Vladimir Mukhin (chef) - biography, personal life, photos, news, recipes, restaurants, "instagram" 2021



Vladimir Mukhin is the famous Russian chef and restaurateur, winner and winner of international culinary competitions. Thanks to the work of the experienced chef, the Moscow restaurant WHITE RABBIT is included in the list of fifty the best restaurants in the world.

Mukhina is called among the few cooks, not afraid of changing the well-established ideas about cooking. Vladimir Mukhin openly declares his own love for traditional Russian cuisine and tries to show Russia and the world that such recipes can also attract attention, as well as being fashionable and in demand.

Childhood and youth

Vladimir was born in the city of Essentuki Stavropol Territory. The boy grew up in the family of hereditary caspers and, continuing the dynasty, became a cook in the fifth generation. To the kitchen and cooking Mukhin was accustomed since childhood. Grandma Fedosya Kiereyevna, Chief of Restaurants and Dining Rooms, and Grandfather, who taught the grandson processing and storage techniques for the processing and storage techniques.

In an interview with our newspaper, Mukhin recognized that for the sake of learning a family profession had to sacrifice games with friends. While other guys played football in the courtyard, the future chief was studied by Azam culinary skill.

At the age of 12, Vladimir had already helped his father Viktor Mukhin in the work of the Samara Pier's restaurant, having passed the way from simple dishes to the ancient recipes of Russian merchant kitchen. After school, Vladimir goes to the capital and enters the Russian Economic University named after Plekhanov at the Faculty of Catering Technology. Already while studying, a young man began working in prestigious Moscow institutions.

Cooking and television

At the age of 17, Vladimir Mukhin went to work in the restaurant "Red Square, House 1", where the kitchen was headed by the President of the National Guild of Chefs Alexander Filin. Seeing the talented young man, Filin not only shared knowledge with him, but after a few years he opened a joint cafe "Buloshnaya". In this institution, Mukhin became the most young chief of the country. This is not the only place in which a promising cook time has managed to work.

The young man was also inhabited in Belgrade restaurants, China-City, Nostalgia and in the famous institution with Russian cuisine "Cafe Pushkin". Already at the beginning of his own culinary biography, Vladimir began to allocate this direction and pay high attention to the traditional recipes of the native country.

Vladimir Mukhin also became the first Russian chef, which was toured in France. Tours Mukhin led together with French Culinary Christian Etienne. In 2009, both specialists organized a gala dinner called "Russian Christmas", which was expected to entered traditional Russian cuisine, brought by Mukhin, in the Christian Etienne restaurant, the owner of Mishelin star.

Vladimir also opened the institutions "Living, 10" and "Windsor", and since 2012 he became a chef of the Moscow Restaurant White Rabbit, to change the departed Konstantin Ivlev, who more manifested himself as a TV presenter. In the menu, the hereditary culinary machine includes the vintage recipes of the native grandmother, and copyright ideas, often experimental.

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In the composition of their own dishes, Vladimir Mukhin uses and beats a number of products that are considered invariant Russians, but it turned out to be forgotten in Russian cuisine. The cook travels in Russia, looking for traditional recipes, orders and uses the ingredients unusual to the modern client. For example, in the restaurant Mukhin, you can try the menu, which contains birch lob, mulk milk and other similar tears. The chef skillfully combines them with the overseas battoo or Brussels cabbage.

When in 2013, Russia fell under the embargo on the import of a number of goods from the European countries, a man accepted this news positively. According to Vladimir Mukhina, the prohibition to use the achievements of European chefs and technologists will give impetus to the development of Russian cuisine, as well as a picked Russian specialists to use their own raw materials and traditional products.

Even after the opening of his own restaurant, the young man did not stop in professional development. Also, despite the love of the domestic kitchen, Mukhin is not against adopting the experience of foreign colleagues.

Vladimir has been in danger in prestigious establishments of France, Spain, Japan, participated in culinary summits, competitions and festivals. In 2013, he was recognized as the best young chef in Russia, won the 1st place in the 3rd annual Russian competition of young chefs "Silver Triangle".

In addition, in the most prestigious international culinary competition S.Pellegrino Cooking Cup Vladimir Mukhin won the 2nd place that he did not manage to him from Russia before him. This success is the famous Culinary Massimo Botturi called the most significant achievement of Russian cuisine over the past decades.

During the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Mukhin was instructed to head the kitchen of the RED Fox restaurant, which became the gastronomic discovery of the Olympic season.

