Maxim Leonidov - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Singer, Actor, Team "Secret", Wife, Concert 2021



Maxim Leonidov is a singer, an actor, one of the founders of the legendary bit quartet "Secret", whose solo career was no less successful. The artist himself calls himself an "Oldskul Sandreter" - a poet songwriter. Today, along with the creation of new hits, the Contractor also works on writing musicals - a genre, which, according to the author, in Russia is represented by a poor repertoire.

Childhood and youth

Maxim Leonidovich Leonidov was born in the city at the Neva in February 1962. The boy has grown and raised in the artistic family. His mother Lyudmila Lulo and Father Leonid Leonidov (real surname Shapiro) served in the comedy theater. Father was known as one of the "parents" later included in the fashion hall. Maxim was born when Leonidov and Lulchko was already 40 years old.

Maxim absorbed from his parents the best - and artistry, and love for music. Unfortunately, the boy's mother died when the child was only 5 years old. After an unsuccessful second marriage, Leonid Leonidov finally gained happiness with Irina Lviv, the librarian of the Opera and Ballet Theater and Ballet named, which became the second loving mother of the boy.

After graduating from school, the young man entered the choir school named after M.I. Glinka, where he studied until 1979. But only the musical education of Leonidov did not limit himself, deciding that the theatrical one is obliged to get. In 1983, Maxim Leonidovich received a second diploma - lity. The young man studied on the course of famous teachers of Arkady Katzman and Lion Dodina.

In the army, and Leonidov got to serve in the Leningrad Military District, a state soldier (height - 187 cm, the weight of 92 kg) was determined to the song and dance ensemble, where he met Evgeny Oleshev and Nikolai Fomenko.


During his studies in Ligitmik Leonidov debuted on theatrical scene. Maxim played Ivan Karamazov in the graduate performance, delivered on the work of Fyodor Dostoevsky.

Maxim Maxim Leonidov found an application to the play-revuv "Ah, these stars!", In which the artist performed a number of numbers. This setting was of great success in the 1980s. A few later, the musician brilliantly sparkled Elvis Presley in the play "King Rock and Roll".

In short, in the Israeli emigration, Max Leonidov played the role of Pharaoh in the musical "Joseph and his amazing striped shook." The premiere took place in the Tel Aviv Chamber Theater.

After returning to St. Petersburg, the artist continued to play musicals. In the "House" Theater Leonidov participated in the production of "Sodim and others" on the work of Arkady Averchenko.

Later, lovers of musicals received from Maxim Leonidov a new gift: the artist played a major role in the comedy "Outwashing fraudsters." Here Maxim spoke not only as an actor, but also as a composer. On the stage, together with Leonidov, his wife Alexander Kamchatov appeared.

Team "Secret"

After returning from the army in 1983, Maxim Leonidov became one of the founders of the most popular quartet "Secret". Nikolay Fomenko, Andrei Zabludovsky and Alexey Murashov, entered the group. After 2-year rehearsals, the team loudly declared himself. Since the 1985th, Bit Quartet in a short time managed to acquire the army of fans.

The musicians have released only 2 plates, but the discs were lightning off, and this is with a million-in-mail! The popularity of "Hi", "Bugi-Vui" compositions were popular. The "Secret" group existed only 5 years, then musicians, including Leonidov, took up solo careers.

In the "Lidh 90s", Maxim Leonids, together with the first spouse, Irina Seleznev went to Israel. In Tel Aviv, the family lived until 1996. 2 disks of the artist came here, one of which (Maxim) sounded in Hebrew. But such deafening popularity, as in Russia, did not have albums. It was a period of tissue in the creative biography of Leonidov, and the musician returned to Russia.

Hippoband and Solo Career

In Motherland, the artist gathered a new musical group by calling her Hippoband. The backbone of the team, in addition to Maxim Leonidov, amounted to Vladimir Gustov, Evgeny Oleshyev, Yuri Guriev and Yuri Sonin. The first hits of "horse" and "girl-vision" in a short time returned to the performer former glory. The compositions entered the album "floating over the city."

"Student's Song" and the clip on it firmly occupied a leading place on Russian music channels. In 1999, another disk "Do not give him to leave", the same single, which has long been kept on the first lines of charts. The track of the musician became a hymn of student romance, without him and today is not a single concert of the artist. And along with Irina Zhankova Leonidov, he was hit by the hit on the Ether Project "Star Factory".

In the 2000s, the musicians of the Hippoband group pleased fans with new plates, as well as the arrangements of popular songs that published collections. First of all, this is the Album of the Military Songs "Let's Look!", Where the immortal "eh, roads", "Mahene, not looking". For the solo composition "Letter", the performer was awarded the "Chartow Dress" premium in the nomination "Poetry".

