Angelina VKV - biography, personal life, photo, news, TV presenter, getting married, Mikhail Kunitsyn 2021



Angelina Vovk - the famous Soviet and Russian TV presenter, famous thanks to the children's "alarm clock" and "Good night, kids!", As well as the popular music program of the 80-90s "Song of the Year".

Childhood and youth

Angelina was born at the height of the Great Patriotic War in Tulun, located in the Irkutsk region. Her parents were not associated with the world of art. Father of the future star, Mikhail Nikitich, was a military pilot. When the girl was barely 2 years old, the man's plane crashed over Yugoslavia, the pilot died. Further, the daughter brought up alone mother Maria Kuzmichnna. The woman transported the child to Moscow, where she got a job in the accounting department of the capital Vnukovo airport.

Since the father, and the mother Vovka had a relation to aviation, the girl wanted to get a romantic profession associated with the sky, "Angelina dreamed of becoming a flight attendant. For this, the schoolgirl diligently studied English and planned to enter the Faculty of Foreign Languages.

The career of the stewardess suddenly opposed the mother, who, remembering the tragic death of the spouse, did not want such fate for her daughter. As a result, Vovver filed documents in Gitis and from the first attempt became a student of the acting faculty. Teachers of the course, where Angelina studied, were students of Konstantin Stanislavsky and Vladimir Nemirovich-Danchenko - People's Artists Grigory Konsky and Olga Androvskaya.

The young student was surprised when he once called Georgy Tovstonogov and invited to his course. But Angelina loved his masters so much, which was not decided to move to Leningrad.

The first professional activity of the actress turned out to be related to the model business: in his youth, while still a student, Vov worked in the public-union house of models on Kuznetsky Bridge.


After graduating from the university, Angelina Mikhailovna dreamed of work in the theater. But immediately after receiving a diploma actresses had to leave for filming. In the debut role in the cinema, in a romantic comedy "such a guy lives," where Leonid Kuravlev played the main role, Vov was performed the role of the mannequin. Then the artist was filmed in an infrared military drama "Farewell", but for various reasons the film engineer did not take place.

On these paintings, the VKOV ended. Many later TV presenter played himself in the musical "old songs about the main thing - 2" and the musical New Year's melodrama "Pension" Fairy Tale ", or miracles included." But the game roles in the life of the actress no longer had.

In 1968, Angelina Mikhailovna sat down at the Institutic Party 2nd time, this time at the director of the Faculty of Vgika. True, I studied just a year and passing production practice, she realized that this profession was not for her. Leaving the director, VKov again went to learn and graduated from the speaker courses.

Having received a new diploma, Angelina Mikhailovna was distributed to the Dictational Department of the Central Television of the USSR. First, the lead enthusiastically read the news, but this work corresponded to VKOH not in the best way: to read from the sheet or from the screen it could only with glasses, as there was bad vision. In addition, the TV presenter, as a positive person, constantly wanted to smile, and for a serious television speaker such a fairytale did not fit.

Vovka was transferred to the children's gear department. Surely many would consider such a change in a step back, but in entertainment programs for the smallest Angelina Mikhailovna and became famous for the whole country. Sunday "Alarm clock" and the erasely "good night, kids!" Many children looked almost for the sake of "aunt Lina", which for the Soviet child ranked a niche of the good Pushkin nanny Arina Rodionovna.

Baby programs have become the platform on which the private style of the TV presenter was hosted, predetermined her further creative biography.

In the 90s, heavier times came in the work of television, as in other fields. Guide "Good night, kids!" Already prepared for the closing of the transfer. There was not enough funds to update props, to buy new dolls. Then Angelina Mikhailovna managed to change the situation. Speaking on the corporate in the bank, the leading applied to bankers for help. Adults who grew up on the children's program, happily answered the request and fully paid the necessary costs.

Later Vovka stepped into adults. Morning Mail with Yuri Nikolaev, Blue Light and the Festival "Song of the Year", together with Evgeny Menchov, turned leading to one of the most recognizable and popular media driver of Russian television.

For many years of participation in the music festival, her name was made to the Guinness Book of Records. The popularity of Vovk was so great among compatriots that the TV presenters were asked to make the same hairstyle as Angelina Mikhailovna.

In the song of the year, Vovk appeared until 2006, later led the program "Good morning, Russia!", As well as "Good healthy!" With Gennady Malakhov, "Nowadays" with Tatiana Vedeneva and Talk Show "Your Business" with Lyudmila Kittyaeva.

Once Angelina Mikhailovna performed on television as a participant. This happened in 2012, when a 70-year-old actress participated in a couple with a professional dancer Oleg Petwekov in the rating show "Dancing with the Stars". According to the TV presenter, at such an age, dancing is especially necessary. Thanks to choreography, health status is improved, the overall vitality of tone increases.

