Danil Plugs - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "Voice. Children" 2021



Danil Plugs - Young Russian vocalist, winner of the 3rd season of the popular music TV show "Voice. Children "and laureate of numerous youth musical competitions. On the project of the first channel it was called "Heavenly Boy." Danil fully justifies this nickname. He, like no other, understands his peers who collided with serious diseases, so most of the concerts holds within charitable shares.

Childhood and youth

Danil Plugs was born in Adler, the district center of one of the four inholes in the resort of Sochi. The boy was born in the family, where both parents adore music. Mom sings and plays the piano, father - on the drums and guitar. It is not surprising that Little Danya, barely learned to speak, already sang under the karaoke all songs from the "Bremen Musicians".

A clear and cloudless sky over this family began to be covered with clouds when Danil turned 10 months. Mom noticed that the Son stopped growing and gaining weight. Doctors first calmed down and were not shared by their own suspicions, but soon a disappointing diagnosis was made: the boy has spondylophysary dysplasia of the upper and lower extremities.

This is a complex systemic disease of the bones, in which the normal state of health is maintained by drugs. And the courageous parents did all of them dependent, so that the Son gets everything from this life, he can give him.

Danil Plugs went to go to school. True, a home learning method is chosen for him: 4 lessons with teachers and 7 more on the Internet. At the same time, the boy did not require any concerns for himself and did not give himself relaxing: Danil is an excellent student.


Dani has many hobbies. He loves to ride a skateboard and a special scooter, reminiscent of a double mini-car. And Danil Plugs loves to draw and writes poems. But the main love of his life is music. Several times a week, parents will dismiss the Son in a music school, where he diligently does vocals.

The first victories did not slow down to appear. The first year of virtuch's vicola classes with a teacher Victoria Brendau brought Dane 11 awards. Today, the performer has dozens of medals of the 1st and 2nd degrees. In 2014, when Olympic Games were held in Sochi, Danil Plugs also did not stay aside. The young musician was invited to meet the Paralympians, and Danil gladly agreed.

This small growth is only 110 cm - a huge and kind heart man. The young man, worthy and courageously carrying the burden of his own difficult fate, is engaged in charity. Danil Pluggers regularly visits the Moscow Oncology Center, where he sings and plays on a synthesizer for the smallest patients.

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After graduating from school, Danil entered the Moscow Music School of Pop and Jazz Art. Plugs chose a specialty "pop singing". As the artist subsequently recalled, the competition for a budget place was large - 22 people in place. He needed a lot of effort to convince the exam commission in the presence of talent.

During the execution of the program at consultation, the singer was worried and sang fake, so he did not make a proper impression on teachers. But the guy is not used to surrender. Already in Moscow, Danil took several class lessons and Solfeggio, which helped him on the entrance. In the fall of 2018, he was listed by a student of an educational institution. Now the young man lives in the capital together with her mother in a removable apartment not far from the school, and comes home for the holidays.

"Voice. Children"

Decision to participate in the 3rd seasons of the show "Voice. Children "Danil Plugnikov was not easy. The boy has long dreamed of going on stage and on a par with other talented guys to prove that he sings not worse. But fear of a huge audience, which is not limited to only those present in the hall, restrained this rush of the musician. As a result, Danya decided and did not lose.

The 13-year-old singer went on stage with Cossack song Oleg Gazmanov "Two Eagle." Before leaving, he admitted that the chosen song was dedicated to her grandfather, who passed the war. Danil alarmed that the feat of that heroic generation was underestimated by the peers, they began to forget who presented them with life.

In the last minutes, Dima Bilan turned to the boy and painted. A little later, Bilan admitted that he almost stopped his heart when he felt an extraordinary, adult spirituality, which was filled with music and words such a young boy. Soldly admiration expressed and Pelagia. The singer said that this song "goes" to the voice of Dani. But the main thing - performed by the young musician "Two Eagles" sounded in an adult, thoughtfully.