The fame of the young chef raised in the ranking and headed the institution. In 2014, White Rabbit entered the hundreds of the best institutions of the world. In 2015, at the World's 50 Best Restaurants ceremony, the success of this enterprise became a sensation - "White Rabbit" rose to the 23rd place.

In 2016, Vladimir Mukhina's restaurant put a new record quality and popularity. Dear Rating The World's 50 Best Restaurants assigned a new place to White Rabbit, raising the 18th position. At the same time, Vladimir Mukhin described in the commentary to the jury's competition as a "leader of the new wave of young Russian chefs."

2017 was remembered by the appearance of Mukhin on the American Internet service Netflix. In the literal air of the documentary show "Table of Chief", Russian cooked lips of elk, which are considered a special delicacy.

In 2018, Vladimir Mukhin appeared on television. The chef, together with a number of colleagues, went to the gastronomic journey, which highlighted the new culinary television "Tablecloth". The task of cooks was a full-fledged set of traditional dishes created from authentic ingredients.

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For this, the chef of the trendy Moscow restaurant traveled around the villages and villages to find forgotten recipes and traditions transmitted by residents from generation to generation. Vladimir Viktorovich faced the problems of Russian agriculture. Found farmers employed in extraordinary production, as well as families who last stored forgotten ways to prepare the honey, handle the lob and create other traditional products.

A significant event of 2018 for Mukhin was the discovery of Moscow restaurants "Gorynych" and Sakhalin, where he acted as a brand-chef and co-founder along with the successful restaurant Boris Zarekov. If the first institution has focused on traditional motives, "Sakhalin" is dedicated to the maritime subject and combines Russian, Asian and Mediterranean cuisine in the menu.

In December, Vladimir gave advice on the New Year's menu visiting the Transmission "Evening Urgant". The cook revealed familiar ingredients in a new way. Most audience surprised the vegetarian coconut fat.

In 2019, the efforts of Star Culinary WHITE Rabbit rose to the 13th line The World's 50 Best Restaurants.

Personal life

With his future wife, Mukhin met when he had already become a demanded chef. This circumstance has a huge impact on a personal life, because Vladimir Mukhina has almost no free time. But the wife of the popular culinary sofya turned out to be an understanding person. The spouse devoted himself entirely to the upbringing of children - daughters and son.

As Vladimir himself says, the most difficult thing in family life is - the inability to schedule anything in advance, even a day off or a vacation can be interrupted due to an unexpected order. Nevertheless, at least once a year, Mukhiny tries to leave away from Moscow to completely devote this time to each other.

Vladimir Mukhin now

Vladimir Viktorovich always considered overseas tour of the same important for his activities, as well as work in their native country. Because of the pandemic of coronavirus infection, the culinary had to postpone working trips abroad. But Mukhin did not sit without a case and spent 2020 in the roads around Russia. The chef calls himself an ambassador of the recipes of Russian traditional cuisine in the world, and the main mission sees in popularizing this direction as among compatriots and among foreigners.

The same purpose corresponds to the popular instagram account of the chef @muhinvladimir, where Vladimir Muhin regularly lays out photos of new masterpieces of their own preparation. Vladimir also publishes dishes corresponding to certain days, religious traditions and traditional holidays in Russia. For example, Mukhin prepared a threshold salt corresponding to the Russian Orthodox Tradition.

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At the same time, the chef calmly retreats from traditions when filing. The design of the authorship of Vladimir Mukhina is made brightly and fashionably to break the stereotype that Russian cuisine is boring and ordinary. Star chef does not limit his creativity with snacks or soups, often speaking as a confectioner. On the Vladimir page you can see such foods like donuts from wooden candies and roasted autumn leaves. But if earlier signatures to the photo were in English, now Culinary publishes Russian-speaking posts.

In the 2020th, Vladimir Mukhin continues to appear on the ELECTROLUX RUSSIA Youtyub-Channel. Here he reveals some of the secrets of cooking and talks about the advantages of brand technique.

An unfavorable epidemiological situation has influenced the World's 50 Best Restaurants contest. The cook could not participate in the ranking due to the fact that the ceremony had to be transferred for 2021.


  • 2000 - "Red Square, House 1"
  • 2002 - "Buloshe"
  • 2009 - Gala dinner "Russian Christmas" in the restaurant Christian Etienne
  • 2012 - White Rabbit
  • 2014 - Red Fox in Rose Farm
  • 2018 - "Tablecloth"

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