Sasha Dal - Biography, Fruit, Personal Life, Photo, News 2021



The present name of the creator and vocalist of the Fruit Group Sasha Dal - Alexander Vasilkova. She was born in the city at the Neva in February 1984. There were no musicians in the family of the future singer, but Nature girl knew a great hearing and a beautiful voice. Mom took the 4-year-old Alexander in one of St. Petersburg music schools, where she chose piano.

Sasha Dal.

Soon this tool has contacted you to buy, and he took a good third of the rooms in a communal, where the family lived. A little later Sasha Dal was at school for musical and gifted children "Tutti." There she met Mimi, who later became the second soloist of the team.

It is noteworthy that with the guys from which the Band "Fruit", Alexandra also studied together, but not in the musical, but in a secondary school. Unlike Sasha, they were fond of rock, because their roads initially separated. In high school classes, Sasha Dal began to write poems and music. At the end of the school, she went to St. Petersburg University of Culture and Art by choosing a specialty manager-producer of show business.


After graduating from school, Sasha Dal did not meet for a long time with the guys. They created their rock band by calling her "War of Poets", and went their way. Meanwhile, Alexander made her first steps in a musical career. She became the laureate of the Music Festival "Song of the Year" as the author of the songs. And still Sasha Dal created soundtracks for films. She organized a small training studio, in which he helped everyone to develop hearing.

Singer Sasha Dal.

Once the St. Petersburg restaurant Aram Mnatsakanov came to Sasha Dal with a proposal to try to create a joint project. So the group "Fruits" was born. Her first composition was rather different. Multiple musicians gathered together, but most of them worked in the orchestra of St. Petersburg Aleksandrinsky Theater.

Joint activities began to bring first success and money. But when Sasha Dal felt that her team members turned into a halitchikov and began to treat the game, as a banal way to earn more money, she immediately said goodbye to them.

Sasha Dal and group

Fortunately, Sasha Dal immediately met with his school friends-rockers. Musicians agreed to speak together at the festival of Caveres. The success was so big that after the first speech, the guys threw all their old classes and united into a new composition of "fruits".

The group often played on New Year's corporate parties, which, as you know, for many beginner teams is the main earnings. Once the guys heard and saw Ivan Urgant. He visited with the musical producer of the Evening Urgant show on one of such corporate events. As it seemed to the musicians, the Urgant did not even notice them. Therefore, when a proposal came from the famous Showman to work in his program, the joy and surprise of Sasha Dal and her "fruit" were huge.

Mimi Korg and Sasha Dal

Since then, the group virtuoso executes a cable to famous hits in the "Evening Urgant". Pieters moved to Moscow in full force. Not so long ago, Sasha Dal shared joy: the team at one of the concerts presented several own new songs, which were also encouraged by the same heat as the previously executed covers of other popular compositions.

The uniqueness of the Sasha group is that the group created by it acts on the "unplugged" principle, that is, acoustically, without connecting its tools to sound equipment. Thus, "fruits" do not depend on the technical support and can act anywhere: on the square, on a huge scene and in a small apartment. This is a kind of modern "Bremen musicians."

Sasha Dal on stage

Sasha Dal is proud to be the fact that her banda thanks to cooperation with the "evening urgant" managed to sing with such legends like Will Smith, Craig David and many domestic stars. In general, the group appeared in more than half an edition of the urgant show. Sasha Dal dreams of creating clips to his songs and plans to compose music for big cinema.

Personal life

The artist and the founder of the "Fruit" is very bright and open person. She gladly tells about their creative plans. Frankly answers almost all questions of journalists. But the personal life of Sasha Dahl is one of the topics that she does not like to speak.

Sasha Dal.

According to the information, it, like the second soloist of the Mimi team, until they have their own families. As you know, time is needed for the arrangement of personal life. But it is it in a huge deficit for Sasha Dal. It comes home only late in the morning, so that in the morning again running to your favorite team. However, fruits have long been a big family for Sasha Dal.

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