Denis Maidanov - biography, personal life, photo, news, songs, airborne, "eternal love", Natalia Maidanova 2021



Denis Maidanov is a music performer, composer and producer. His solo career started with Hit "Eternal Love", which still sounds on radio stations. The subsequent songs also received a lot of love from listeners. For them, Maidanov was awarded prestigious premiums.

Childhood and youth

Denis Maidanov was born in a provincial industrial city near Saratov. His parents worked at the enterprises of the city of Balakovo.

The boy began writing poems from the 2nd class. He also visited kids of children's creativity and music school. Denis studied well, but often because of the fondness and maximalism, he entered into disputes with teachers, not trying to give up. At the thirteenth age, the boy tried himself in creating the first songs. He performed them himself in amateur concerts.

Since the family needed money, after the 9th grade Denis entered the Balakovo Polytechnic Technical Academy, to get a profession and to get faster to help her mother. Teaching technical specialties was given hard, but the young man participated in the public life of the educational institution, thereby ensuring the loyal attitude of the teaching staff to his person. He created a musical team for whom he wrote songs, and participated in the speeches of the KVN-team of the technical school.

In the youth, Denis became the leader and methodology for working with high school students in the local DC. However, the creative principle took the top of the artist, and he entered the Moscow Institute of Culture at the correspondence department. He finished him in the specialty "Decoder of Show Programs."

Then Denis was forced to return to Balakovo, where he immediately received a good position in the management of culture. But the prospect remains forever in his hometown did not sit down. Therefore, in 2001, Maidanov decided to move to the capital.


The first time in Moscow Denis was interrupted by random earnings, living in an apartment from a former fellow countryman. Daily, the young composer went around musical studios and produce centers, offering their lunches to work. Good luck smiled in an insistent musician - Producer Yuri Aizenshpis noted him and took his song to work. So I saw the light of the first hit of Maidanov "behind the fog" performed by the singer Sasha popular at that time. She received the first award on the song of the year - 2002, performing this musical composition.

From this point on, Denis Maidanov became a popular composer among Russian pop singers. Each of his song quickly became a hit, pop artists considered the honor of cooperation with him. In addition, Maidanov recorded several soundtracks to serials and films. Among them, "Evlampia Romanova. The investigation leads an amateur "and" zone ".

On the popularity wave of Denis Maidanov was invited to play in the cinema. He received the first acting experience in the film "Brother", where he played a close role in the spirit - the musician Nikolai Siberian.

2012 marked for Maidanov filming in two show projects. The first is "two stars," where he spoke in a pair with Gauche Kutsenko. The second is the "Battle of the Chorans", in which the Maidanov team "Victoria" became the winner. In the same period, the singer began cooperation with the Children's Children's "Giant" and the Bayan Mix group.

Denis Maidanov is also a successful solo performer. He began his artistic biography with the filing of a spouse. The first compilation "I will know that you love me ..." got on top of music ratings. The singer began to tour with him through the cities of Russia.

The backbone of the second album "Rental World" made up the songs of "bullet", "House", "nothing sorry." On the latter was removed the clip with the participation of the Moscow riot. The author uses pop rock and bard rock as a genre. Not alien to many musical compositions and the features of Russian chanson.

The third in the account was the solo "flying over us." Then Maidanov released two more albums: "The flag of my state" and "half of the way on the way ... Unfinished." In the first of them, he showed himself as a true patriot of the Motherland, but the second collection became a kind of creative report of the singer on the eve of his 15th anniversary of the stage. Mature artist could now write music for himself, and not just to order.

In April 2016, a grandiose concert "Highness in the way" was held in the State Kremlin Palace in honor of the anniversary of the creative activity of Denis Maidanov. Oleg Gazmanov, Philip Kirkorov, Alexander Marshal, Nikolay Baskov, Choir of the Turkish and other stars of the Russian stage, arrived. The concert took place at full shaggy.

Denis Maidanova can be seen on joint speeches with other celebrities. With a popular singer and composer Sergey Trofimov, he cooperates for a long time. Their jointly executed song "Snegiri" was widely fame, and the "wife" became a novelty of 2016. Another single of the year was the song "Crossroads of Souls" of the composer and the Belarusian singer Angelica Agurbash. And the composition "The territory of the heart" Denis performed in a duet with Lolita on the "Song of the Year."

The next album Maidanova got the name "What will leave the wind". The daughter of the composer Vlad, his spouse, as well as a colleague Sergei Trofimov participated in the records of the songs. The hit on the plate was the "Brother" composition.

On May 8, 2018, the premiere of the Cleep of Denis Maidanova was held on the song "Silence", which the author dedicated memory to the warriors of the Great Patriotic War and his grandfather. As the artist is recognized, this composition is especially the road, since it lates a personal story.

