Sergey Glushko - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Natasha Queen 2021



The name of Sergei Vitalevich Glushko is known to be a little. But if you say the scenic pseudonym of this man Tarzan, and even next to the name of his wife Natasha Koroleva, then it becomes clear about com. According to fans, the artist managed to be impossible - turn the striptease into real art. Sergey himself assures that sincerity helps him in this.

Childhood and youth

Sergey Glushko was born in the north, in the village of Mirny Arkhangelsk region, in 1970. Birthday, which fell on March 8, turned out to be symbolic. In the 1970s, Serezha's boy became a gift for the Women's Day only for Mother Nina Glushko. However, time passed, and Tarzan became a gift for many fair sex representatives who were able to admire a muscular young man.

At an early age, Sergey Glushko, if he dreamed of a scene, then in another key. As a child, the boy began to play sports, dreaming to be the same as Dad, - by a military man, strong and reliable, like a boulder. Sergey attended sports sections, but preference gave bodybuilding.

Even more Glushing-younger liked music. He discovered a musical hearing and a beautiful voice. At the age of 16, the young man, together with like-minded guys, created the Fortune group. Frontman and soloist - this was whom Sergey Glushko in the team.

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The group quickly acquired fame in the native town and other settlements of the Arkhangelsk region. One song even got into rotation at a regional radio station. But above this stage, the popularity of "Fortune" did not rose.

In the last grade, Sergey Glushko decided to go in the footsteps of the Father Vitaly Glushko, who served on the Plesetsk cosmodrome. For higher education, the young man entered the Military Space Academy. After graduating from this university with honors, Sergey was serving to serve on the same "Plesetsk", where dad worked.

Several years of work by an energy engineer responsible for providing space complexes, and the title of senior lieutenant was not inspired by a young military to continue their career in the army. Glushko felt that Rutin delays, threw the work and went to Moscow, to the aunt, in fact - nowhere.

Personal life

Sergei Glushko's first marriage took place in peace. Ryzhanka Elena Peredentseva, also serving a cosmodrome, drew attention to the military blond, which he was surprised. Sergey seemed that such beauty would never agree to become a wife of a simple lieutenant, but it happened. For a while, the young people lived happily, but this period was long last. Relations with the first wife were finally spoiled when Glushko left the service. Spouses divorced.

Familiarity and soon marriage with the singer of Natasha Korolev were fateful. Not only the personal life of Sergey Glushko, but also a career has gained a new meaning and acceleration. It is noteworthy that the couple got acquainted at the time when the singer's husband was still Igor Nikolaev, but the relationship of the spouses at that time had already been taught their own and both. Tarzan's parents immediately announced the novel with the celebrity, the relatives initially did not believe him.

In 2002, the pair had a first-mentioned archup. A year later, Tarzan and Queen officially legalized the relationship. Now Natasha's son and Sergey lives in Miami.

The wedding of Sergey and his beloved was enchanting, as the performer dreamed. The celebration took place in St. Petersburg. The newlyweds and guests swam on a ship by Neva, in the Petropavlovsk fortress for the marriage sang chorus, and the banquet took place on a stone island.

During the collaboration, the artists have repeatedly become the defendants of the scandalous chronicle. Sergey Glushko attributed novels with partners on stage. Journalists each time tried to find a compromising on the stripter and present the facts of the public and Natalia Korolev, but the man assured that all the spicy details from his stage life relate only to the profession, but not to personal life. He values ​​the happiness and tranquility of the family, following the example of his own parents, who are approaching a diamond wedding.

In 2015, Intimate photos and video of the couples, who promulgated the attackers with the artist's stolen, got into open access. Initially, the offenders tried to blackmail their spouses, calling the amount of redemption - $ 50 thousand, but they did not agree to a dubious deal.

Sergey Glushko to communicate with friends and fans uses the "Instagram" social network. In addition to his own photos, pictures of the wife and son of the archhar, the artist often places posts dedicated to charitable shares in favor of sick children.

In 2018, the Internet users suspected a stripter in the plastic of the face, so young he looked in the photo. Glushko thanked fans for compliments, saying that he does not use plastic or filters for images.

According to Bodybuilder, he does not resort to tough diets, but regularly visits the gym. In 2019, the artist launched the program "Fitness and Motivation with Sergey Glushko", in which he introduces the audience with exercises, allowing to remain healthy and young.

Treason and robbery

Unfortunately, in 2020 it became known that the relationship of the pair is not so ideal as it seemed. In early September, Korolev filed a statement to the police: the Supbo Cottage was robbed. Expensive decorations and an impressive amount of cash disappeared from the house. Two girls who came to visit Sergey in the absence of Natalia were suspects.

A few days later, one of these ladies - Anastasia Shulzhenko - said that it was pregnant from the stripter. In her opinion, the steal charges were dictated by the jealousy of the deceived wife. In addition, the alleged lover Glushko appeared on the program "in fact," where he told about his non-involvement in the steal. Also, the girl made a re-test for pregnancy. The result turned out to be negative.

Tarzan himself first called the family secret, and spoke out against the dissemination of conflicting information in the press. And after some time, the official video event was recorded to subscribers and fans, which was admitted to the treason of Natasha Korolev. The artist stated that he was ready to answer for what happened before his wife and God, but the rest asked not to climb into his personal life.

Sergey also revealed some details of the Aduilter. According to him, the girls acted together:

"I was divorced. I behaved without any love, because I have one love. These women had a whole set of substances that introduced me to the full state of inadequate and what happened," said Glushko.


MOSCOW 90s met the young man in the wrong way. Here, and without Sergey, there were enough "first conquerors." At first, Glushko was taken for any job, just to survive. The guy worked as a security guard, furniture seller. In the Salon, Sergey Zverev worked in the post of administrator, but at the same time he continued to do bodybuilding. This as a result and helped Northerner not to get lost in the capital.

