Alexander Zatsepin - biography, personal life, photo, news, composer, age, anniversary concert, movies, daughter 2021



Alexander Zatsepin - Soviet and Russian composer, who for dozens of years of their musical activity managed to do a lot for Russian and world art. His songs written for films became folk hairs, who later decades are not losing popularity. Cheampin himself the secret of his success, considers work, movement and moderation in everything.

Childhood and youth

The future composer was born in the "capital of Siberia" - Novosibirsk. His parents had no relation to art. Father, Sergey Dmitrievich, was a surgeon doctor, but he was repressed when Sasha was still in school, so Son raised one mother, Valentina Boleslavovna, who worked as a teacher of the Russian language and literature.

Back in the war years, Zatresin entered the Novosibirsk Institute of Railway Engineers, but in 1945 he was expelled from the university and called for the ranks of the Armed Forces. Then this event seemed to be a young man tragedy, but in fact everything came out as it should not be better.

In the army, the musical talent of the soldier manifested itself so brightly that ordinary Zatresin was transferred to the Novosibirsk army ensemble of songs and dances. This experience was not in vain, and after dismissal, Alexander became an employee of the Novosibirsk Philharmonic.

But since he was tormented by the lack of vocational education, Zatresin filed documents to a music school. It was not accepted according to the original reason. The examination commission considered that by age, the young man did not fit for study in the secondary-seat institution, and sent Alexander Sergeevich to Alma-Ata Conservatory.

In 1956, Zatresin defended the graduate work, which turned out to be the ballet "Old Man Hottabych", performed on the stage of the Almaty Opera and Ballet Theater. By distribution, he fell on the "Kazakhfilm" film studio, and since then his creative biography will not be unrealized with the world of movies and television.

Music and films

The first film to which Alexander Sergeyevich wrote the music was the comedy "Our Cute Doctor." Then there were even about 10 soundtracks, and the composer worked in the capital of Kazakhstan, and to record the finished rooms went to Moscow, since the field technology did not meet the necessary standards. As a result, Zatresin decided to move to the capital of the closer.

At first, Alexander in Moscow was difficult, he even worked in the restaurants accordionist. But then the fate brought him with the director Leonid Gaidam, and this meeting turned out to be a sign. Dating took place thanks to the song Alexander Sergeevich "I need a blue sky", which Nina Grashkova heard and advised the spouse to meet with a talented composer.

Zatresin wrote a number of songs for new movies "Operation" s "and" Caucasian captive ", as a result of which burst into musical Olympus. Since then, over 50 years have passed, and people are still glad to listen to the light songs "Wait, the Stew," if I were Sultan, "Twist."

Interesting was the cooperation of Alexander Zatsepina with Annio Morricon in a joint project of cinematographers of the Soviet Union and Italy "Red Tent". Each of the authors created for his country its own version of musical accompaniment for the film.

Later in the asset of the composer fell on a number of other popular paintings. But difficulties happened. For example, a song from the film "Land Sannikov" "There is only a moment" did not argue for a long time in Khsovstet: the critics of the word composition seemed too pessimistic.

For the romantic drama "On June 31", Zatresin recorded music at the home studio. The performer was chosen by the little-known public of the singer Tatyana Aziferov, although Larisa Valley claimed her place.

The composer created musical accompaniment for the cartoon "Mystery of the Third Planet". Animation tape has gained popularity not only in the USSR, but also was shown abroad.


It is impossible not to note the creative unions of Alexander Sergeevich. Since 1965, he collaborated with the songwriter Leonid Derbenev. Together they wrote more than 100 hits, and most of them became so popular that the listener was used to seeing the standing surnames Zatsepin and Derbanev and no longer perceived one without the other.

The bright union took place when Alexander Zatsepin met the singer Alla Pugacheva. Their interest in each other was not accidental. This tandem presented the world such hits as "where childhood leaves", "this world" and many others. Cooperation continued until the release of the melodrama "Woman who sings".

Moving to Europe

In 1982, Alexander Zatsepin moved to a permanent place of residence in France, after which the attack began at his homeland. Printed editions criticized all those favorite songs that were recently extroduced to heaven. They were called vulgar, meaningless and superficial.

For the second time in Europe, the master returned after the death of his wife. But in the Paris apartment, where he spent many years with the last spouse, the composer could no longer be. Now the musician lives in a French town near the border with Switzerland along with his daughter's family. Elena owns a three-story mansion, one floor of which is assigned to use Alexander Sergeevich. Woman herself works in Geneva.