And next year, the performer decided to congratulate paratroopers with their professional holiday and released the composition "Airborne".

The discography of the singer in 2020 was replenished with a hit "Morning Roads". Later, the artist on his Youtyub-Channel laid out a lyric video on him. In Roller, Denis plays the guitar, frames with a musician are replaced by a series of roads that reflect the main meaning of the song.

At this, the artist did not stop and released a full-length album "I stay" whose arrangement was engaged in Alex NEBO. It includes 12 compositions, among which "ignite" and "Enough War". Songs are an experiment with blues and rock.

The concept of the record - "against money." Maidanov did not include conjunctory songs and obviously thoughtful "positive" radioshitis. "I wanted to do what I really want, namely, not to think - this songs will like someone or not, whether they will not be spoiled by the Renis Maidanov's renome. I wanted to be as honest and frank in this album and maybe therefore, there are no "passing" songs, "the musician told.

Denis Maidanov reached great heights: was a laureate of Russian Golden Gramophone Prizes, the Song of the Year, "Chanson of the Year", the Awards of the FSB of Russia, gave many charitable concerts, along with the group "Terminal D" traveled with speeches in difficult Regions of the country and hot spots to support the Russian soldier. The popularity of the composer also shows the fact that at the international competition "Eurovision", which was held in Stockholm, he entered the jury from Russia along with Anastasia Stotskoy and Oscar Kucher.

The creative successes of the artist were marked by the Government of Russia. In 2018, the Medal "For Assistance" was awarded from the department of Rosg Guardia Maidanov. And then Vladimir Putin handed the musician a state award of a deserved artist of the Russian Federation.

Personal life

The artist lived alone for a long time, since all the strength and funds spent on the promotion of his work. Personal life and family creation he left "for later." But one day the case brought him with a girl who later became his wife and friend.

Natalia with his family moved from Tashkent, where Russians began. Working in a construction company, she tried himself in creativity: wrote poems. Girlfriend recommended her to show the talented texts of any producer. The girl appealed to the producer center of Maidanov, and after a while he invited her to the interview. At this meeting, I could not love with a glance, but after some time a re-date of Natalia and Denis took place, after which they no longer parted.

Natasha is not only a keeper of a homely focus, she gave birth to a spouse of two children. The first daughter of Vlada Maidanova appeared, and in a few years a son. In addition to the duties of his wife and mother, Natalia as a commercial director promotes the solo career of her husband.

The artist has a courageous appearance: its growth is 179 cm, and the weight is 71 kg. The musician has been walking on a lady for more than 10 years. How the singer himself jokes, he lost her hair due to the fact that he lived in childhood not far from the NPP. Natalia saw her husband with her hair on his youth photos and, in her opinion, in those years she would not pay attention to him.

With his wife and children, the composer spends all his free time. He lays out photos from family celebrations on a personal page in "Instagram". Denis does not cease to confess in love Natalia Maidanova. In an interview, he thanks her for wisdom and talent, at the expense of which he managed to take place as a composer and singer.

Together, the spouses visited the Tok Show Boris Korchevnikov "The Fate of Man", where they told their love story. And in the program "Secret by Million", they opened a personal secret - Natalia almost died during the birth of the second child. The woman began severe bleeding, she lost 3.5 liters of blood. The son was born premature and his life was threatened.

Denis Maidanov Now

In 2021, Denis Maidanov decided to run into the State Duma from the Odintsov Election District."I have something to help my country and his district. I told a long time in my songs about my beliefs, my truths and decided that I had than helping my homeland not only in a word, but also a business, "the chance explained his intentions.

Maidanov decided to become a deputy back at the end of 2020. The musician realized that he wanted to help his country not only in a word, but also. Many people see a worthy person in it, whose music they raise their children.

Denis Maidanov has many youth policy programs that he would like to implement. They are aimed at raising patriotism, cultivating in young people cultural values, reducing distance between generations. The musician personally interested in the future of Russian youth to be happy, because he himself raises two children.

In addition, now the artist continues musical activities. He gives solo concerts and performs at festivals. In February, the Day of Defender of the Fatherland Denis Maidanov presented a new song and the video "Special Forces". The Contractor noted that this is a gift to all those who protect their homeland and fulfills men's duty. Sergey Bazhenov spoke by the producer and director-director of the video framework.


  • 2009 - "I will know that you love me ... Eternal love"
  • 2011 - "Rental World"
  • 2014 - "Flying over us ..."
  • 2015 - "Flag of My State"
  • 2015 - "Highness on the way ... Unpacked"
  • 2017 - "What will leave the wind"
  • 2019 - "Commanders"
  • 2019 - "Dooming to love"
  • 2020 - "I stay"

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