Anton Derov - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Filmography 2021



Anton Vyacheslavovich Derov - Artist and Singer, born in Moscow in Kuzminakh in May 1968. His mother is an actress of the regional theater of drama, which in the 90s left the theater team and entered the institute of theology. After that, she taught in Sunday schools some temples of Moscow. The boy's father was a scientist. When Anton studied at school, his parents divorced. Anton since childhood grew by yard boys, all the days spent in the company of friends and did little study.

Anton crafts in childhood

Little Anton Parents often took actors in the holiday homes. There he met the children of many celebrities: the steppe Mikhalkov, Galya Rivne, Alika laughter, Misha Lipkin. In addition, the boy was often sent to the Pioneer Camp of the WTO "Russian Forest". Anton also fell in love with acting skills in the children's studio DK Zil, which in his time graduated from Vasily Lanovova, Valery Nostek and other celebrities.

History of receipt

After school, giving the debt homeland, Anton decides to enter the historical faculty of Moscow State University, but he did not succeed in the entrance exams to gain the right number of points. In order not to lose year, the young man went to work in the fire protection of the theater on a small armor, after which she again went to the assault on the university, but this time already theatrical.

Anton crafts in youth

At the entrance exams in the Schukinsky school, Anton was not lucky again, and on the advice of the reception commission, he submits documents to the Gnesin School to the experimental course of Alexander Kanevsky. So Anton Derov becomes a student of the Faculty of Music Theater.

First successes

More studying at the Music Institute, in 1992, Derov accepts an invitation from the creators of the first stage in Russia, the Rock Opera "Jesus Christ of the Super Star", which was held at the Mosseta Theater. The director of the play was Pavel Khomsky, Kryuku theater. In the play of Derov with the brilliance, Judah Iskariot, who became his business card. High growth artist with dense baritone as no one approached the role of the villain.

Anton crads in the theater

At the third year, Anton, Anton, at the invitation of Polish colleagues, starts working on the role of Caruso in the Metro musical and leaves Russia for some time. In Casting in Warsaw, he participated together with his friend Igor Syrin, with whom closely closely closeered during study. After the end of the Academy of Music, Anton enters the service to the theater. Mossovet, but it did not prevent him from participating in other projects.

Creative projects

In addition to the Russian version of the "Metro", Anton Derova could be in the scene in the play "Shivo-Sovereign", in the musicals "Monte Cristo", "Scarlet Sails", "Lukomorier". The chic baritone Anton combined with acting talent makes him a diploma of the song of Andrei Mironov's song. In parallel with the work at the theater, Anton creates its musical group "Derov-Band" and performs with it in the capital. He is filmed in advertising, the actor can be seen in several televisionilists: "White dance", "Muskal" and "Komsomol eighteenth".

Anton cradies on stage

Interesting project Talented artist suggested Pythagorad Studio in 2006. At that time, the company was engaged in the dubbing of Disney cartoons created in the 50s of the last century. Anton interested the opportunity to work as an actor of visualing in such cartoons as "Alice in Wonderland", "Bambi", "Cinderella". And in "Alladin" he also performed the song "Arab night" on behalf of the main character.

Scandalous facts

But not everything is so smooth in the biography of the artist. His long love for alcohol brought him a lot of trouble. In addition to the divorce with the wife of Nonaya Grishava, who occurred precisely because of the drunkenness of Anton, he was kicked out in the final score from the theater.

It happened because of the fact that once Anton was told the performance of the rock opera "Jesus Christ Super Star". The artist was in a drunk and could not sing. The main place of work of the artist was the Production Center "Triumph", which is produced by Musiklov.

Personal life

Personal life Anton Derov did not differ in stability. His first wife became a student Gnesinki Marina Fedko, who studied with him in one course, but she almost immediately switched to VGIK to the master Anatoly Romashin. The girl shot a lot and was the best student of the course. Two years later, a daughter's daughter was born in a young family. But the spouses could not keep love and lay a divorce. Later, Marina went to London and married the Englishman who had fallen a girl.

Anton Derov and Nonna Grishaeva

In 1994, the young artist met the Young Student of the Schukinsky School, spectacular Odessans Nonaya Grishava. Young people played a noisy student wedding, which even walked Vladimir Etush - Rector of the Theater Institute. Two years later, the pair was born a daughter Nastya, but Anton did not feel his fatherly responsibility in herself. He was more fascinated by a career and communicating with friends. Therefore, after a painful gap with his wife, he did not take active participation in the upbringing of his child.

Anton cradies with his wife

Dear time Anton met with a girl named Eugene, who helped him to overcome the alcohol. After her departure to the UK, there was one sorts for some time, but after some time I finally met a woman who became his real second half. Her name is Anna, she completely devoted himself to the family and gave birth to Anton a long-awaited son Vanechka. In total, Anton Derova has three children from different marriages. Currently you can see in social networks a lot of photos of a happy family of craft.

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