Maxim Sukhanov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Maxim Sukhanov is the Russian actor and movie actor, screenwriter, producer. Endowed with a soft character, from the first years of his career he walked the marginal in the actor's environment: Sukhanov cooperates only with those directors and authors who are truly interesting to him. This was for him the director Vladimir Mirzoev, the projects of which always cause an ambiguous assessment of critics.

Childhood and youth

Maxim was born in Moscow in November 1963. The boy grew up in an intelligent family. Father was a military. Soon after the birth of the son, parents parted. Poet Alexander Aronov became stepfather.

At first, the boy brought up two women - Mother, artist Tatiana Aronov, and grandmother Vera Burev, who at one time was a student of Vsevolod Meyerhold. The grandfather Konstantin Buzanov who died at war was also an actor, I managed to play in the movie "Dream" Mikhail Romma. Acting talent was transferred from them, but in the early years, Sukhanov did not think about the theater career.

The childhood of Maxim Sukhanov passed in an old veil. Favorite grandmother put love to music for music. The first chords on the piano were made under its sensitive manual. In high schools, a dream of a doctor's profession was added to the passion of music. Maxim could not solve what road to choose in life.

After graduation, Sukhanov made an unsuccessful attempt to enter the music school. M. M. Ippolitova-Ivanova. To avoid the army service, the young man became a student of the Schukinsky Theater School. During the period of training, the guy was so carried away the stage that neither about music nor medicine had no longer thought.

Personal life

The first wife of the artist was the colleague Daria Mikhailov. Shortly after the birth of daughter Vasilisa spouse divorced. Sukhanov became interested in actress of the Freak of Maris, from whom I met when I played the main character in the "Salome - Tsarevna Jewish". At that time she was a student of theatrical university. New novel "led" actor from the family. Mikhailova soon married Vladislav Galkina.

Sukhanov was not in a hurry to make marriage with the pool, and in 1993 the second daughter of Sophia appeared in the new relationship in the actor. With Lada, Maris Artist lived for several years. It was a civil marriage. According to the artist in an interview, now the children of Sukhanov are friends among themselves. Vasilisa graduated from the Theater Institute, playing the scene of the Wahtang Theater, brings up Son Savwu. Sofya chose the profession of designer, engaged in photography.

The personal life of Maxim Sukhanova has improved after a meeting with the new Beloved - Journalist Eteri Chalands, which has gained popularity with literary opts among lovers of modern prose. The girl came to interview the famous actor, after which the lovers were no longer parted.

Eteri has become for Maxim not only with a beloved woman, but also a creative partner. In collaboration, the spouses created a script for the movie "20 cigarettes". Shared photos of the couple are not so much, but on all the spouses look happy. The son of the Buba was born in the family.

Now the husband and wife live together outside the city. Maxim Sukhanov does not tolerate the bustle of the big city, the silence of the country village is silent. Despite this, the artist continues to participate in the creative life of the theater, filming the cinema.


In 1985, immediately after graduation, the theater biography of Maxim Sukhanov began. The actor was adopted at the Eugene Vakhtangov theater troupe. Opened novice artist Vladimir Mirzoev. As Sukhanov says, the director managed to see his nature, joined her with his fantasy and found this application.

The first roles in the theater attracted the attention of critics and audience to the talented actor. Richard III, Glass of Water, Zoyikina Apartment, "Barbara", "Amphitrion", "Don Juan" - these performances put on the windows of the Vakhtang Theater quickly glorified Sukhanov. The first award is the prestigious Prize "Golden Mask" - the artist deserved for the production of Sirano de Bergerac, where Sirano played. For the same work, the actor was awarded the first state award.

Cooperation with the "Lenkom" and the Theater named after K. S. Stanislavsky also turned out to be fruitful. For a stellar role in the production of "Khlestakov", the premiere of which was held on the stage of the Theater named after Stanislavsky, Maxim Sukhanov was awarded the second state premium.

Moscow theater workers remembered the workshop of a talented artist in the Lenkomovsky performances "Guy from our city", "Two women" and "Tartuf", where he appeared in the images of the main characters. The public has to do with the game of the actor in the formulation of "Figaro", where Sukhanov on the stage amounted to Leonid Bichevin and Marina Esipenko.

In the 2000s on the stage of the theater. Stanislavsky came out the play "betrayal", whose director became Vladimir Mirzoev. Sukhanov fulfilled the role of deceived husband-tyran.

With an increase in 191 cm and weighing above the average artist managed to master the character of the hero. The statement itself caused a lot of contradictory opinions, whereas the audience responded with constant reverence about the actor's game. To talk about the new work of Maxim, the TV presenters are temporarily accessible to Dmitry Dibrov and Dmitry Gubin.


The cinematic biography of Maxima Sukhanov is not so extensive as theatrical. The actor is removed no more than in one picture per year: employment in theatrical performances does not allow to appear on the set often. But, as the Sukhanov himself says, he plays only those projects that he soul.

