James Marsden - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



James Paul Marsden is an American film actor, model. He received world famous thanks to the role of a cyclopa in a blockbuster "X-People", and later demonstrated, which is a multifaceted actor and is capable not only for superhero amplua.

Childhood and youth

Full James Marsden grew in a large family, where, besified, four more children were brought up. The boy was born on September 18, 1973 in the provincial town of Stillwater, his childhood passed there. By nationality he is an American. James's father is a professor of industry and animal husbandry, mother - nutritionist. First, parents lived well, but then family relationships gave a crack. When Marsden turned 9 years old, parents parted. James and other children raised his father.

After school, the guy decided to engage in journalism and entered the faculty of radio journalistic University of Oklahoma. However, after studying a couple of years, James Marsden fell ill with acting profession, visited acting courses. The ambitious young man rightly judged that he had more chances in Los Angeles to make a career. James gathered things and moved, then a new period began in the biography of a young man.

Personal life

Marsden is beautiful, in demand in the profession, but with his personal life he has everything not as much as I would like. The young man married in 2000 on Lisa Linde, the daughter of the famous singer Dennis Linde. A year after the wedding, she gave birth to Jack's Son, and after another 4 years, Mary's daughter appeared in the family. In 2011, James Marsden's wife filed for a divorce, the reasons for which the pair did not comment on.

The actor supports relations with children, especially closely communicates with the Senior Son Jack Holden, who is interested in music and plans to devote life to this. In 2017, James and Jack appeared at the ceremony of the award of the Guild of Cinema Actors. Journalists noted the large external similarity of Marsdennes. The photo of the young men often appear on the Personal page of James in "Instagram".

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It was said that the cause of parting with his wife was the Roman actor with a model named Rose Costa. Indeed, James and Brazilian Rose met, in December 2012, the girl gave birth to the beloved son William Luka. But instead of legalizing the relationship, the couple broke up.

In 2014, the media appeared in the media that James Marsden meets with the star of the Vampire Diaries of Nina Dobrev. In 2015, James Marsden found a new beloved - the British top model Sunic Waterhouse, which is 18 years old. The new novel lasted for a short time, the lovers soon broke up. While the heart of the Hollywood actor is free.

Fans of cinema sometimes confuse James with another Hollywood star Chris Paine. Both really have similar features, except that Chris is under and slightly higher than the growth. Also, Marsden looks outwardly resembles Paul Walker (especially after changing hairstyles), and critics believe that for the directors he became a kind of replacement of the deceased artist (the Fursazha Star Paul Walker died in a car accident in 2013).


James Marsden was lucky: From the very beginning, his career was smooth. Bright appearance, high growth (178 cm with weight 75 kg) attracted the attention of the director of the series "Nanny". The guy was invited to samples in Sitkom, which he successfully passed. The project has become a successful start for James. At 21, Marsden was already starring in the comedy "Kosi Lawn!", Where she reincarnated in the son of the main characters, and by 25 years he was often starred in multi-sized films.

Among them are the "godfather", "Ellie McBile", "White Horror", "Elegant Flower". In 1994, Marsden starred in the family melodrama "Five" about children who have lost their father and mother in a car accident. James also appeared in the cast of the fantasy series "Touch Angel". The actor and in Horror "Beyond the Possible" took place.

There were dips on the creative path of Mrsden. One of them is a triller "primitive fear": James Marsden tried to the role in 1996, but Edward Norton starred instead. Another failure was postgraduated by James in 2 years, when he was not approved for the role of bartender in the film "Studio 54".

The iconic in the actor's fate was the drama about the difficult teenagers "obscene behavior" and the film "Gossip". In the "gossip", James Marsden had to play a sleek "Major". The plot tells about the meanness of students who bloom the rumor about one of the girls. It spreads quickly, turns new details and speculation. The image and nature of the rascal James Marsden conveyed from the screen more than convincing.

Worldwide popularity came to the actor in 2000, when Marsen starred as a cyclopa in the popular project "People of X". Initially, James Cavizel was to play this role, but he refused to filming, and then they approved James. For the actor, it was a real luck, because his cyclops appear in all parts of the "X-Men".

The next serious work was the Thriller "Track 60", in which James played Nile Oliver. Marsden Hero fell in love with his own fantasies, left a job, the bride, the house and went on a trip along the highway, confident that at the end of the way of a young man waiting for a dream. After this role, criticism and viewers spoke about new edges of the actor's talent.

James Marsden also starred in the Diary of Memory Diary, the "Package" thriller, where it appeared in the frame along with Cameron Diaz, the film "Enchanted". In the last project, the audience was able to appreciate his comedy talent. In 2007, James, together with Zak Efron played in another humorous film "Hair Varnish".

In 2000, the actor's filmography was replenished with works in the series "Studio 30", "American Family", "The Lost Chronicles of the Vietnam War".

In addition to the acting profession, James does not refuse proposals to play in advertising. In his youth, the artist participated in the Versace brand advertising campaign.

In recent years, the Creative Career actor continues to develop. Every year, with the participation of Mrsden, projects are published. In 2016, James starred in the rating futuristic western "Wild West World", in which we were talking about the fleet of entertainment of the future, where people are given the opportunity to arrange hunting for human-like androids. James Marsden on the workplace was Anthony Hopkins, Evan Rachel Wood, Tandy Newton.

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In 2017, the artist starred in a sports comedy "on wheels" about the doping scandal during the international bike ride. In September, the premiere of a political thriller was held with James Marsden "Shock and Treps", in which Mill Yovovich also played.

In 2018, the Music tape "Enchanted-2" came out, where the role of Princess Giselle Gissels from the Magic world was performed by Amy Adams, and Prince Edward played James Marsden.

James Marsden now

In August 2019, Marsden joined the team of actors participating in the preparation of the 10-serial film release of Roman Stephen King "confrontation". James reincarnated in one of the main heroes of Redman, which turns out to be a carrier of immunity to a death virus. The premiere of the series was held in May 2020, together with Marsden, Alexander Skarsgard, Odessa Yang and Henry Zaga played in it.

Marsden also took part in the filming of the film Tarantino "Once in Hollywood." He got the role of the young Berta Reynolds, who also had to star in the ribbon as the farm owner. Unfortunately, Reynolds died, without bringing work to the end, and from the final version of the picture all frames with the participation of his character, including the Marsen played, were cut out.

In February 2020, the premiere of the film "Sonic in Cinema" took place. In the tape on the adventures of the human-like blue hero, Marsden played a friend of the main character, Police Tom Vachovski, who helps Sonic to cope with the evil cybernetic quotation. Together with him, Jim Kerry was lit in the tape, Ben Schwartz (official voice of Sonic) and Natasha Rothell. Now, when the studio Variety is thinking about the continuation, James announced in advance that the work in the film he liked that he was ready to act in continuations, no matter how much they were.

Another news from the actor was his participation in the Mini-TV series Mrs. America, which came out on the screens in the spring of 2020.


  • 1994 - "Kosi Lawn!"
  • 2000 - "X-People"
  • 2002 - "Route 60"
  • 2004 - "Diary of Memory"
  • 2007 - "Hair Varnish"
  • 2007 - "Enchanted"
  • 2008 - "27 weddings"
  • 2010 - "Death at the funeral"
  • 2014 - "Blonde on Ether"
  • 2014 - "Loft"
  • 2015 - "Love Caps"
  • 2015 - "Road to Hollywood"
  • 2016 - "Wild West World"
  • 2017 - "Shock and Treps"
  • 2020 - Sonic in Cinema
  • 2020 - "Confrontation"
  • 2020 - Mrs. America

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