Alexander Chistyakov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Glucose Husband 2021



Alexander Chistyakov - Russian businessman, co-owner of the oil company Ruspetro, a former companion of Mikhail Khodorkovsky and Anatolia Chubais.

He could make a career in England, in the world conglomerate Credit Suisse, but instead at 23rd became the top manager of the Menatep Bank, which was owned by Holy shares of Yukos. The public entrepreneur is known as the husband of the singer Natalia Ionova, serving under the glucose pseudonym.

In sources, the biography of Alexander is described poorly. Born on January 25, 1973 in St. Petersburg. Childhood and youth passed there.

In the school years, cleaners showed himself a good organizer, and also succeeded in accurate sciences, so there were no problems with entering the Faculty of Marketing and Finance in the Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute. Also, the merchant has a diploma of the private university "international".


The initial step of the career ladder Alexander was the Bank "Menatep", where he came at the invitation of the now billionaire Yuri Millner and where he was engaged in issues of privatization and lending. Due to disagreements with the leadership, the advisers of the Minister of Fuel and Energy was transferred.

The youngest millionaires

The youngest millionaires

The chief recommended him to the position of head of the Department of Investment Policy in RAO UES of Russia. After a year and a half, cleaning became the youngest member of the Board of Directors of this company, in parallel worked by the first deputy general director of IDGC Holding OJSC. But 7 years of exhausting work forced Alexander to focus solely on "single power systems".

Alexander is engaged in the developer business - heads Hermitage Construction & Management Group. The entrepreneur belongs to shopping centers, land plots in Sochi and St. Petersburg, Moscow and Irkutsk, Gelendzhik, Pskov and Kirov. He considers Tatarstan to be the best in the investment climate, "where people feel on earth owners and live for their children and grandchildren."

Stadium Live Central Concert Hall with a capacity of 7.5 thousand people - a kind of hobby entrepreneur. There were famous Rock against Zabs, Guns N 'Roses, Maroon 5, Prodigy appeared. The club did not bring special money, and in 2017, "thanks", according to the owner, the specialists, dishonest and incompetent management, the platform had to be given to the Office of Anton Pinsky and Mikhail Danilov, organizers of the Laksheri-Tusovovka Moscow. Now there is the club "Adrenaline Stadium".

Investments in real estate in the north of Morocco led to legal proceedings with partner Elena Baturina. The spouse of the former mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov accused Chistyakov in the embezzlement of € 100 million, which Inteco BeteiligunGs listed by Alexander Sylmord Trade Inc. In 2014, the court ordered Chistyakov to pay a battleship € 4.5 million.

In 2011, Alexander Nikolaevich became Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Ruspetro Oil Company, the developing deposit in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous District. After 3 years, he sold 13% of the shares co-owner Alexander Rappoport, reducing its own securities package to 4.13%. By 2017, the share of the top manager increased to 15.7%.

To book a state on this assets, according to financial analysts, the entrepreneur is unlikely to succeed: in 2014, losses grew 4 times, and the revenue was halved, the production fell. Due to the reduction of liquidity and the lack of interest from investors, Ruspetro went away from the London Exchange.

Partners, including foreign, more than once tried to recognize the company with bankrupt, presenting claims for hundreds of millions of rubles. But the leadership of risks in the courts does not see and declares the achievement of agreements with lenders and planned financing of activities.

Not alien turned out to be cleaners and creativity - wrote a script for the cartoon "Savva. Heart of warrior. The project was also a producer. In collaboration with Fedor Bondarchuk and Dmitry Rudovsky, Alexander, Baba Yaga's animation tape, music to which Max Fadeev wrote the music.

Personal life

With his wife Natalia Ionovoy businessman met on board the aircraft when the singer flew to a concert in the Chechen Republic. By the way, I presented a couple of each other Ksenia Sobchak. Then glucose was 19 years old, and Alexander - 33. Already after a month and a half, Natalia moved to the house to the chosen one, where, by the word, the son from the first marriage Alexander Jr. lived. About the former media wife wrote only that her name is Valery.
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June 16, 2006, Chistyakov and Ionov officially signed. A year later, they were born the first daughter of Lydia. Births took place in Spain. In 2011, the youngest faith appeared. Parents raise daughters in reasonable rigor. Spain loved the artist so much that her husband decided on a luxurious gift - mansion in the city of Marbella.

After acquaintance with Natalia, Alexander became interested in yoga and began to adhere to a vegetarian diet.

Alexander Chistyakov Now

In 2019, Alexander's name again fell on the pages of the press. Only the news was not in a business manner, but concerned the personal life of a man. According to rumors, the family cleaning is close to the divorce. Media in vain talk about the reasons for the disaster.

According to one, wines, the romantic hobbies of Alexander - a businessman allegedly found in an embrace with an unfamiliar girl.

Others wrote that cleaning in family life was a despot. About the jealousy of the glucose spouse walks quite a few conversations. He perceived frank photos of Natalia in social networks in the bayonets (his own "instagram" is devoted to the main daughters), did not like demonstrations of feelings in humans, and the singer himself allowed him. There is an opinion that Ionov, hitting the golden cage, as if he tried to take revenge on her husband, flirting to the right and left with young people.

However, the representatives of the singers denied the speculation about the divorce of the star couple. I have not sounded yet comments and from Alexandra - he is known, a person is absolutely not public.

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