TV series "Talk to her" (2021) - Release date, home, actors and roles, facts


At the beginning of the spring of 2021, the spectators of the Canal "Home" saw the series "Talk to her" dedicated to women's friendship, meanness and love. The prime minister took place on the Ukraine TRK on December 26, 2020, and the release date in Russia is March 22, 2021. Actors, roles and interesting facts about the shooting of the project - in the material 24cm.

Plot and shooting

Katya and Sasha - girlfriend since childhood. Meanwhile, the communication of girls does not approve the Sasha family, which believes that Katya is a bench, in the plans of which - to break through into the highest light.

Visiting a friend Katya meets Artem, who was considered a successful party for Sasha. However, the unplanned feelings of young people change the intentions of the heroes. Katya and Artem together, and Sasha becomes another and exhibits the beloved failed groom in a bad light, emphasizing her low social status.

Katya is trying to talk to Sasha, but she drives her. And on the wedding day, Kati and Artem is a tragedy, which forever changed the lives of participants in the fatal triangle. Now the girls will have to build happiness, but their fate will become unpredictable.

TV series

The director of the television film was spoken Roman Tkachenko. Over the scenario of the series worked Andrei Percen, Lev Karpov, Nadezhda Komarovskaya. The author's group earlier released a joint project "Love Mother", the premiere of which Russian fans of melodrama saw on March 7, 2021 at the "home".

The chair of the creative producer of the project occupied Tatyana Nosenko, in the filmography of which the TV series "Princess Frog" and "Opening will show." Victoria Corogo, Natalia Strib, Victor Mirsky and other producers also worked on creating a television film.

Actors and roles

  • Anastasia Ivanova and Alisa Debabova-Lukashina - Katya, in the life of which there were many mysterious events;
  • Elizabeth Zaitseva - Sasha, daughter of influential parents;
  • Gregory Baklanov - Artem, Talented Lawyer, Groom Kati;
  • Alexander Triyachenko - Valery, Uncle Artem, who leads a double game;
  • Tamara Morozova - Mom Sasha, ready for the happiness of the daughter to go to all.
In the TV series "Talk with her" also participated: Kirill Kuznetsov, Andrei Isaenko, Sergey Money, Valery Tchaikovskaya and others.

Interesting Facts

1. In the retriever career who previously engaged in producing, the series "Talk to her" is the second bright project. In 2021, the premiere of the TV film "Tell me the truth" is expected, which viewers are waiting with impatience.

2. Shooting started at the end of August 2020. The solemn ceremony with a plate was held at the Kyiv Business Center "Arena City". By the way, the building also turned out to be involved during filming. On the plot here is the office of one of the heroes.

3. Director Roman Tkachenko admitted that the vital drama of the heroes will seriously affect further fate. Some characters after the transformation will not be able to recover from pain, while others will become cleaner and stronger. All points over "and" by tradition will disappear the latest episodes. "Only in the final will become clear who he really was and who deserved," the director told in an interview.

4. Producer Tatyana Nosenko opened the secret and admitted that two actresses would play the main character of the project. To support the plausibility of the plot, I was looking for performers who are similar in gestures, plastic and look.

5. Grigory Baklanov noted the complexity and ambiguity of his character, whose life is full of prospects, but it turned out to be destroyed due to an accident. Gregory stressed: "I like that my hero does not give up: Artem is struggling to return to the life that Lost."

6. Actress Alisa Debabova-Lukshina, known for the TV series "Beggling", in "Instagram" called the role of Katerina one of the beloved in his filmography. Bright moments hit the final scene to complete the filming. Colleagues welcomed the star by applause, which became a surprise for the performer, playing the bride after the accident.

7. Judging by the reviews of the audience, who managed to evaluate the series "Talk to her", the opinions about the project were divided. On the part of the women's audience there were complaints about the scenario idea of ​​a television film. While men noted that they were interested in watching the friendship of two women. However, the final, in the view of representatives of the strong sex, was still predictable.

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