Oleg Pogudin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



Surprisingly talented and soulful singer Oleg Pogudin is considered the "king of Romance" and "Silver Voice of Russia." It is allocated by unique vocal data, a rare voice chamber and a bright repertoire. The proof of its hard labor is a large number of albums that are popular among connoisseurs of classical music.

Childhood and youth

The future singer and musician was born in Leningrad on December 22, 1968. The family of Oleg Pogudina was secured, because parents worked at the Research Institute, which treated the institutions of the military-industrial complex. At the same time, the head of the family was fond of singing, and his leisure was devoted to this class. Father instilled his son a genuine love for music.

After graduating from school, Pogudin did not doubt the selection of university and profession. He wanted to study at the Leningrad Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography, and in 1985 he managed to realize the dream. Alexander Kubnitsin became the mentor, who handed the student accumulated knowledge and helped the talented guy to reveal the abilities.

The young man was distinguished by the originality and sought to perform each task without the standard. The graduation work of Pogudin became monospectacle with the compositions of Alexander Vertinsky. But Oleg did not want to copy the famous chanson, but he tried to approach his songs otherwise, surprising the commission to the uncharacteristic Vertinsky paints of intonation and vocal. It is natural that the talented guy graduated from Alma Mater with honors.


From the age of 7, Oleg Pogudin was diligently engaged in music and after 4 years (in 1979) he managed to get into the choir of the popular Leningrad radio. A gifted boy immediately conquered mentors and a few weeks later performed the role of the main soloist. For 1979-1982, Oleg acted on the best Soviet scenes, began to appear on television, radio and even gained fame abroad.

From the young Youth Pogudin was close to the church. So, in 1988, he was singing in one of the local parishes and in his youth even wanted to become a monk. Nevertheless, the musician did not solve this serious step. Already in 1989, Oleg was sent in a group of students on student exchange in the theater center. Yujina O'Neill (USA) for 2 months. After the end of the internship, the singer participated in the final speech, which took place in the Lincoln Center (New York).

During 1990-1993, Oleg was part of the troupe of the Grand Drama Theater. M. Gorky. Also in 1990, the Contractor prepared the program "I am an artist!", Created on the basis of the best songs of A. N. Vertinsky. A year later, the debut album of the singer appeared - "Star of Love". Listeners Artist conquered the execution of the compositions "in the lunar shine", "Gori, Gori, My Star", "Your Eyes Green."

Then the numerous tour and rapidly increasing glory followed. So, in 1992, Pogudin visited Sweden with two luxurious concert tours, and a year later went on tour in Russia and neighboring countries.

The artist's talent was distinguished by a multi-faceted, which allowed him to play in ten musical films, among which "Lark" (1993), "Love Star" (1994), "Romance" (1995).

Constantly touring and speaking on many scenes, Oleg managed to work on new albums. In 1993, a disc was released under the name "Lark", and after 3 years - the album "I will preserve the words of love."

During 1997-2000, Oleg Pogudin often performed in a duet with a classmate, a talented performer and actor Evgeny Dyatlov. They even recorded a common disk called "Turquoise ringlets of rings" and together performed in Germany and the United States. The best songs of two stars were: "Lipa Century", "Goodbye joy, my life," "burns a candle of the disharger", "when we return home."

Another direction of activity of Oleg Vudine was the work as a TV presenter. So, in 2005 and 2006, the artist worked on the Culp channel, where the project "Romance Romance" was led. This transmission demonstrated concerts with performances of popular and beginner performers who pleased the public with romance.

The long period of the biography of the singer was associated with teaching activities. From 2004 to 2010, Pogudin taught at the Academy of Theater Arts (St. Petersburg). He contributed to the stage of the Alma Mater Pieces "Road without End" and "Scarlet Sails", which became a real event in the theater life of the city.

In addition, in 2007, Oleg presented 2 new plates: "Songs of the Great War" and "Hieromonach Roman's chants". At the same time, the collection of artist's romances begins to replenish the clips. Pogudin does not produce staged video, but artistic sketches for the music of the artist appear on the network.

Pogudin constantly worked on new compositions, which gave its results. So, in 2008 2 albums immediately came out - "Love will remain ..." and "People's Song", in 2010 a disk under the sophisticated name "... Your light touch ...", dedicated to the romance of composers of the XIX century.

The brilliant performer also supported young talents. A beginner singer Alena Bicculov told about the help of the vidin in his interview. As it turned out, the artist agreed to participate in her graduation formation of the "voice of the past century" (2004) and helped the girl organize the first 3 concerts. Fans of these two performers could enjoy their joint execution of the song "Eternal Love."

In 2012, Oleg Pogudin became a member of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation, which is engaged in issues of culture. After 3 years, the gifted performer was awarded the title of people's artist.

In 2016, the famous singer presented his new album called the "City Romance", and also became a member of the program "Virages of Time".

For 2017, the artist was painted every day. Fans enjoyed the delicious songs of the stars during many concerts, creative evenings and tour.

