Jamal Tetrumashvili - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actor, Olga Mednich, Movies, Wife 2021



Jamal Tetrouashvili is the Belarusian theater and cinema actor with Georgian roots. Now the artist is known to the audience in diverse roles in films and TV shows. Also, the Contractor regularly appears in theatrical productions, and since 2015, it was also realized as a TV presenter: together with Yulia, Vysotskaya conducted the transfer of "Morning with Yulia Vysotskaya".

Childhood and youth

Jamal Jamealovich Tetruashvili was born on April 3, 1975 (Aries on the sign of the zodiac) in Minsk. Already at 3 years - in a very young age - parents, Georgians by nationality, diverted a mobile boy to the famous Belarusian ensemble "Pelevock", where the child danced for 14 years.

After graduating from school, the performer already knew that he would become an artist, because on the stage, the young man felt like a fish in the water. In his youth, the future actor chose the Belarusian Academy of Arts, where he studied until 1995. Jemal received a specialty "Actor Dramatic Theater and Cinema". Eight years Tetrouashvili went to the stage, replacing several Minsk theaters.


The cinematic biography of Jamala Tetruashvili began the series "Accelerated Help". This is the Belarusian-Russian project, which went to screens in 1999. The nurse from Georgian turned out to be charming and bright.

At the beginning of the new century, the artist appeared in two rating projects - the comedy tape "Guidel" Alexander Efremova and the Criminal Drama "Law". Career of the Minsk Artist rapidly developed. Directors liked the bright type Tetrumashvili. Jemal at first glance was remembered and attracted attention to naturalness and light manner of the game.

In the first half of the 2000s, the artist played the heroes of the second plan in the military tape "In June 1941" and the criminal series "Lithuanian transit" and "Kamenskaya". But in melodrama, the actor looked great, which you can make sure, reviewing the series "Heaven and Earth".

In 2003, Minsk Artist debuted in the musical. This was the project Tigran Keosayan "12 chairs". Suddenly, for everyone on Casting Tetruashvili, he received the role of Bender's Ostap. This work was for the actor and the first in a musical performance, and debut in the capital.

The success of the musical opened the Jamalow road to Moscow. In the same 2003, the artist moved to the capital and began to regularly appear on the screen in various projects. Most often they became popular series. As the most rating and bright can be called "Lily Silver" and "Close People". Tetrouashvili watched perfectly in detectives taken on the works of Tatiana Ustinova.

In 2006, the actor received a major role in the comedy TV series "Dad to all Hands", adapting the popular American Sitkom Home Impovement. The series tells about the actor (Anatoly Zhuravlev) TV shows about home repair, which in real life I am inexorable and clumsy, which leads to permanent comic situations with the participation of the hero. Jemal presented on the screen of the main character on the gear of the "home tool" on the screen.

In 2007, Tetrumashvili received another memorable job. The actor fulfilled the role of Wahtang Guruli in the militant "paid by death", a plenty detective TV series, built on investigating confusing cases. In this picture, the crime in the modern world has echoed with famous cases, conspiracies and stages, traces of which are hidden in classical works: music, paintings, books.

In all these tapes, the actor fell although bright, but small episodes. The first stellar role went to Jemalu in 2011. The comedy TV series "Lightfor" about three friends made Tetrumashvili truly popular. The hero of the artist Pasha Kalachev symbolizes the yellow light (no longer free, but not yet married a character). Five years, this realistic comedy about men did not go from the screens and enjoyed tremendous success. Each of the heroes of the series formed a whole army of fans. But, it seems, the most impressive - from Jamela.

While working on the picture Tetrouashvili lost weight, the loss of even a few kilograms (the exact weight of the actor is unknown) was very noticeable for a low actor (the height of the Jemala is 175 cm). This led to the fact that the yellow press began to exploit this fact and promise readers of the Tetrouashvili diet.

Every year, with the participation of blue-eyed Minsk actor, several new films went out. In parallel with the shooting at the "traffic light", Jamal also participated in the work on other paintings, however, played in them mostly secondary and episodic roles. During this period, the paintings "Freud" method, "His love", "Pension" Fairy Tale ", or Miracles are included," "CHAMPIA", "Three Musketeers", "non-random meeting" and "elusive". There were in his piggy bank and work in the clips of the group "White Eagle" and Alexander Malinina.

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In 2016, the actor performed one of the main roles in the comedy melodrame "relative". The main conflict of the series is becoming a long-time quarrel between the two brothers: Senior Igor, who played Dmitry Surzhikov, and the younger Sergey, who was embodied on the Jamal screen.

