Vladimir Troshin - biography, personal life, photos, songs and latest news



In the village of Mikhailovsky, who is also called the "Ural Switzerland", in mid-May 1926, in a large family of Tokary Troin, a boy of Volodya appeared. He was destined to become a legend of the Soviet pop, who loved the whole world. The boy was a tenth child in a friendly family. Pedigree artist is far away in century to the beginning of the construction of Demidov enterprises. Mikhailovsky Plant Long years famous for the art of creating the most subtle roofing sheets. Later, production switched to the creation of a foil coating that was used for aircraft system.

Vladimir Troshin

Vladimir's ancestors were not only masters of metallurgy, but also excellent singers. The father of the boy, Konstantin Mikhailovich, possessed a deep bass and performed as part of the local Opera People's Theater. He successfully fulfilled the party of Ivan Susanin in the formulation of the opera of the same name. In the house of Troshin, there was always a slender polyphony, and a little boy was already able to play a balalaica and harmony by 10 years.

Hard years of youth

In the mid-30s, Troshina moved to Sverdlovsk, as the head of the family was chosen as one of the best edge tures, to work at the forefront and responsible enterprise Uralmash. Konstantin Mikhailovich wandered in a small homeland and dreamed in a short time to return back to attach his younger son to the work of a metal plate. But the war prevented all the plans: the son of Mikhail went to serve to the front, and his father himself died in production in six months after the start of the war, fulfill his duty to the Fatherland.

Vladimir Troshin in youth

In 42, Vladimir begins to study at the local theatrical school. A year later, in connection with the death of V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko, the Commission from Mkat begins the search for talents on the expanses of the country and comes to the capital of the Middle Urals. Of the 280 students viewed by the Master of the Moscow Theater, only four are selected. Among the lucky ones, Vladimir Troshin is sent to Moscow for study. Talent in the young man considered IM himself. Moskvin, and the fellow arts of the boys were the future legends of Soviet art: Mikhail Pugovkin, Vladimir Frienders, owned by Davydov, Anatoly Verbitsky.

Already learning at the Studio School, Vladimir was distinguished by his voice data. The vocal teacher proposed a young man to conservatory, but Troshin remained faithful to his choice. The student acting success of the young talent was the role of Oleg Koshevoy in the graduation formulation of the "Young Guard", looking at which the Hero's mother noted a great similarity of the actor with her son. After graduating from the Studio Studio, Vladimir entered the service of MCAT, and for his debut in the play "Days and Nights" M.I. Blanter was composed by the Vocal Room "Gift-Guitar". This song has entered the repertoire of the artist for many years.

Theatrical career

The work of the actor in the Moscow academic was successful. At the 25th age, he became the owner of Stalin award for the role in the play "Second Love". Viewers put in large queues for tickets to get to the beloved actor. Almost half a century of his acting career, Troshin fulfilled the roles in more than 80 modulations of MCAT on the plays of Shakespeare, Chekhov, Ostrovsky, Gogol.

Vladimir Troshin in the play

1954 was marked by another masterpiece performed by Vladimir Troin. The role of rims at the Royal Yard in the formulation of the "Twelve Night" was decorated with 10 vocal numbers, the authors of which were artist's friends: the musician E. Kolmanovsky and Poet P. Antontic. After the showing of the spectacle of the play on Central Television, Vladimir Troin loved the whole country.

Song creativity

At this time, the artist begins to actively record the songs of Soviet composers, each of which becomes a hat. In 1956, he literally saves the song V. Solovieva-gray "Moscow Region", which the authors have already managed to write off as unsuccessful. The first execution of the work of Troshin instantly made this song Immortal. And her entry in the arrangement of the conductor Victor Knoshevitsky flew around the planet, becoming a musical business card of the USSR.

The peak of the Glory of Vladimir Troin falls on 50-60 years. His songs "Cranes", "Dear Long", "The city fell asleep", "Morolanka", "Why, why" "Forgive me", "Old Plate", "Silence" sang the whole country. On the scene, the singer was lucky to cooperate with such pop legends as Claudia Shulzhenko, Mark Bernes, Lydia Ruslanov and even Marlene Dietrich, who gave the only concert in Moscow. Vladimir Trossin walked among the composers a singer who is capable of making a hat from any song.

Work in the cinema

In all his creative life, Vladimir Troshin, despite his popularity, starred in just 25 films. Conducted it was a big employment in the theater. But, nevertheless, his roles from the film "The case was in Penkov", the "hussar ballad" was loved by the public.

Vladimir Troshin in the film

Especially often the actor performed the role of head executives and policy leaders: K. Voroshilova, W. Churchill, N. Podgorny. And in 1990 he played the only president of the USSR in the overseas tape about Chernobyl.

Personal life

Strict upbringing Vladimir Troin did not allow him to decide on serious changes in his personal life. But closer to the 30s, his heart molded Raisa Zhdanov, ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater. Young people have a beautiful family, proof of which is an extensive archive of family photos.

Vladimir Troshin and his son

In 1959, the Son Konstantin was born at the couple. Despite its excellent musical abilities, the boy did not go in the footsteps of the Father, and finished the Forest Institute and became a hunting producer. Vladimir and Raisa Trumble Three Grandson: Volodya, Egor and Polinochka.

Last years

In recent years, Vladimir Troshin has engaged exclusively vocal careers. He addresses in his work to the romance and ballads, written in the verses of S. Yesenin, A. Pushkin. In the last decade, Troshin completes the book about his biography - "My Years - Oarser Gem Communications", which was published a year before his death.

Vladimir Troshin

In the Urals, the Vocal Festival named after Troin is established. In 2003 and 2006, solo concerts of the legend of the Soviet pop. In the winter of 2008, the artist quietly died in his hands in his loved ones.

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