From the early works of Maxim, the role of Fyri in the adventure film about the first Russian revolutionaries "Honor" and the image of Sergey Makarov in the social drama of Denis Evstigneev "Limit". He received the first major role in 1997 in the Criminal film Natasha, where he played in the acting ensemble together with Konstantin Khabensky and Svetlana Code.

The artist in the drama "Country of Deaf", which came to the screens in the late 1990s, loudly. Sukhanov got the image of a criminal authority named Pig. The role of the second plan was played so brightly that he brought the Actor to the Nika Prize.

A year later, the main role in the melodrame "women offended is not recommended", where the artist appeared in the role of the first deputy shipping company, which makes a difficult relationship with the new owner of the company - the former teacher of faith (Vera Glagolev).

In early 2000, the filmography of Maxim Sukhanova was replenished with roles in the criminal film "24 hours", the Drama "Goddess: As I loved you," a fairy tale for adults "love signs". In 2006, a tweeter appeared in the actor's repertoire, in which Maxima got the role of the FSB agent, the participant in the special group search for a terrorist. In the film artist - images from fantastic films "Inhabited Island" and "Target".

Twice in the kinobiographies, Maxim Sukhanov visited Joseph Stalin, the first time in the melodrama "Children of Arbat", in the second - in the painting "Burnt by the Sun - 2". The image of the leader from the artist came out "alive" and "not mausoleum".

Finds for the actor were two more films - "Horde", where Sukhanov portrayed the saint Alexy, and Boris Godunov. The last picture is not historical, it can be called historical fantasy. The events of the long-lasting years were transferred by the director today. Both ribbons caused great resonance and contradictory reviews.

The historic drama "Viking" took a special place in the repertoire of the artist. He played the Varangian Vultiv Owlda, speaking on the side of Prince Vladimir (Danil Kozlovsky).

I tried Maxim Sukhanov myself and as a producer. Debut became paintings "Angel Days" and "Package from Mars". Then there was a sensational film "20 cigarettes". Maxim twice was presented to the titles of the Honored Artist and People's Artist of the Russian Federation, but each time he refused regalia, declaring that he did not need "guns from the authorities".

A talented person is known to be talented in everything. Sukhanov is a successful businessman, co-owner of the popular Metropolitan restaurant "Mayak".

In his youth, Sukhanov had her own rock band. Young musicians sang songs, imitating foreign idols. Later, the work experience was useful for Maxim: the actor successfully debuted as the theater composer. The artist implements the pedagogical talent as a mentor of the learning platform "Legends Legends", the news and the announcement of the events of which are posted on the official website and page in "Instagram".

Among other things, together with Boris Berger, Sukhanov released the book "Muravic Injections". The artist participated in the record of a number of audiobook, including the "Obcker" cameras, Vladimir Nabokov, "Collector" of John Faulza, "Master and Margarita" Mikhail Bulgakov, "Great Father" Mario Puzo.

In 2017, the premieres of two films with the participation of Maxim Sukhanov took place. The actor starred in the Comedy "Myths" directed by Alexander Milkonov on the journey of Greek in Moscow. The young foreigner faces the stars of show business and discovers that all ideas about them are myths.

The first film show, the main role in which Irina Rozanova was performed, Fyodor Bondarchuk, Paulina Andreeva, Sergey Bezrukov, took place at the Festival "Kinotavr-2017". There, the audience saw the drama Yuri Grymov "Three sisters", in which Sukhanov appeared in the role of Vertinina. And again the star cast - Lyudmila Polyakova, Anna Kamenkova, Irina Mazurkevich, Alexander Baluyev.

In 2018, the social drama "Through the Black Glass" came to the screens, in which Maxim will appear. His hero is the iswall, a businessman who pays the operation to return vision to the pupil of the Monastery of Nastya (Vasilis Denisov). The only condition at the same time - the girl should go beyond the island marriage.

Maxim Sukhanov now

In 2019, the actor tried his hand in the social drama "Wizard". Hero Sukhanova is a former rock musician who earns the playing lessons on the guitar. His student becomes a young man who suffers from cerebral palsy. The second major role in the film was performed by Semen Trescunov. Both actors visited the premiere in the Studio of the Evening Urgant program.

In 2020, together with Victoria Isacova Sukhanov appeared in the sports drama "One breath". The next premieres with the participation of Maxim Aleksandrovich becomes Thriller Valery Todorovsky "Hypnosis" and the criminal film "Masha".


  • 1986 - "Silent Zoodpiece"
  • 1994 - "Limit"
  • 1998 - "Country of Deaf"
  • 2004 - "Goddess: how I loved"
  • 2004 - "Children of Arbat"
  • 2006 - "Love Signs"
  • 2011 - "Boris Godunov"
  • 2011 - "Horde"
  • 2013 - "Role"
  • 2016 - "Viking"
  • 2017 - "Myths"
  • 2018 - "Through Black Glass"
  • 2019 - "Wizard"
  • 2020 - "One breath"
  • 2020 - "Hypnosis"

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