Both brothers with their families gather at the birthday of the Father. In order not to upset the old man, the brothers carefully depict related love and respect, but the Father will accidentally find out that in fact his children will be entitled. The head of the family, cunning and persuasion, forces the whole major family to stay with him in a country house to find out the causes of the conflict and reconcile the heroes of Surzhikov and Tetruashvili.

In 2018, the artist's filmography was replenished with a role in a mystical comedy "My favorite ghost," the director of whom Alexander Barshak spoke. In the center of the plot - a vital story about how the fatal events overnight can change the usual way of fashion.

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The main heroine Natalya (performed by Anna Tarautkina) after a terrible accident remains alive, but loses his beloved husband (played by Jamal). After writing out of the hospital, the lady plunges into depression, suffers from loneliness - until the ghost of the deceased spouse begins to come to her. Excellent performance of actors managed not only viewers, but also film critics.

In 2019, fans saw the performer in the bright comedy "Grand 2", the creator of which became Dmitry Muscanov. The audience gladly followed the adventures of the new employee of the hotel Vladimir Yusupovich, Tetrouashvili Hero. In the past, the chemistry engaged in himself confident conqueror of female hearts makes flourishing the beautiful half of the hotel staff and "straining" men's.

Comedy talent The artist continued to disclose and in the TV series "War of Family", whose directories were made by Ilya Porphel and Yevgeny Korchagin. Together with the Jamal, his wife Olga Mednich, as well as Egor Beroev, Alexander Robak and other wonderful actors starred. In 2020, the crime drama "Clerk" was also published on the screens, filmed by the director Dmitry Borkkin, in which Tetrumashvili played a small role.

Personal life

This charming actor hid his novels so carefully that no one knew about them. For a long time, fans gathered only the graves of information about children and the family of Jemala. For example, it is known that the actor is growing the daughter of Sophico, born in 2008, but who became the mother's mother, remains a mystery for the press.

The personal life of Tetrouashvili was constantly in the center of attention of his numerous fans and mass media, but to learn the truth about the cardiac hobbies of the actor, it did not help. For the absence of convincing information about the love adventures of the artist, a novel with a long-term partner on the "traffic police" by Olga Medynich, and a number of fans even claimed that the artist is the wife of Tetruashvili, just the actors decided not to devote anyone to their own history of love.

Especially loud spoke about their "Roman" after the birth of Olga Child. Oils in the fire poured the actress herself. She did not report the name of the father of the baby, which he gave rise to rumors and guesses. Oddly enough, but the fan speculation turned out to be pure truth.

The artists themselves only in October 2016 admitted that in life are spouses. Olga Medynich declassified the spouse on the program "Alone with all". The performer also showed the TV viewers of a three-year-old son at that time.

According to rumors, the wedding of actors secretly took place on March 1 of the same year. According to close couples, the lovers staged a celebration where they were invited only to relatives and best friends, and immediately after the ceremony, the newlyweds flew into Paris on a honeymoon. Currently, Medianich and Tetrumashvili raise the Son Dima and enjoy quiet family happiness.

The actor is proud of the success of the spouse in cinema. So, in November, the artist published a post in "Instagram" in which a fragment of the comedy series "The Ideal Family" has posted. In the frames, the subscribers were able to see the semi-naked wife Tetruashvili, masterfully playing the comic-erotic scene. The artist himself also tried his role in this project, but Casting did not pass.

Jamal Tetrouashvili now

In 2021, the actor continued to work in the cinema. Jamal received an invitation to shoot on the 2nd season who loved the audience comedy "War of Families". "Photo reports" about work in this exciting project actor regularly laid out in "Instagram". Tetrumashvili also participated in the new work of the director of Roman Nesterenko - Melodrame "Cruel World of Men". In February, the fans saw the idol in the program Tatyana Ustinova "My Hero".


  • 2000-2001 - "Accelerated Help"
  • 2001 - "Guide"
  • 2002 - "Law"
  • 2002-2003 - "Kamenskaya"
  • 2003 - "In June 1941"
  • 2003 - "Lithuanian transit"
  • 2003 - "Heaven and Earth"
  • 2004 - "Lily of Silver"
  • 2005 - "Close people"
  • 2006 - "Dad to all hands"
  • 2007 - "Paid Death"
  • 2009 - "First Love"
  • 2010 - "Law and Order. Department of operational investigations "
  • 2011-2016 - "Traffic light"
  • 2016 - "Relative"
  • 2016 - "Family Circumstances"
  • 2016 - "Champions: faster. Higher. Stronger"
  • 2017 - "Clerk"
  • 2018 - "My favorite ghost"
  • 2019 - "Grand-2"
  • 2020 - "War of Family"

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