Ziraddin Rzaev - biography, photo, personal life, news, "Battle of psychics" 2021



Ziraddin Rzayev was one of the most vibrant and charismatic participants of the show "Battle of Psychics". Medic on education, it became the most convincing and authoritative among other applicants for the top prize of the sixth transmission season.

Ziyaddin was born in November 1981 in Azerbaijan, in the city of Shamhore (now Shamkir). According to the medium, Mom still during pregnancy realized that an unusual boy would appear. A woman dreamed of two tricks, in which Ziraddin's name sounded. So a woman and called a newborn boy.

Extrasens Ziraddin Rzaev

The Rzay family believes that Ziraddin has long relationship with the Prophet Mohammant on the mother's line, and this has become a defining factor in the future of the boy.


The official biography says that seeing fate of people Little Ziraddin could already in early childhood. Psychic and healer argues that then practiced the healing of patients. And in the 11th grade Rzaev began to hear unearthly voices. Strange visions came to the young man. Native guy more and more convinced the exceptional abilities of the Son.

Ziraddin Rzaev

After graduating from the school named after Ahmed Javad Rzaev, he entered his homeland into a pedagogical university and became a certified psychologist. Later, the study was followed in Moscow, where Rzayev increased the qualifications at the Institute of Psychotherapy and Clinical Psychology, and in the walls of Moscow State University, there was a new direction for himself - philosophy. In 2014, he graduated in absentia by the State Agrarian University and received a specialty film.

But the main direction was the psychic. After moving to Moscow in 1997, Ziraddin began healing practice.

The fight of extrasensories

To take part in the popular television show of the TNT channel "Battle of psychics" ZiDaddin Rzayev convinced a friend. In 2008, when Casting on the 6th Project season began, the man called the editorial office and described the extraordinary properties of a healer's friend.

Ziraddin struck observers at the first stage of the program. The young man unmistakably guess the names of items hidden in envelopes. Experts were surprised even stronger when Azerbaijani psychic answered any questions with extraordinary accuracy.

Rzayev unmistakably felt the mood of people and energy of various places. The most difficult tasks were those that were associated with an unexpected death. As an example, you can lend a test associated with the investigation of the death of Yaroslavl adolescents. Later, it was revealed that Satanists killed in ritual purposes. The project participant unmistakably described the events and circumstances of the murder, to which the employees of law enforcement agencies were inclined.

Extrasens Ziraddin Rzaev

Ziraddin Rzaev managed to reach the final, although he lost the championship Alexander Litvin. But the participation in the TV show turned the psychic to the star, which the creators and other TV projects wanted to see. On the Ukrainian Canal Stb Ziraddin made TV presenters of the transfer of astrological forecasts for the week.

In 2016, the scandal broke out after entering the NTV channel of the Emergency Transmission channel, where the channel journalists exposed participants in the "Battle of Psychic" show, calling predictors with charlatans that do not have medical education.

Ziraddin Rzaev

On the air, a close-up photo was represented by Ziradedin Rzaev as an illustration for this statement. Psychic, who has been successfully operating with a clinical psychologist for several years, outraged such a behavior of the CE program creators, and Rzaev filed to the court, demanding compensation for moral damage of 5 million rubles. During the trial, NTV brought a public apology to Rzaev and deleted recording from the site.

Personal life

The Azerbaijani Healer got acquainted with his wife when he came to work in Moscow. The woman came to Rzayev with a terrible diagnosis: she was tormented by regular attacks of epilepsy. Psychic managed to heal the patient. During meetings between young people, the feeling broke out.

Ziraddin Rzayev with family

So there was a personal life of ZiRendin Rzayev. As it turned out, the medium heal his own wife Elladu. The pair had a daughter, and then the son appeared.

Rzaev has another talent - musical. Ziraddin sings perfectly and plays wonderfully on the violin. According to the medium itself, the music helps calm down and bring thoughts and feelings in order.

Ziraddin Rzaev

Now Ziraddin, in addition to the psychic class work in a private clinic on a medical specialty. Being a filmologist, Rzayev is engaged in the organization of charity shelters for dogs, and also contains a nursery, where breeds breed Malacles (Turkish mastiff). About the four-legged inhabitants of the nursery Ziraddin reports from the centers of the official site. In the same place, the extrasens posted the phones at which you can make an appointment.

Ziraddin Rzayev now

Ziraddin also became a member of the Psychic project to investigate, the first release of which was started in 2016. An exciting transmission also went on the TNT channel. Now the predictors had to help in the investigation of real affairs, the life of people who fell into the trouble were dependent on their actions. Along with psychics, law enforcement agencies participated in investigations. There is no contest in the new transmission between psychics, a single command of the medium work on the result.

In May 2017, Rzaev appeared in the issue of the "battle of the strongest" under the vulture of "Psychics lead investigations", dedicated to the investigation of the car accident, which happened on the eve of the wedding and the groom's life. The partner Rzayev became Ilona Novoselov. The psychics had to influence the course of the case in which the accusations of the accident lay on the deceased.

In September 2017, Ziraddin participated in the issue dedicated to the investigation of the death of young lovers. Together with a medium-psychologist over the case, Lilia Khigay and Zulia Rajabov also worked. The opinions of the predictors were divided - Rzaev saw in the accident that occurred, and women insisted on the version of violent death.

Ziraddin Rzaev in the Men's / Women's Transmission Studio

At the end of 2017, Rzaev became a guest of the Male / Women's transfer, which is broadcast on the "First Channel" ether. During the recording of the program, the medium and TV presenter Alexander Gordon were moderated, as a result of which Gordon asked Rzaev to leave the studio. Its thoughts about the occurrence of Ziraddin outlined in the publication on a personal page in "Instagram".

Thanks to productive cooperation with law enforcement agencies, a psychologist and psychic became the owner of three awards from the National Security Academy of Russia, the Moscow Criminal Investigation and Anti-Corruption Office.

Extrasens Ziraddin Rzaev

In early 2018, Ziraddin Rzaev gave a number of predictions for the future. The extrasensus suggests that the number of military conflicts in the world will soon decrease in the near future, but the number of deaths from mutating microorganisms will increase. Donald Trump Rzaev predicted sudden death, but the world will be in relative peace, while this president ruled in the United States. For Russia, Rzayev predicted the emergence of a new leader who will belong to representatives of the sign of the Zodiac Virgin. The medium did not specify only the date of change of the head of the state.


  • 2008 - "Battle of Psychics"
  • 2017 - "Psychics are investigating"

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