Work in Russia

Only at the very end of the 80s, the composer returned to Russia, and in the domestic cinema. He wrote soundtracks for movies "Where is the nofoot?" ("Rain has passed"), "There are good weather on Deribasovskaya, or rains are going to Brighton Beach" ("Hello, America!").

Today in Moscow, the musician arrives at rehearsals and concerts. The profession allows Alexander Sergeevich to stay in the ranks even after the 90th anniversary. In 2019, the author's documentary film was prepared with his participation "I am not afraid ..." Later, the composer completed work on the Animation Tape "Orange Cow", which was presented on the Soyuzmultfilm channel.

Personal life

Alexander Zatresin was married 4 times. With the first wife, an actress of the Remium Sokolova, he met in Novosibirsk. In the family in 1954, the son of Eugene, who went in the footsteps of his father, wrote music and poems, but at the age of 24 years old a young man died suddenly.

After the divorce with Remium Zatresin married the second time on Pianist Svetlana, with which he lived before her death in 1982. They had a daughter Elena. There was no more children in the composer's family.

After death, the second spouse Alexander Sergeevich went to Paris, because he married the French artist Genevieve. On an alliance with a foreign one, the composer decided on a banal reason: Zaperina was not released abroad, and such a marriage solved the problem. But these relationships were not happy, and after 4 years, the spouses broke up.

Upon returning to Moscow, Alexander Sergeyevich's personal life was established. The composer met his last spouse, Svetlana Morozovskaya, with whom he introduced his own grandson, the son of the daughter of Elena. Svetlana was a piano teacher in a boy, who was preparing for admission to a music school. Alexander and Svetlana lived for more than 20 years, but in 2014 Zaperin again widowed.

Despite age, the musician does not experience big health problems, and in the photo it looks quite cheerful. The reason in such a strong physical form Alexander Sergeevich sees that he makes charging daily, which includes exercises from yoga. In his diet there are fish and low-fat meat.

Pandemic period The composer suffered hardly: the matre was diagnosed with coronavirus. After the course of treatment, Zatresin went on amendment and today every morning, in addition to charging, it gives the time for 10-minute respiratory gymnastics.

Alexander Zatsepin now

His 95th anniversary, the composer noted in Russia. In March 2021, Zaperin became the hero of the festive release "Tonight" "My life is my rules." A little later, the Symphony Orchestra under the control of Sergey Violin took place in the charge hall. The evening program included popular and rare works of the maestro. The event was personally visited by Alexander Sergeevich, who was pleasantly surprised by such a surprise from his friend. Musicians work together since the release of the comedy screens "Operation" s ".

Master visited the Studio of the Evening Urgant program. For the anniversary concert, "this world is invented not by us" was chosen by the hall "Crocus City Hall". The honorary guest of the event was Alla Pugacheva. The Kremlin Palace was chosen by the place of another anniversary concert.

Now the musician tries to support himself in creative form. To the play of the Moscow Regional State Theater of the Young Spectator, Ivan Tsarevich and Gray Wolf, he created musical accompaniment.

The premiere of 2021 was the show of the play "The amazing wizard from Oz" in the Moscow Theater of Dolls on Baumanskaya, the music for which Zatresin wrote. In St. Petersburg, Musikla Alexander Sergeyevich "June 31" and "Mystery of the Third Planet" are coming, the second of which was also put in the Novosibirsk Music Theater. Achlags in the metropolitan theater of dolls collects "Baron Münhgausen".


  • 1965 - "Operation" S "and other adventures of Shurik"
  • 1966 - "Caucasian captive, or new adventures of Shurik"
  • 1968 - "Diamond Hand"
  • 1968 - "Film, film, film"
  • 1971 - "Twelve chairs"
  • 1973 - "Land Sannikova"
  • 1973 - "Ivan Vasilyevich is changing profession"
  • 1978 - "Woman who sings"
  • 1978 - "June 31"
  • 1981 - "Mystery of the Third Planet"


  • "Song about Zaitsev"
  • "Wizard-failure"
  • "There is only a moment"
  • "I am looking for you"
  • "Where is the childhood"
  • "Love one is to blame"
  • "Island of bad luck"
  • "Song about bears"
  • "Wait, steam locomotive"
  • "This world is invented not by us."
  • "Castle on the sand"

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