Gabriel Troypolsky - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, "White Bim Black Ear", writer



Gabriel Troypolsky is a Soviet writer who created works in the genre of rustic prose. The author believed that the real literature is always journalistic and should reflect the era, and it is impossible to write only about happiness, then people will stop noticing someone else's pain.

Childhood and youth

Gabriel Nikolaevich Treypolsky was born on November 29, 1905 in the Russian Empire. In the family worked from the small years, appreciated knowledge and books, at night the boy pass horses. Four survived from six children: the brother of the writer Nikolai died in 1907, and Sister Elena - in 1922

Gabriel Troypolsky in childhood and youth

Troypolsky was friends with Mary's girls and Alexandra Repini, who were affectionately called him gavryushki. In winter, rural guys rode from a slide on large sleds, where 15 people were stuck, and the future writer strictly watched them to be dragged back to the mountain in turn.

Troypolsky was educated in the Novokhoper gymnasium, where he learned how to reflect on read and love Russian classics, he worked in his youth in the hut-reading room, then the teacher. In those years, he met a writer Nikolai Nikandrov, showed him the first essays and received the Council to continue. In 1931, Gabriel Nikolayevich began to engage in agriculture, published in the journal "Semek and seed". At his order, two forest belts, maple and oak planted in Ostrogojsk to protect the fields from Sukhovy.

The author of the author, a rural priest, was shot in 1931 for the public reading of the Gospel. The investigator of the united state political governance, which led the case, swore to achieve an exclusive sentence, and when it failed, committed suicide. In 1939, one of the "executives" found Gabriel Nikolayevich and begged for forgive him.


In 1938, the Troopolsky "grandfather" story took the story in Voronezh Publishing, but the war for a time set a cross on a literary career. In 1953, several of his creations were published with the approval of Konstantin Simonov. Soon there was an adaption of Stanislav Rostotsky, with which the author had conflict with the essays, because he was going to remake the plot with the help of a professional scenario.

The main in the bibliography of Gabriel Nikolayevich was the story "White Bim Black Ear" about the PSA, who faced human cruelty, and this was the cause of his death. The book Troypolsky wrote 6 years, first wanted to make a person's protagonist, but it turned out unconvincing.

The book was initially refused to print, but in 1971 she still came out and reprinted repeatedly in Roman-Gazeta, the anthologies of "Strada" and "On our smaller's brothers", in 2020 in the publishing house "ABC". Almost immediately after entering the seal, the work was divided into quotes, for example, that friendship and trust could not buy or sell.

The film of the same name appeared in 1977 and became one of the leaders of the rental. "Soviet screen" called his picture of the year, he was nominated for Oscar. After watching the American audience applauded standing.

Bim's owner played Vyacheslav Tikhonov, the director was all the same Stanislav Rostotsky. PSA in the picture depicted Setter Steve, and only in the stage on the railway he was replaced by a dandy dubler. Tikhonov needed to make friends with animals so that the viewer did not have doubts about attachment between them, and for this, the actor walked with Steve and went hunting. All episodes were filmed from one dub, because the dogs, of course, do not know how to play professionally.

Ironically, the fate of "White Bima" prevented the writer to finish the book "Bell" about the life of children during the Great Patriotic War. Constantly I had to answer the letters of readers, besides, after the great story, I wanted to create something as significant. The biography of Mikhail Sholokhova remained unrealized, whom Gabriel Nikolayevich wanted to rehabilitate after the accusations of Alexander Solzhenitsyn, as if the "quiet Don" wrote another person.

Personal life

About the personal life of Troypolsky knows a bit. Valentina's wife was the daughter of the architect Joseph Sukhova, which built an agricultural technical school, who graduated from the writer.

Gabriel Troypolsky with Women Valentina

The family had two children. The youngest daughter Nadezhda Gavrilovna Gladkova in 2016 spent on the evening of memory of Prosaika Viktor Popova. She also wrote the preface to the publication of the story "White Bim Black Ear" 2020.

In 1942, Treopolski's house in Ostrogozhsk was bombarded. The shell destroyed their dwelling after a minute after the wife and children of Gabriel Nikolayevich jumped out to the street.

The writer himself showed heroism during the occupation: negotiations were negotiating with the Germans and saved from the shooting of the soldier Grigory Musatov. Also wore food and clothing to the fledent prisoners of war, which was hidden in the field.


Gabriel Nikolayevich died on June 30, 1995 in Voronezh, the grave is on the Alley of the Glory of the Memorial Comintern Cemetery.


  • 1937 - "Grandfather"
  • 1958 - "Candidate of Science"
  • 1963 - "In Kamysh"
  • 1965 - "On rivers, soils and other things"
  • 1971 - "White Bim Black Ear"
  • 1972 - "Chernozem"
  • 1975 - "Common sense"

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