Vladlen Biryukov - biography, photo, personal life, movies, family, cause of death and last news



Vladlen Biryukov - Actor from Siberia, who became famous after the execution of the role of Jacob Aleinikov in the series "Eternal Calls". After the success of the picture, it began to be recognized not only in Novosibirsk, where he worked at the local theater, but throughout Russia. The artist's filmography includes more than hundreds of theatrical roles and about thirty roles in the cinema.

Vladlen Egorovich Biryukov was born on March 7, 1942 in a small village of Nikonovo near Novosibirsk. His mother's education was engaged in a single - Father Egor Biryukov died at the front, when the owner was still very small - the son did not find him in the conscious age.

Owned by Biryukov in youth

In school years, owned by a diligent student and good - a strict upbringing of the mother affected. After graduating from school, the future actor without problems is set to work at the local radio component plant. Here the owner first touched the art, posting in a circle of creative amateur.

Judging by one of the interviews of the actor, he was pushed at all to this spontaneous decision to the beautiful one - the leaving from the poor family, he did not differ in love for the theater or classical art. Everything was much prosaic - participants of this circle were given free aids for dances, which was often organized by the youth committee.

Vladlen Biryukov - biography, photo, personal life, movies, family, cause of death and last news 18264_2

To his surprise, Vladven Egorovich quickly fucked theater - although later he joked that he became an actor only because of a dispute with a friend. In the autumn of 1960, Biryukov went to Novosibirsk, where the first time was able to enter the theater school.

Career in Theater and Cinema

Vladven Biryukov, with honors, completed his studies and settled in Novosibirsk Tyuz. His first role in theatrical frames was Vaska ash from the play "At the bottom." A journalist from Poland, who was lucky to be present on this performance, called Biryukov very talented actor and propheted great fame to him.

The prophecy turned out to be truthful, and Vladven Biryukov was able to advance through the career ladder, from the provincial artist, turning into one of the most popular and in-demand artists of the eighties - both in the theater and on the movie screen.

Vladlen Biryukov - biography, photo, personal life, movies, family, cause of death and last news 18264_3

In 1986, the movie "Young Wife" movie comes to the screens of the country, which becomes the main and the most successful role of a novice actor who has done it truly popular. In the morning after the premiere, he woke up to the entire Soviet Union.

Now they were recognized on the streets and asked autographs, especially the girls. Representatives of weak floor went crazy from Biryukov. Young and kind handsome melted the hearts of women and at the same time enjoyed an authority among the male population of the country.

Vlasel Biryukov

In the same 1986, in the "Red Torch" theater, he performed the role of a bench in the comedy "a nice woman with a flower and windows to the north." Charming Biryukov fell in love with not only the audience - Valentina Frost's partner also did not resist his charms.

Personal life

Vladlen Biryukov was married several times and possessed a bad reputation of the womanizer, without refusing to himself easier to start novels with outsiders who, so and the actuator of a pleasant exterior.

With his first wife, a television operator from Novosibirsk named Lyudmila Aleksandrovna, Vladlen met by the student, during a visit to the pioneer camp. Here she worked as a leader, and Biryukov came together with classmates from the school for speeches before the guys.

Wife owned by Biryukova

Lyudmila and Vladlen immediately attered to each other, they had a stormy romance, and after some time they decided to get married. At first they settled by Lyudmila's parents, and then with their help acquired their own dwelling.

Despite the marriage, there were a lot of women in the life of Biryukov, but Lyudmila was completed with this - he was a famous actor with a pleasant appearance and constantly attracted the attention of women. The wife was ready for it before their wedding and tried to close his eyes on her husband's intrigues.

While working on the performance of the "Uncle Vanya", he closely became close to the partner - the pretty actress by the hope of Alexandrova. The result of the next novel of the loving artist was the daughter, which Biryukov refused to admit until the end of his life.

Daughter Vlavela Biryukova

The cause of the divorce with Lyudmila was not this novel, but its developed alcoholism and the associated manual attribution. After the dizzying success of "Eternal Call", he began drinking - in a drunken form actor became aggressive and began to raise his hand on his wife.

Lyudmila told that I forgave him for the first time, but after a second burst of aggression filed for a divorce. It was in 1977 - and even at least a couple divorced, they still lived together and continued to share one bed. In 1986, Owned was disappeared from the house for four days, which became the last straw for Lyudmila. However, the former spouses managed to preserve good relations - Biryukov often visited the daughter of hope.

At the moment, hope of Biryukova has family and children. She decided not to go in the footsteps of the Father and chose another profession.

Tatyana Firsova

A year after the divorce, he met Tatyana Firsovo, who will become his second and last spouse. It was almost 30 years old younger Biryukov. With this woman, Vladlen lived as much as eighteen years old, and they were officially engaged in just a year before the death of the artist.

In the life of Biryukov, nothing has changed with the second marriage - he was also fond of alcohol and "went to the left". Tatiana more than once was ready to quit him, but something kept them together, she did not leave him until the end of his life.


The last year of his life owned by Biryukov was seriously ill. He did not really tried to resist death: the artist had agreed to the hospital, he ventured the treatment under the influence of the labored depression.

Photo Biryukov's grave

Vlasel Biryukov died on September 2, 2005 in Berdsk (Novosibirsk region). The cause of death is the complications of the disease caused by alcoholism. His grave is located on the city cemetery - he is buried next to his mother.


The brightest films in which Visital Biryukov took part:

  • Hot snow (1973);
  • Eternal Call (1973 - 1983);
  • Be brother (1976);
  • Young wife (1978);
  • Secret vote (1980);
  • Order: Fire Do not open (1981);
  • Order: Going the border (1982);
  • Parachutists (1985);
  • Bread (1988);
  • Benbard (1990);
  • Aries (1992).

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