Will Ferrell - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



John William Ferrell is an American actor, the star of the comedy "exemplary male", "Elf" and "cops in deep reserve". But the first glory of Ferrell has gone as a comedian, a member of the humorous show "Saturday evening in the literal ether."

Will Ferrell was born in the California city of Ilway. His mother Betty Kay Overman worked as a simple primary school teacher, but Ferrell's father Roy Ferrell is a famous musician, a keyboard player of the popular group "The Righteous Brothers". The family was also brought up by John Patrick's younger brother.

Full Will Ferrell.

When Ferrell was 8 years old, parents divorced. Oddly enough, the boy treated this event positively, stating that now he will have two times more gifts for Christmas and birthday. In general, the sense of humor at Will was original since childhood. Yes, and the artistry manifested itself early - a boy seemed to have copied the votes of celebrities in the younger classes.

But due to the fact that he saw the unstable earnings of his father, Ferrell decided not to contact the show business. He entered the University of South Carolina and received a specialty sports commentator. For some time, he even worked in this position, and was also a driver and a cashier. On the first day, he broke the car as a driver and was fired, and how the cashier managed to calculate on more than $ 500 in two evenings and left again.

Will Ferrell

And then Mom said Will, that you need to do what the soul is lying. He still decided to try himself as a comedian and passed the casting into the improvisational-comic troupe "The Groundlings", many members of which moved to Mega-popular in America Saturday Night Live. Together with him were the stars of humor as Kristen Uig and Melissa McCarthy. But Will was the only member of this project, who nominated for the prestigious AMMI premium.

For more than seven years, Ferrell devoted to this comic show program, after which in 1995 he decided to fully focus on cinema.


Will Ferrell began to be filmed in the movie, but left a popular show, but left a popular show for the role of Mustafa in the grotesque comedy "Austin Powers". At about the same time, the actor played one of the glamorous brothers in the Youth Film film "Night in Roxbury".

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The first glory as a film actor brought Will's next humorous tape "Exemplary Male" about the existential crisis in the life of a man model, and one of the most popular top models of the world. The main role in the film was played by Ben Stillaler, who also acted as director of the show, but Ferrell played one of the central roles.

In the same year, Will Ferrell, albeit in the secondary role of Marshal, appeared in the cult picture of Kevin Smith "Jay and Silent Bob shall apply a retaliatory blow."

The popularity of the film acter's Christmas picture "Elf", in which Will depicted a man, as a child, accidentally fallen in the "family" of Santa Claus. Here Ferrell plays a full-fledged major role. The grew up boy who was adopted by elves returning to the outside world to find real parents, as well as bring people a lost faith in Christmas.

In the future, the actor shone in the film "Ricky Bobby: the King of the Road," where the role of Ricky Bobby played. Also in this film, the actor acted as a scenario co-author. Ferrell played the role of the NASCAR race car driver, which is a challenging race to protect his own champion title. The role of the rival rider performed another famous comedian actor Sasha Baron Cohen.

The roles of athletes got Ferrell more than once. A year later in the sports comedy "Blade of Glory: Stars on Ice". The actor fulfilled the role of a professional figure skater, who, after a quarrel with a rival at a premium pedestal, received a ban to participate in competitions. As a result, Hero Will Ferrell unites with the opponent with the same punishment to circumvent the ban and participate in paired competitions in world games.

A year later, the actor appeared as a basketball player and at the same time the coach of the basketball team in the film "Semi-professional". The hero plays at the worst team of the American Basketball Association, almost completely displaced from the sports world by the new National Basketball Association. The coach player gives himself a promise to bring the team in the top four in the league to get a chance to go to the NBA.

In the same period, the actor received a role in the "Summary Brothers" painting, where Will Ferrell played a forty-year unemployed, which still lives in the parent house.

The next bright role in the cinematic biography of Ferrell became the role of an eccentric scientist in the adventure comedy "The Lost World". The actor's hero comes up with a travel method in time, but at the time of the experiment loses the tachyon amplifier required to return.

The comic career did not cost and without ridicuing the police. In 2010, Will Ferrell played a police officer from the accounting department, who received a chance to prove his importance to colleagues and reveal the case of the embezzlement of millions of dollars, but did not achieve the right to drive a patrol car in the film "Cops in deep reserve".

The popularity has acquired a family picture with Ferrell in the lead role "Hello, Dad, New Year!". The actor fulfilled the role of a man who decided to spend holidays with the former wife and children. That's just a former wife had already managed to marry again, the children had stepfather, and returned father would have to compete in everything with him.

In the same year, the actor played the role of an unfairly convicted manager, who is preparing for prison, in the criminal film "Fight!".

It is hardly necessary to clarify that all of the above works belonged to the comedy genre. Today, at the expense of Ferrell, about 100 kinokartin, in which the actor collaborated with Hollywood Stars, including Nicole Kidman, Woody Harrelson, Mark Wahlberg, Zack Galifianakis and others.

Will Ferrell enters the group of the highest paid comedy actors. The average actor fee is $ 20 million for the role.

Personal life

In 1995, Will Ferrell in acting courses became acquainted with Swedish actress Vivec Pauline. For about five years, they were associated with romantic relations, and in 2000, young people played a wedding. Now in the family are brought up three sons: Magnus, Mattias and Alex.

The actor has a very ugly handwriting, and one of the popular magazines even called Ferrell owner of the worst autograph among celebrities. Many movie and music lovers find a certain similarity of John William Ferrella with the drummer of the Red Hot Chili Peppers group. Chad Smith. In the joke of these men are called doubles.

Will Ferrell is a sports amateur. The actor is interested in both American football, and baseball, and sokker - so in the US called European football. The actor consists of the official fan club of the Roman Abramovich "Chelsea". And in the winter of 2016, it became known that Ferrell and himself will be the owner of a football club: the actor bought most of the shares of the new team "Los Angeles", which will begin its speeches in the main American league in 2018.

The actor leads a popular account in Twitter, but "Instagram" comedian does not favor.

Will Ferrell now

In 2016, the sequel period began in Ferrell's career. The actor returned to the role of Mugat in the "samples of Samo 2", where the plot accepted a detective turnover. In 2017, the role of Brad Whiteker was played again in the New Year Comedy "Hello, Dad, New Year! 2. In the new film, the Father and stepfather came to the holiday for the holiday, and the main danger of Christmas represents the grandfather's riding.

But already in 2017, the actor appeared in new projects. Will Ferrell played a major role in the Comedy "House" about the family, which, in order to earn money for her daughter's study, opens the underground casino.

Also, the actor began to be filmed in the comedy crossing of the famous detective story Sir Arthur Conan Doyle "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes", where the main role of Sherlock is playing.


  • 2001 - "Exemplary Male"
  • 2003 - "Elf"
  • 2004 - "TV presenter"
  • 2006 - "Ricky Bobby: Road King"
  • 2007 - "Fame Blades: Zvezduna on Ice"
  • 2008 - "Semi-professional"
  • 2009 - "Lost World"
  • 2010 - "Cops in deep reserve"
  • 2012 - "Dirty campaign for fair elections"
  • 2015 - "Hello, Dad, New Year!"

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