Andrei Repnikov - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs 2021



Andrei Repnikov - Russian DJ, composer, musician and songwriter. Its successful projects were the Pop Group "Outwashing Scammers" and the instrumental DJ duet "X-MODE".

Andrei was born and grew up in Petrozavodsk in the family of the famous Soviet bayanist Albina Leonidovich Repnikova, Professor of the Petrozavodsky branch of the Leningrad State Conservatory. The family was brought up with another son - Anton, who also became a musician, based on the RU.are group. At the beginning of a career, a young man performed under the pseudonym Gexogenn.

Musician Andrei Repnikov

Andrey grew up in the atmosphere of music, so nothing surprising that rhythms, chords and harmony became part of his life. But, unlike the Father, Andrei was not at all academic or classical, but modern dance music. Another schoolboy repnika Jr. became interested in this type of creativity as improvisation for the DJ console, which predetermined the creative biography of the young man.

In 1991, Andrei Repnikov graduated from SPBGUK, where he studied at the Faculty of Arts on the director. After receiving a diploma, a young man organized the first in Russia and the countries of the former Soviet Union. Music festival in rap and hip-hop "Rap-Peak".


In 1994, Andrei Repnikov became a member of the first team, which was called "two pterodactile" and was almost the only Russian-speaking group in the style of Rave. The team existed for three years, and after the death of one of the participants ceased to exist.

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In 1998, Andrei becomes the author of the songs for the new team "Outways". The guys positioned themselves as musical hooligans and dramatically stand out among most colleagues of the period of brightness, charisma and energy. The group began as a non-urgent project. Under the influence of DJ Tom Chaos, Sergey Amoralov and Garik Bogomazov began to read rap under dance music, which attracted the attention of the public to the work of the group.

The first speech took place in Cherepovets at the Music Festival "Dancing City". Songs of the first albums "from color plasticine" and "any-different" won the top lines of the charts of Russian radio stations. The popularity of the musical team grew every day.

Andrei Repnikov participated in the creation of famous hits "Girls are different", "And the river", "love me, love", "Don't tell me anything." Musical compositions brought success to the team and a number of awards "Golden Gramophone".

The first clips appeared almost immediately after creating a musical team. It was a video on the tracks "Throw smoking", "I study dance", "Hali-Gali". Since 1999, the Group since 9 years old has become a laureate of the "Song of the Year", from them five times due to the musical compositions written by Andrey Repikov. Among the service awards "Outways of Scammers" are the "Before Hit" award and the Popov Prize.

Each new song Repnikova became a big hit. Later, Andrei also became the laureate of the Energy Megadens Music Prize for achievements in the field of creating electronic and dance hits.

By that time, Other projects were already behind the composer's shoulders: pure instrumental "DJ DON and Rope MS" and "X-MODE", whose wandered hat "In the world of animals" thundered in 2005 throughout Europe. As part of the second group, the artist toured with concerts for three years. At the same years, the Muz-TV premium laureate was laureate in the "Ringtone of the Year" nomination and the movement premium.

In total, the amount of musical material created by the repicious musical material has typed on 20 albums for various performers. Andrei also worked on the writing of remixes, the number of which reached 200.

Also, Andrei Repnikov's creations were also sounded in movies, for example, in the sports drama of the Belarusian production "team", as well as in the television series "Gaishniki".

And in 2011, repoves and sabotage himself, and in its largest project "Outwashing fraudsters." This happened after one of the first participants in the group Igor "Garik" Bogomazov decided to terminate the contract with the team's name to the team and left the "fraudsters." Repnikov participated in the records of the tracks "Rousseau Tourist", "Capital", "marry".

Personal life

Andrei Repikov musician has long been married. The spouse is the name of love, and daughters - Daria and Ksenia, the older of which in 2018 presented the parents of Alexander's grandson. Repnikov had to survive a heavy test, which, fortunately, already behind.

Andrei Repnikov with her daughter

In the summer of 2016, Rippika returned home from the cottage in his car. Andrei could not cope with the steering control, the car turned over several times and got into a ditch. The singer suffered greatly. Several operations were made, as a result of which Andrei fell into a comatose state and did not come to himself. Only at the end of July, Andrei Repnikov came to himself. For many months of rehabilitation.

Andrei Repnikov now

Adjusting health after the injury suffered, Andrei Repnikov decided to return to the Music team "Outwashing Scammers", but former colleagues refused to the musician. There was even a conflict between the participants of the group about the authorship of many hits.

Andrei Repnikov

In 2018, after clarifying relations, Andrei Repnikov said that the group's activities will be suspended. At the singer's account in Vkontakte ("Instagram" of Repnikov I do not use) A collaborative photos appeared with Garicomas. Fans suspected that Andrei Recaints plans to resume creative activities with an ex-soloist of "Outwashing Scammers".

Now Andrei Repnikov on the home studio is engaged in new projects, including as a composer, sound engineer and arguer.


  • 1997 - "From color plasticine"
  • 1998 - "Anyway"
  • 1999 - "Bullshit"
  • 2000 - "Sticky Hands-2"
  • 2002 - "Provocation"
  • 2005 - "Any songs about different"
  • 2008 - "called records"

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