The album "over" Leonidov was pleased with fans in 2017. The release of the single "Snowfall" took place in January. The release of the first 8-year album Artist timed to the 55th anniversary, who celebrated the solo concerts in Moscow and St. Petersburg.


In addition to music in the life of Maxim, Leonidov, the cinema is occupied important place. The artist has more than a dozen cinema work. The actor played the most noticeable role in the musical films to "be sad not necessary", "Jack Eight Girl -" American ".

The singer has roles and in full-length feature films. In the drama "Vysotsky. Thank you for living "the artist fulfilled the role of Pavel Leonidov, whose prototype became impresario Barda Vladimir Goldman. The shooting of the paintings took place in Uzbekistan. The stings of the 70s brought local residents who still have authentic clothing in the houses. Suitable costumes for the main characters were looking for commission stores, and Mercedes 1974 was brought from Germany.

Later on the screens the historical drama "White Guard" was released, in which Leonidov appeared in the form of an officer. Interestingly, shooting scenes with White Guards and Petlisters, who were held in Kiev in 2010, had to be transferred due to elections.

Public position

Maxim Leonidov often uses its popularity in order to convey its views to citizens of Russia and other countries. In particular, with the beginning of an armed conflict in the east of Ukraine, the singer called for fraternal peoples to peaceful resolution of the situation.

The artist opposed the amendments to the Constitution, which were announced in 2020. In an interview, Maxim Leonidovich stressed that he considers the results of the vote with falsified, and the people themselves, which uses television as the only information source. Later, the performer supported protest sentiment in Belarus. The musician joined the international action under the slogan "Jig of Belarus!".

Personal life

It is known that Maxim Leonidov's personal life is 3 marriage. The first with the actress Irina Seleznev was long. Together, spouses lived in emigration in Israel.

After this marriage broke up, Leonidov married the second time. The wife of the musician became the actress Anna Banchikov, but this union was short-term. The couple broke up in 2003.

New marriage - and again on the actress - took place in 2004. Alexandra Kamchatov younger husband for 17 years. Wife gave birth to Maxim Leonida two children: Mary's daughter in 2004 and Son Leonid in 2008. His home artist writes songs. When the spouse was pregnant with the second child, the musician composed the composition "Magic Into her inside", and daughters dedicated the "world for Mary".

The singer often recalls his father. According to the artist, he became like Leonidov-senior over the years. This Maxim notices, comparing its own image in the mirror and photo of the Father.

Maxim Leonids now

Now the artist plays on the stage of the St. Petersburg Theater of Muzkomedi, where the musical "Girl per million" and the play "Music Resistance: a fragile voice of a near-minded city" is being held with his participation. The premiere of 2020 became the song "Mont Amur", on the music of the famous Israeli musician Hanan Ben Ari. In the summer, an online concert "Secret", which looked more than 2 million people.

The lyrical track "In the city of Autumn", in the clip on which the musician's wife played, appeared in his repertoire in 2021. In the work of the artist - musical material for the musical and several singles.

Another part of the Creative Life Star is the creation of a theater school-studio for children and adults "Maxim Maxima Leonidov", where students receive knowledge of acting, ownership of voice and musical instruments.

The new work of Leonidov on television is to participate in the creation of a television show "I see your voice," where the artist took the expert chair.


  • 1996 - "Commander"
  • 1997 - "sailing over the city"
  • 1999 - "Do not let him go"
  • 2000 - "The best songs 1985-2000"
  • 2001 - "Thursday"
  • 2003 - "Hippopotazm"
  • 2006 - "Foundations of Feng-Shuya"
  • 2008 - "World for Mary"
  • 2009 - "Wild One"
  • 2011 - "Papin songs"
  • 2017 - "Over"


  • 1985 - "It is not necessary to be sad"
  • 1985 - "Start first"
  • 1986 - "How to Be Star"
  • 1986 - "Jack Eightsmkin"
  • 1989 - "Bindube and King"
  • 1995 - "Imagination game"
  • 1997 - "Old songs about the main 3"
  • 1998 - "Spirit"
  • 2003 - "Deadly Strength 5"
  • 2003 - "Demon Powder"
  • 2004 - "Ali Baba and forty robbers"
  • 2004 - "One shadow for two"
  • 2008 - "Do not try to understand a woman"
  • 2011 - "Vysotsky. Thank you for being alive"
  • 2012 - "White Guard"
  • 2015 - "concerned, or love evil"
  • 2017 - "Find a husband Darya Klimova"


  • 2011 - "I looked around"
  • 2018 - "All this is love"

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