Evgenia Osipova - biography, personal life, photos, news, actress, movies, husband, filmography, main roles 2021



Evgenia Osipova - Russian actress, biography in the profession for which began spontaneously. Nevertheless, she managed to catch the "Bird of Happiness for the tail" and enter the number of sought-after performers. Attractive blonde is equally well successful positive roles and images of negative heroines.

Childhood and youth

Zhenya did not experience complexes about the fact that she was a girl from the depths. Evgenia was born in Tula on May 24, 1986. The girl was 9 years old when the father was not. The broken thrombus did not leave a 30-year-old man's chance for survival. Daughter raised mom. At that time, Iraida Mikhailovna worked as an assistant to the cook in the boarding house for children.

At the age of 14, Osipova decided to go to the model school and for the sake of dreams refused to be a new pair of trousers. The school was rated a pretty girl whose photo of which they saw in Moscow agency, invited to cooperate. In the capital, Evgenia moved being a student of senior classes. Osipova independently translated into Moscow school, settled in McDonald's on working and removed accommodation. Soon received a proposal to conclude a contract from the French modeling agency. The career was successful, but did not turn the head of the beauty.

At one time, rumors went that in his youth, Zhenya accidentally met Irina and Sergey Bezrukov. Allegedly once a high school student caught a fellow on the road and in the salon of the slower BMW saw the stars of cinema and theater. Artists not only brought a young traveler, but also talked on the road to souls. Then Bezrukov and advised the girl to act in Rati (in the past guitis). Later in an interview, the performer confirmed the fiction of these facts.

Evgenia Osipova was going to enter the Faculty of Economics. But I decided to risk and went to storm the theater university. The entrance exams did not cost without curvage. The jury was asked to name the names of the three sisters Anton Chekhov. Eugene with the challenge answered that he was not obliged to remember them. Then Zhenya realized that it was about the heroines of the author's plays. Surprisingly, the Eateurient was enrolled in the university on the first attempt, and in 2007 he graduated from Rati.

During his studies, Eugene fell into the "Theater's theater's Nikitsky Gate troupe." In the metropolitan scene, she appeared in the performances of "female", "over the abyss in rye" and others. Later actress served in the Satire Theater. In his native Tula, the director of the production "Old Man Hottabych, or another Shahryzade fairy tale".


Acquaintance from the movie took place in student years. After a number of episodic works, Eugene appeared as the maintenance of the Uvarov in the Melodrama "Mascot of Love". At one stage site, the artist was lucky to work together with Maria Poroshina, Galina of Polish, Evgenia Simonova, Valery Zolotukhin.

Not all actresses are so lucky as Osipova. Immediately after the end of Rati, the artist was invited to a major role in the comedy film "Drawarka from Hatspeetovka". The image of the provincials of Kati Matveyeva, who comes to the Culinary Institute in Moscow, in the execution of the fiction turned out to be so touching that the audience fell in love with the actress. After the premiere of the story about the modern Cinderella, Evgenia Osipov woke up famous.

In 2010, the Russian audience saw the series "Tower", in which the actress played the main role of Julia. At the idea of ​​the author, each of the heroes becomes an embodiment of one of the mortal sins. The character Osipova was associated with the murder.

The popularity of the actress has increased after filming in the rating youth series "Closed School". Heroine Evgenia Osipova - 16-year-old Daughter of Lawyer Julia, who did not need anything, but after the death of his father fell into a closed guesthouse. Girl knows how to manipulate others, seduces Maxim (Paul Prilum) and has a talent to communicate with the world of the dead.

An exciting was to work in the project "MES". The actress tricks performed itself: jumped with a parachute, dived into ice water with 6 meters without aqualanga, hung at an altitude on the cable. During filming, there were two mystical cases: the history described in the series was repeated in life. It did not go without unhappy incidents: the car with artists got under the ice. It was possible to choose only after the windows in the cabin were broken.

In addition, Osipova passed casting and in the comedy series "Kitchen", which was recognized as the most expensive Sitkom, shot on the CTC TV channel. The cost of one episode was $ 200 thousand.

There are actresses and dramas about athletes in the filmography. In the painting "City Rhapsodia", the actress played the skiing of Evgenia Remizov, which after an accident becomes disabled. The image of the enclosure of the actress embodied in the next melodramatic series "Synchronist", in which Vera Shpak spoke to the partner Evgenia in the scenic platform.

In a detective, Eugene reincarnated in a non-standard heroine. The pregnant wife of the investigator becomes his killer, whereas all suspicions fall on the character Anna Snatkina. The film was filmed in Uglich and Yaroslavl during the World Cup matches. This fact was beaten in the plot of the film.

Personal life

For a long time in the personal life of the actress reigned uncertainty. Osipova attributed novels with actor Andrei Barilo and director Sergey Shvydkim. But the situation changed one meeting.

With the future spouse, the cameraman Anatoly Simchenko, Evgenia met on the set of "Towers". Removed the scene in which Osipova had to be undressed in front of the camera. The actress could not relax, and the operator tried to discharge the atmosphere. Anatoly joked that with such a figure only nude and need to be removed. After the filming day, Anatoly invited Eugene on a date, and soon the feelings broke out between young people.

The tight schedule did not allow in love spending a lot of time together, so soon Zhenya and Anatoly decided to live together. The first time the young did not build plans for the future.

Everything has changed with the birth of the Son in 2012. Spouses felt like parents and real family. From an early age, Maxim rests with mom and dad, and all free time the family spends together.

Now the spouses have two children. In 2015, Eugene gave her husband Anatoly Daughter Sonya. Family photos appear on the official page of the fan club actresses in "Instagram".

On the account of Osipova - shooting in the magazine XXL, which she decided in 2011. The parameters of the figure Eugene and today are close to ideal: growth - 169 cm, weight - 49 kg. Nevertheless, the pictures in the swimsuit performer infrequently demonstrates to his public.


Evgenia Osipova became a fraction of the attack case. In the summer of 2018, the actress along with neighbors around the house was in the courtyard on the playground. The husband of one of them was dissatisfied with the behavior of his wife. He arranged a fight. Evgenia tried to protect the familiar from the spouse, but he applied physical strength against her.

The actress was hospitalized with severe injuries. Nevertheless, the amendment went quickly: a stressful schedule has affected. After discharge, the performer appealed to the police with a statement to the actions of a neighbor.

Evgenia Osipova now

One of the main roles of Eugene played in the dramatic series "Despite everything," which started on the channel "Russia" in mid-May 2021. The plot of the film affects the era of the 90s.


  • 2004 - "Dear Masha Berezina"
  • 2007 - "Mill of Hatspeetovka"
  • 2007 - "Real Dad"
  • 2008-2009 - "Redhead"
  • 2009 - "Tower"
  • 2010 - "Self Self"
  • 2011 - "High Hope"
  • 2011-2012 - "Closed School"
  • 2012 - "emergency Emergency"
  • 2013 - "Sea Devils. Tornado"
  • 2014 - "Torn Threads"
  • 2014 - "From the holiday for the holiday"
  • 2016 - "Prediction Cookies"
  • 2016 - "My Father's Son"
  • 2016 - "City Rhapsodia"
  • 2016 - "Mommies"
  • 2016 - "Payback for happiness"
  • 2016 - "Synchronist"
  • 2017 - "Holiday of broken hearts"
  • 2018 - "Believe and Wait"
  • 2018 - "Wife for Exchange"
  • 2018 - "When the sun goes away"
  • 2019 - "hostages"
  • 2020 - "Diamond Crown"
  • 2020 - "Weak link"
  • 2021 - "No matter what"

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