Fedor Konyukhov - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



Fedor Konyukhov - the first in the USSR and Russia "Professional Traveler", the captain of long-range swimming, a pilot of a free balloon, rides on dog sledding, climber, writer priest UPC MP. Among the achievements of Konyukhov - five round-the-world expeditions, 17 intersections of the Atlantic Ocean on sailing yachts and once - on a rowing boat.

Fyodor Konyukhov was born on December 12, 1951 in the village of Chkalovo Zaporizhia region. The childhood of the future traveler was held on the shore of the Sea of ​​Azov. Father Philip Mikhailovich often walked into the sea for fish, she took his son with him. Grandfather Mikhail was often shared with the grandson of knowledge, which learned from communicating with George Sedov, famous Russian polar explorer. Mikhail with him was able to serve in one garrison of the royal army. The polarist left Konyukhov his own native cross so that he went to the most strong of his descendants. This cross grandfather gave Fyodor.

Traveler Fedor Konyukhov

Already then the boy had a traction for traveling when Fyodor stood at the headwood of the father's ship and peered into the sea distance. At the age of 15, the young man risked the first journey and overwhelmed the Azov Sea in the boat on the messengers. True, before that, Fedor had to actively engage in rowing, master the sailing sailing.

Like any teenager, Fedor gladly played football. Like any rustic boys, Konyukhi often slept on a haymaker, and also wilt read the adventure novels of Jules Verne and other authors. By the end of the school, the young man understood that he wants to associate life with the sea.

Fedor Konyukhov in youth

Fedor enrolled in Odessa Seavokat and received a specialty of the ship mechanic. Then there was an study in the Polar School in Leningrad to the navigator navigator, the service on the Baltic Fleet. For 2 years, Fedor Konyukhov served in Vietnam by a sailor of a special commuting, delivering ammunition to Vietkogovtsy. During the service, I also visited Nicaragua and Salvador. After returning to the Motherland, Konyukhov does not leave studies and receives a specialty of the carver-an inlator in the Profile School of the Belarusian city of Bobruisk.


The first serious expedition took place in 1977, when a young man traveled under the sail in the Pacific and repeated the route Vitus Bering. For the first followed the expedition to Kamchatka, Sakhalin.

Fedor Konyukhov, 1989

Fedor Konyukhov put a new goal - to conquer the North Pole alone.

I was preparing for the expedition of Konyukhi in Chukotka, mastered the ride in dog sledding, learned to build huts from ice, developed other skills for extreme travel - it took this several years. Initially, Konyukhov took the training campaign to the pole of relative inaccessibility. The traveler complicated himself the task of what went on skis during the Polar Night.

Fedor Konyukhov, climbing Everest

Then Fedor visited Canada, on the Baphin Earth and on the North Pole in the Soviet-Canadian Group headed by Vladimir Chukov. In 1990, Konyukh skiing, with a heavy backpack and equipment went on the road, and after 72 days reached the North Pole. Having overcame along the road, the wormwood and torus, Fyodor almost died during the collision of the ice. Konyukhov became a pioneer in a single journey there. In 1995, Fyodor Konyukhov conquered the South Pole, and in 59 days the flag of Russia was already waving over the extreme southernmost point.

In the biography of the traveler there were other routes. Fyodor became the first Russian who fulfilled the program of the "Grand Slam", that is, who conquered the North, South Pole and Everest. Previously, in 1992, alone rose to Everest, in January 1996 - on the mountain of Akonkagua, and in 1997 - to Kilimanjaro volcano.

Fedor Konyukhov, Cape Gorn

Among the expeditions in which Fedor Konyukhov was participating - the Soviet-American bike ride in the USSR Nakhodka - Moscow - Leningrad 1989, the Russian-Australian Rally on SUVs Nakhodka - Moscow 1991, caravan expedition on the route of the Great Silk Road in 2002 and 2009. Fedor Konyukhov makes land expeditions, repeating the path of the famous Taiga researchers.

For his life, Konyukh committed a total of 40 maritime expeditions. Not everything smoothly folded during such travel. In addition to the troubles created by the natural element, Fyodor Konyukhov received unpleasant surprises from people. During one voyage of Konyukhov picked up a tropical infection and was forced to stay in the Philippines. Local pirates took advantage of the forced parking of the yacht Konyukhov and hijacked it. After recovery, to find your own ship in the marine latitors, Fyodor seized the robbery yacht and caught up his own.