Thanks to the pumped body, the growth of 186 cm and the weight of 85 kg, the young man got into the Moscow modeling agency. Working here, starred in television advertising. Then Sergey began to invite music clips. The memorable turned out to be a video for the song "Because it is impossible to be in the light of the beautiful such" popular group "White Eagle", in which Sergey Glushko appeared in the image of the main character.

Soon Bodybuilder received a proposal to professional striptease. The career of a young artist began to rise into the mountain. One day Tarzan (such a stage name took a Sergey Glushko during these years) fell to the eyes of Olga Saturistic. Theatrical director invited him to the formulation called "Sexual Coverage". The role of Macho was for a guy step to fame.

Tarzan was willingly invited to the metropolitan erotic show as a stripter. In Nightclubs, Sergey quickly became popular. Soon Glushko began to participate in the speeches of stars of show business. The artist was called with choreographic rooms as accompaniment.

Sergey Glushko did not want to stop at what was achieved: he always wanted more. He became a student of the Russian Academy of theatrical Art, where vocal deposits improved.

In 2003, Sergey Glushko's vocal debut took place. Together with Natasha, the Queen Artist recorded the album "Wrieve or not." Songs "Without you", "I will not forget", "Your World" fell to the listeners. In 2006, the tracks recorded for the next album pair "Paradise where you" followed.

The incoming proposals to play in the cinema is welcoming with joy. The debut of Tarzan on the big screen is considered to be Cyneticomedy Grigory Constantinople 1999 release "eight and a half dollars". Tarzan received an episodic role, but was happy to appear in one frame with cinematic bomatograph - Ivan Okhlobystin, Fedor Bondarchuk, Vladimir Menshov, Natalia Andreichenko.

After 4 years, Sergey starred in the historical picture "Anastasia Slutskaya" Yuri Elchova. In the film, Glushko got the role of the first plan - the warrior of the Budimira. The tape received the warm review of critics.

In the mid-2000s, work was followed by the Balzakovsky Age, or all the men ... ", as well as in the rating sitcom" my beautiful nanny "and" happy together ". Later, the artist participated in the shooting of the "intuition" show.

Then came new offers. Sergey Glushko's cinematic biography rapidly turned up with new pages. Tarzan starred in the militant "clowns do not kill", the triller "Confession of the Devil", the Drama "Moscow Gigolo", historical tape "Rusichi". The actor also lit in the series "Univer", "truckers" and "fee for love".

In addition to the scenic career, Tarzan continued to study the world muscle training systems. Own look at this topic athlete outlined in the Body Cult book, which saw the light in 2010.

The public is very popular with the Glushko Program "Tarzan Show". Several numbers combined with one concept, weekly appear at the concerts of the Zall nightclub. On the scene, Sergey, in addition to the dance, uses original special effects, as well as elements of the fire show.

In addition to the speeches at the pole, Sergey Glushko replenished with a comedy "Night Change" about a young family man Max (Vladimir Yaglych), who, after dismissal from the enterprise, is fed into stripters. To hide the truth from the wife of Anna (Ksenia Teplov), he goes to deception. Paul Derevyanko, Elena Villais, Natalia Bochkarev also appeared in the filmcomedy.

In 2017, Sergey Glushko became a member of the transfer of the "Kings of Plywood", where I reincarnated in Nikolai Baskova for the song "Wanderer", and also appeared in the image of the singer Nyushi, which performs the musical composition "Choose a miracle." The project is so fascinated by Sergey that the artist persuaded to participate in the transfer of the spouse Natasha Korolev. For the singer's parody number reincarnated in the artist Timati.

In December, Sergey and Natasha were recognized as the most rapid couple of the year for the "Family Year - 2017" premium. A year later, the artist congratulated his wife to his wife "Sky on Palm". Speech took place at the concert of Natasha Koroleva "Berry".

Sergey Glushko now

In the spring of 2020, Sergey celebrated the 50th anniversary of the anniversary concert "50 shades of gray." His show Glushko introduced in the "Vegas City Hall". Natasha Koroleva came to congratulate her husband. The festive program stripper announced in the air of the TV show Ivan Urgant.

Quarantine due to coronavirus infection, the Tarzan family spent in the village of Krechshino. Here the striptera is equipped with a training room, the famous neighbors live nearby - Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, Vladimir Vinokur.

In May 2020, an interview with Sergey appeared on the network, in which he mentions that the artists are in a deplorable financial condition. The stripter compared creative people with pensioners, noting that the latter received a pension and get. His only business is a fitness center - damages.

The interview caused a squall of criticism from Internet users. But they were also those who began to offer the artist work. Later, Glushko denied all the information, calling his statement to the contamination from context. He thanked responsive subscribers, noting that full of creative ideas and now prepares several numbers to submit them to the public.

The story was continued from the mouth of the 90s of the 90s singer Shura. Alexander Medvedev (real name of the performer) posted a joint video with King and commented on his joke: "In connection with Quarantine, Tarzan returns Natasha Korolev back Igor Nikolaev." Later, the singer confirmed the frivolousness of the statement of his colleague about the divorce with Tarzan.


  • 1999 - "Eight and a half dollars"
  • 2003 - "Anastasia Slutskaya"
  • 2004 - "Balzakovsky age, or all men of his ..."
  • 2004 - "My beautiful nanny"
  • 2006 - "Happy together"
  • 2007 - "Kingdom of Curves Mirrors"
  • 2008 - "Rusichi"
  • 2008 - "Moscow Gigolo"
  • 2012 - "One for all"
  • 2015 - "Stone Jungle Law"
  • 2018 - "Night shift"

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