In the career of the leading not everything was smooth. In 2017, the actress became the heroine of the transfer "alone with everyone" and told Julia a little about the difficult unemployment period, when she was already ready to agree to the work of the Sister of Mercy.

In 2018, Vovka became the heroine of the program "Live Great!" With Elena Malysheva, dedicated to the problem of age hyperopia.

Personal life

Officially VKOV was married twice. The first spouse, actor and speaker Gennady Dama, studied with her in Gitis. Young people signed in 1966 and lived together for 16 years. Angelina Mikhailovna still considers damn the greatest love in his personal life. Unfortunately, family misunderstandings and the absence of children led to the divorce, the family broke up.

The second spouse turned out to be a foreigner. Czech artist and architect Inprich Getz made an offer to Angelina Mikhailovna in 1982. Officially, the couple consisted in relations for 13 years, but together they did not live - I could not move to Moscow, I could not leave the homeland forever, I didn't decide forever. Therefore, the husband and wife saw no more than 4-5 times a year.

Later, the TV presenter had another serious affair with a non-public man, but these relationships quickly stopped. By the way, many compatriots were confident that Evgeny Meshsov had been convicted in the song "Song of the Year" program. Their tandem was considered one of the most beautiful and charming on the Soviet television. But in fact, there were no romance between them, and at first in the relations of colleagues, the cold reigned at all.

Neither one of the family relations brought Angelina Mikhailovna the joy of motherhood. There is no own children, but the TV presenter was becoming the godfather and godfish children considers her grandchildren. Especially close to the artist of her relative, granddaughter of his brother - Angelina and Anna.

Angelina Mikhailovna relates to the concern for the extension of youth. 2 years before the 70th anniversary, the presenter decided to injeces of beauty. After the procedures on her face, Naryvy appeared, which had to remove the laser. Since Vovka at that time continued to work, it was necessary to impose an additional layer of makeup. Also, the artist is not shy to admit that wears a wig.

The trouble did not stop the TV presenter before using cosmetology procedures. Vovka stopped his choice on an uncompetitive suspension and contour plastic, which allow you to safely adjust appearance.

Angelina Mikhailovna is an active Internet user, her microblog in "Instagram" is regularly updated with new video and photos. In 2018, the TV presenter went to Thailand's New Year's holidays, as he said from his page. Folloviers were pleasantly surprised by the video file, on which Vovka appeared in a beach suit, emphasizing the harness of her feet. Even at its age, the actress looks attractive. Its growth is 168 cm, but about weight she modestly silent.

In December 2019, the media appeared in the media about the fact that Vovka married, her young chosen one - a historian and radio host Mikhail Kuckuck. The leading interview confirmed that she made a proposal of hands and hearts. The couple goes into the world together, visits concerts and musical premieres, goes to rest. The difference in the age of lovers is 25 years old.

Angelina Vovka now

In addition to working on television, VKOs pays a lot of time charity, social work, teaching. Not once, the TV host became a municipal deputy and dealt with questions of children's education and leisure. Now, under the leadership of Angelina Mikhailovna annually in the All-Russian Children's Center "Orilok" on the Black Sea coast, a children's international festival "Song of the Year" is held.

At the Institute of Culture, VKOV heads the department of the stage speech, and is also a volunteer of the project "Ubitss" in NMITs DGOi. Dmitry Rogachev. In 2020, the TV presenter became the nominee of the premium "We will live!" As the best volunteer.

In April 2020, Vovk went on quarantine to the village. Due to the coronavirus infection epidemic, Angelina Mikhailovna had to part with the bridegroom. True, now the leading claims that, though he received an offer from Kunitsyn, but he did not seriously consider him.

In June 2020, the TV presenter became Guest Boris Korchevnikov in the Fate of Man. In the transfer of Angelina Mikhailovna told about his children's dream to become a stewardess and career on television.

Also, the presenter took an invitation to the show "Hello, Andrei!", Which Andrei Malakhov dedicated the program "Song of the Year". In addition to VKov, Yaroslav Evdokimov, Alena Sviridova, Alena Apina, etc. shared his memories of the unforgettable 90s.

In September 2020, Vovka became a participant of the TV game "Who wants to become a millionaire?". The company of the TV presenter in the players' chairs was Evgeny Kochergin, Anna Ardova and Evelina Bledans.


  • "Alarm"
  • "Good night, children!"
  • "Morning Post"
  • "Musical Kiosk"
  • "Visiting a fairy tale"
  • "Blue light"
  • "Song of the year"
  • "Nanny hurries to help"
  • "Good morning, Russia!"
  • "Good healthy!"
  • "Nowadays"
  • "That's your business"

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