a melodrama that tells about Elena, a 35-year-old surgeon. The woman built a career, but her personal life collapsed. The husband starts a mistress who dies on Elena's operating table. A woman is sent on the bench of the defendants, but only she is not guilty, because the operation carried out an assistant.

Sitter "Storiz" is a Solyanka of stories about the life of a variety of heroes. Here is a resourceful alcoholic, and a crazy economist, and a doctor with an ideal handwriting. Valeria performed the role of the metropolitan "FIFI". Her heroine is a funny and rich woman who brings up a son as a representative of "Golden Youth." I constantly happen funny situations.

In March, Valeria also visited the entertainment show "The business was in the evening", which is broadcast on the CTC TV channel.

In the 2021th, the actress was invited to the role in the "choir". This is another series about Soviet times, the plot of which is spinning around the young Chorist Yura. The schoolboy dreams of conquering the USSR with his voice, and he falls a chance - he falls into the choir Pavlov and begins to prepare for a speech on the song of the Year.


  • 2006 - "Streets of broken lamps"
  • 2010 - "Investigator"
  • 2011 - "Protecting Witnesses"
  • 2014 - "Pregnancy Test"
  • 2014 - "Battalion"
  • 2014 - "Shamananka"
  • 2015 - "All this jam"
  • 2015 - "Youth"
  • 2016 - "Podkinyshi"
  • 2017 - "Crime"
  • 2017 - "Defenders"
  • 2018 - "Year of Culture"
  • 2018 - "Duet right"
  • 2019 - "confused"
  • 2018 - "Lights from the Light"
  • 2019 - "Anatomy of Murder-2"
  • 2019 - "Grand-3"
  • 2020 - "Medical Error"
  • 2020 - "The second chance for the first love"
  • 2020 - "Storiz"

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