Pogudin continues to work on new compositions. Now the artist repertoire consists of more than 500 romances and songs. The artist's discography is presented on the official website of "Russian chanson".

Its main concert programs should include urban and Russian romances, folk and military songs, as well as works of foreign authors. In the artist's work, a special place is assigned to the programs dedicated to the memory of Bulat Okudzhava, Alexander Vertinsky, Peter Leshchenko.

At the end of 2018, the anniversary concert of Pogrina "Gori, Gori, My Star" took place. The platform for the creative evening of the Russian romance star was chosen by the Kremlin Palace's Concert Hall. Decoration of the event was the duo of Oleg with Catherine Guseva. The artists performed the romance "Love and separation" from the movie "We were not crowned in the church." For the first time, this work appeared in the artist repertoire in 2011, when the same disk was issued.

In September 2019, the artist opened a new season "Tragic Tenor Epoch" by the program. Pogudin borrowed this phrase at Anna Akhmatova - so the poetess called his contemporary Alexander Blok. The concert was set aside in the spirit of monospectacle, with a constant classic repertoire - romance and songs of the great performers of the past. Each singer's number was accompanied by a brief story about a popular Popular Artist XX century.

Personal life

A talented musician and an attractive artist has millions of fans, but he has not yet managed to find the soul mate. Journalists are often interested in the personal life of Pogudina, try to learn about his women, attitudes towards family and children, but the performer ever avoids similar topics. He is convinced that personal life should not be displayed at once and clearly follows this rule.

Nevertheless, the artist regularly attribute relations with different elects and even try to draw it into scandals. In 2012, the headlines of many articles argued that Oleg Pogudin captivated the bride in one Italian restaurant, performing the song "On Sole Mio". However, no photocouplers or additional information was provided.

In 2013, the press reported on the close relationship of the Pogudina with Ekaterina Pavlova - a lawyer by profession. They argued that the couple was repeatedly seen in restaurants, as well as at the wedding of the artist's friends. In addition, the information was distributed that Oleg and Catherine went together to Cyprus, in Monaco and Venice, but the lady never became the wife of the famous artist.

Then, Oleg attributed a novel with the mother of the older child of Raper Timati Alena Shishkova. But the rumors did not receive real confirmations.

Separately, we note that Oleg Pogudin constantly lives in St. Petersburg, although it has an apartment in Moscow. He is a believer, does not like excessive fuss and attention. On the guards of the artist, they accompany the icon and the gospel, and he explains their achievements to the help of God and the guardian angels. The artist is characterized by simplicity and, despite the status of the star, does not suffer from star disease. Its rider includes only mineral water, sandwiches and other little things.

Oleg Pogudin now

In 2020, Oleg Evgenievich prepared the Je Chante program, which was based on the works of French chanson. The name of the vocal cycle is translated as "I sing." The premiere took place on the scene of the Moscow International House of Music.

During the period of forced self-insulation, the artist did not lose time with the gift, but used the opportunity to be near the fans. He conducted a number of online concerts, among which - "Travel", "Lermontov", "Songs of Bulat Okudzhava." Announcements of their speeches singer posted on the page in "Instagram". There are photos and video of his stage reincublings.

In addition, the maestro's discography was replenished with a new album - "Russian Tango". This name sends listeners to the genre that has developed in 20-30 years of the XX century. Now this style is more often called Retoshanson. On the disk, among other tracks, war songs "Dark Night" and "Spark" were presented.

In the fall, the Russian romance star appeared in the new season of the All-Russian competition of young talents "Blue Bird", where he received a place in the refereeing board. Together with him in the jury, Denis Matsuev, Nikolai Tsiskaridze, Sergey Bezrukov, Svetlana Rady, Dima Bilan.

In November, Oleg Evgenievich was planning to make a program "Melody of Dawn. Greek songs "on the scene of the Theater Elena Camburova. But due to the epidemiological situation, the speech of the singer was forced to postpone January 2021. This is not the first collaboration of the artist with theatrical team. A little earlier, his concert "Surprise Evenings: Meeting with Oleg Pussin".


  • 1991 - "Love Star"
  • 1993 - "Lark"
  • 1994 - "Romance"
  • 1996 - "I Save the Word of Love"
  • 1997 - "Hieromonach Roman's chants"
  • 1997 - "Turquoise, ringlets"
  • 1997 - "Russian genius" "Lermontov Tom I. Prayer"
  • 1998 - "You can love you quietly ..."
  • 2001 - "Panhid Crystal"
  • 2001 - "Elegy. Concert"
  • 2002 - "I swear it was ..."
  • 2005 - "Favorites, Volume I"
  • 2006 - "Russian Romance. Part I "
  • 2006 - "Russian Romance. Part II "
  • 2007 - "Hieromonach Roman's chants"
  • 2007 - "Songs of the Great War"
  • 2008 - "Folk song. Part I "
  • 2008 - "Love will remain ..."
  • 2009 - "Favorites. Concert"
  • 2009 - "Songs of our victory"
  • 2010 - "... Your Easy Touch ..."
  • 2011 - "Love and separation"
  • 2016 - "City Romance"

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