Anatoly Evdokimenko - Biography, Sofia Rotaru, Personal Life, Family, Funeral, Photo



All his life, the famous Ukrainian musician Anatoly Evdokimenko dedicated one woman - his beloved wife, which Sophia Rotaru became. For her, he created a musical team in his youth. To perform together with Sofia on the same stage, Anatoly mastered the musical instruments - at first it was a pipe, then double bass.

He created all the conditions for the development of her musical career, independently directed all her performances and touring tours. Sofia answered full reciprocity, always making a priority of common interests. Together with his wife, Evdokimenko lived life, full of creative victories and stories of overcoming.

A musician was born in 1942 in Chernivtsi. By education, he was not associated with music or creativity, having received a diploma mathematics in the higher educational institution. Departs to the army. Then, having met his beloved Sofia and taking her love for creativity, he decides that it will create all the conditions for its development.

Thanks to his talent, Anatoly organizer collects the musical team of Chervon Ruta, which makes Sophia soloist. Then he begins to act as part of this team by a musician, and after it is replicated in the administrator and director of tour from Rotaru.

Anatoly Evdokimenko is a people's artist of Ukraine.

Personal life

In 1968, he legalized a long-standing relationship with the singer, who later became famous for the entire Soviet Union. Young people became acquainted peculiar - Anatoly saw the photo of the winner of the musical competition on the cover of the magazine and decided to find it and meet. Founded, confessed in feelings - and two more years actively worked until Sofia recalcisable.

Together, Sofia and Anatoly traveled the whole world. At first, Sofia went beyond her husband to Novosibirsk, where Anatoly exiled during the service, then Evdokimenko accompanied his wife during her tour. They lived like husband and wife together 34 years old. The couple has a beautiful son who has its own children. So, the grandson was often visiting grandparents.

For the sake of his wife Anatoly all his life did unusual actions. For example, to recognize Sofia in love in her native language, Evdokimenko still mastered Moldavian language in his youth.

Rotaru did not lag behind her husband. She devoted a lot of time and dedicated his health in a mature age, literally pulled him out of the disease, investing all income from touring in his treatment.


Anatoly's health was not the strongest, and with the age of Evdokimenko collided with many serious diseases. He led a long productive struggle with cancer, as a result, defeating a serious illness.

Unfortunately, after the death of Father Anatoly is experiencing the first stroke, followed by the second and fatal third. The funeral of the artist was held in Kiev, after them the family appealed to Mourning - Sofia canceled all the tour and performances.

In memory of this musician in his hometown called the street in his honor.

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