Arkady Kobyakov - biography, personal life, photos, songs and latest news



Arkady Kobyakov was born in Nizhny Novgorod on June 2, 1976 (then this city was named bitter). Parents of the future chanson were people simple: Mom, Tatiana Yurevna, was a working on the enterprise for the manufacture of children's toys, and father, Oleg Glebovich, worked by the senior mechanic of the Avtobaz. The family of the artist included not only parents, but also a grandmother, who judging by the interview, since childhood instigated the grandson of love for music and taught him philosophically to relate to life.

Arkady Kobyakov

When Arkady Olegovich was still a small boy Arkasha, the teacher of a kindergarten, in which his parents were distinguished, drew attention to the musical abilities of the future artist. She strongly recommended Tatiana and Oleg to identify a child to school with a musical bias. The grandmother Arkady was supported by this idea, and, ultimately, at the sixth age, he became a student of Nizhny Novgorod choral chapel for boys in the class of piano.

Arkady Kobyakov

Kobyakov grew to sociable and, alas, a rather hooligan "shirt-guy", quite easily influenced the street. What led him, because of its hot and hooligan, to the first criminal term.

Arkady Kobyakov

For three and a half years, the Ardatov Educational and Labor Colony for minors became over the head for Kobyakov. But after that, the history of the life of the famous artist never ceased to present unpleasant "surprises". Shortly before his liberation, in December 1993, the Father Arkady dies with ridiculous circumstances.

Start of a creative path

Even during the rejection in the children's colony, Arkady Kobyakov began writing songs. The most striking example of his work of that period was the song "Hello, Mom", written shortly after the death of the singer's parents. Piercing and sad, she absorbed all that fans later loved the artist: mental pain, melodiousness of the musical component and the basis on the sorrowful experience of Kobyakov.

Committing to freedom, Arkady decided to continue his musical education. He successfully enrolled in the academic state philharmonic. Mstislav Rostropovich, but, alas, and did not finish training in this educational institution. The prison past gave itself to know, and the parents who would have been releasing a matured son from the final transition to the curve of the criminal track, there was no longer there. And in 1996, Kobyakov again went to the seats not so distant - this time for the robbery attack, for six and a half years.

Musical Career and Recognition

Alas, and subsequently Arkady Kobyakov conducted a significant part of his life in imprisonment. So, in 2002 he was condemned for four years for fraudulent frauds, and in 2008, according to the same article, Arkady went to prison for five years. Therefore, it is not surprising that a significant part of his work was created precisely in places of detention.

The most seriously the artist was carried away by musical creativity during his third rejection, in the camp "South". For four years, held in this camp, Kobyakov recorded several dozen songs and even removed seven video clips to the most popular of them. Not only the cemers and warders learned about the young singer and composer with difficult fate, but also lovers of chanson from all over Russia. Freed in 2006, the artist worked for chanson in restaurants and on corporate parties, as well as on the gatherings of domestic criminal authorities.

Once again, hitting the grille, Arkady continued to write music. Moreover: in 2011, together with the famous chanson from Tyumen Yuri Ivanovich, Kostyakov gave a concert for prisoners camp. At about the same period, the first official album of the artist was released, called the "Arrest Soul". Subsequently, the artist released a few more plates: "My Soul", "Convoy", "Best", "Favorites".

Work after liberation

From its latest conclusion, Arkady Kobyakov was released in the spring of 2013. By that time, the artist was already very famous and popular among the fans of Chanson. His compositions "all behind", "I'm only passing", "breeze", "go at dawn", "And over the night camp", "I'll become wind", "don't call me", "It's time to say goodbye", "Frog" And many others turned out to be very in demand.

On May 24, 2013, the Contractor gave a solo concert at the Moscow club "Butyrka", which was literally filled with fans of Kobyakov's creativity. Also, the artist repeatedly performed in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Tyumen, Irkutsk and other cities of Russia.

In his creative career there were duets with such chanson, like Alexander Kurgan ("Ah, if you knew") and Grigory Gerasimov ("Look in the soul").

Personal life

Despite the fact that Arkady Kobyakov, for his short life, turned out four times behind the bastard on the timing of three and a half to six and a half years old, was not lonely in his personal life. In 2006, coming out of prison and starting to speak at parties and corporate parties, he met a charming girl Irina Tukhbaeva. Irina did not frightened the difficult past of his beloved and answered "yes" on his proposal of his hand and heart.

In 2008, his wife made Kobyakov the main gift that loving and beloved man can dream of: the son of Arseny was born. Family and children have always been the main priority of chanson, about which the photos on which Kobyakov gently hugs his spouse and looks at her invariably enthusiastic look. Perhaps it was the separation of the family with the greatest test during the last sentence. Perhaps this is why the fourth time really became for the latter last.

Arkady Kobyakov

During the years of his creative career, Arkady dedicated to the spouse Irina somewhat filled with love and passion songs. Friends of the artist tell that Kobyakov loved his wife and son very much and was extremely strongly tied to the family, hoping that he could become a good father for a survey. Unfortunately, Kobyakov Jr., like their eminent dad, found out that there was a bitterness of loss. Perhaps, over time, the songs of the famous chanson, who remain to live and after his death will become.

Death and funeral

In the last year of his life, Arkady lived in Podolsk, continuing to write songs and perform at various events. Perhaps the musician would record even a lot of albums if in the morning of September 19, 2015 did not go to the world another in his own apartment.

Funeral Arkady Kobyakova

The cause of the death of the artist is internal bleeding, which has opened due to stomach ulcers. At the time of the death of Arkadia Kobyakov was only 39 years old. Farewell to the artist was held in Podolsk, and buried him at home, in Nizhny Novgorod.

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