From the scene, Danila Plugnikova burned on his hands admired by the courage and talent of the boy Dmitry Nagiyev. The hall escaped the singer, applauding standing. In the show "Voice. Children "The musician was constantly surprised by the audience with the jury and went to the superfinal. The rivals of Danila Plugnikova became Rajan Aslanbekov with the song "Do not disturb my soul, violin" and Taisiya Podgornaya with the "hedgehog rubber". Danil Plugs performed Hit Kipelova "I am free."

On April 29, 2016, Danil Plugs became the winner of the show "Voice. Children-3 "under the guidance of the mentor of the draft Dima Bilan. 61.7% of the audience voted for him. After the victory in the television show, the singer began touring in Russia.

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In 2016, the young musician performed on the rock festival "invasion" in front of a 200 thousandth crowd. The song "I am free", which Danil served in the project "Voice. Children, "inspired the organizers for insane, but at the same time a logical step: to offer the boy to speak together with Valery Kipelov, who performs this composition in the original. As a result, Kipelov and Plugs with two songs were "I am free" and "Lizaveta".

Later, the young man appeared among the guests of the "New Wave", where his performance was held in a duet with a former mentor Dima Bilan. Also, the young artist appeared on the scene of the festival "Road of Good Deeds".

The Prize of the President of the Russian Federation appeared in Plugnikov's piggy bank, and the name was listed in the international encyclopedia "the best people." Soon, Danil replenished his video ticket with three clips on the tracks "All of Me", "live" and "We are all equal."

In 2017, on the day of Russia, Plugs spoke at the festive concert in Sochi. The boy sang together with the group "Yin-Yang", which became the chadliner of the event. In the same year, Danil presented a new song "Pilgrim". This composition written specifically for the young musician after the victory in the children's "voice."

Personal life

The young man admits that he absolutely does not prevent his small growth in his life. Danil has long been realized that due to illness will never be like peers, and began to relate to relatively to the surrounding reaction. In an interview, the artist recalled that after participating in the television show "Voice" began to be recognized on the streets, and fans of the label to give a guy a children's toy or coloring. The singer was very annoyed, but his little nieces were glad to have been glad to have been glad.

Today, personal life given Plugnikov and the biggest love is music. He loves different songs, but necessarily with a deep meaning. In addition to the songs of Oleg Gazmanov, in the repertoire of the artist there are compositions Gregory Leps and Valery Meladze.

Plugs actively communicates with peers via the Internet, he has a personal channel on YouTube, but in life it is not easy to find real friends. The only friend from childhood, with whom and today supports the musician's connection - his peer of Nikita. The guy is passionate about athletics and successfully performs on competitions.

After participating in the competition, many responded with the proposal to help Danile Plugnikov. Elena Malysheva gathered a concilium of doctors who developed a young people's treatment strategy. According to her protected, the guy visited a special rehabilitation center.

The Sochi administration expressed the desire to give its compatriot an apartment in the new building of the city. True, the issuance of keys and documents on the living space was delayed for 2 years, but after the intervention of Dima Bilan, it was concluded from a dead point.

Danil Plugs now

In 2018, at the concert, Mgoyan Zara in Vitebsk, which was held in the framework of the Slavic Bazaar festival, Danil, together with the singer, performed the hit "We are beaten, and we fly." The joint performance of musicians took place in Paris.

In Russia, Plugs do not forget to participate in musical competitions for children, but now as a guest. So, in 2018 he visited Sakhalin, where he headed the jury of the "Singing Islands" jury, and in 2019 he became the honorable guest of the first international winter games "Children of Asia".

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In 2019, the artist began to exercise his long-standing dream - to release a clip to the song "Pilgrim". From the producer company with which Plugs cooperates, he received about 20 scenarios, but rejected them.

In the end, it was such a plot that arranged the performer. The main characters of the video played singer Zara and Dima Bilan. The work ended in mid-July. Photo Backsteja shot Danil placed in a personal account in "Instagram".



2016 - # Live

2017 - "Two Eagle"


2017 - Pilgrim

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