In July 2016, Fyodor Konyukhov established a new record, hauled the planet in a balloon for 11 days. Russian traveler ahead of the previous record holder of Fosset Steve for 2 days.

During travel, Fedor Konyukhov is engaged in research work and creativity: writes pictures and books. In total, the traveler created almost 3 thousand canes, published twenty books. In his own works "My Travels", "under the Alay Sails", "Alone with the Ocean", "As I became a traveler", Fedor Konyukhov shares life experience, travel events. There are the author and historical works: "The Crimean War. The defense of Sevastopol "," Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov "," As Admiral Ushakov, the Russians of the Russian Sea did. " In the books "My Way to Truth", "Power of Faith. 160 days and nights alone with the Pacific Ocean "," Ocean - my abode "Konyukh lightens questions of faith. Traveler readers introduces his works from the pages of the official site, where also places the photo of his own cloths.

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Fyodor Konyukhov is a valid member of the Union of Journalists, the Union of Artists and Sculptors, the Union of Writers of Russia. His drawings of Konyukh decorated the publication of the book "Dae De Zyn", which he considers the second after the "Bible".

In addition to the main affairs of life, an important page of the biography for Fedor was the ministry in the Orthodox Church. San Ipodiakona Konyukhov received in 2010 for the feast of Nikolai Wonderworker, patron siest of traveling and navigators. After graduating in the northern capital, the spiritual seminary, Konyukhov went to serve in Zaporizhia, while not leaving marine, land and air travel.

Personal life

Fedor Konyukhov was married twice. The first spouse love gave Fyodor two children - the son of Oscar (born in 1975) and Daughter Tatiana (born in 1978). Later, a woman moved to the USA, where she settled together with his daughter. The eldest son Konyukhov is headed by the All-Russian Sailing Federation.

Fedor and Irina Konyukhov

The second spouse of the famous traveler is Professor, Doctor of Law, Expert on International Law Irina Anatolyevna. Future spouses met in 1995. Irina by that time was also divorced, brought up two sons. Fedor honestly warned a girl about his passion, but it was not afraid of Irina. For the sake of his beloved Irina, Anatolyevna refused to work in the UN and the European Parliament.

Often, the wife herself went along with his spouse in travel. In 2004, crossing the Atlantic, the ship, where Fedor and Irina was located in a strong storm. After returning home, Konyukhov elevated near the Moscow creative workshop Fyodor Chapel Nicholas Wonderworker. For a long time, the couple did not have a common child, but in 2005 the long-awaited son Nicholas was born.

Fedor Konyukhov with his wife and son

Now Fedor Konyukhov is a happy grandfather, who has four grandchildren - Philip, Arkady, Itan, Blake and two granddaughters - Polina and Kate, but it does not prevent him from doing his loved business.

Traveler, artist, writer, cyclist, climber, navigator - this is all about Konyukhov. Since 1998, the navigator shares experience with young followers and heads the Laboratory of Distance Learning. In the laboratory teaches young travelers to the technique of survival in difficult conditions.

Fedor Konyukhov now

Fedor Konyukhov continues to beat records. The last passion for the traveler was the aerostate aeronautics. In 2017, Fyodor established a new world achievement, having spent 55 hours of 10 minutes of continuous time in the air. The previous record of 50 hours of 38 minutes belonged to the Japanese pilots Michio Canda and Chirazuki TAZAZA, who installed it in 1997.

On this, the tireless traveler will not stop. For summer alloys along the rivers of Konyukhov, he has already chosen a place in the Sheregesh resort in the Kemerovo region, where he managed to visit the family in January 2018.


  • 1996 - Honorary resident of the city of Nakhodka
  • 1988 - the Order of Peoples' Friendship
  • 2014 - Gold Medal named after N. N. Miklukho-Maclay Russian Geographical Society
  • 2015 - The Friendship Award of the Peoples "White Cranes of Russia" and the Ordinous
  • 2017 - Order of Honor


  • The world's first person who has reached the five poles of the Earth: the Northern and South Geographical, Pole of Relative Inaccessibility in the Arctic Ocean, Poles of Height - Jomolungma, Pole Yachtsmen - Cape Horn
  • The first Russian who managed to execute the program "Big Helmet" (North Pole, South Pole, Cape Horn, Jomolungma).
  • Crossed alone Atlantic Ocean on a rowing boat with a global record in 46 days 4 hours.
  • Crossed alone the Pacific Ocean on a rowing boat with a global record in 159 days 14 hours 45 minutes.

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