Gabe Newell - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Condition 2021



Gabe Newell is an American programmer, a billionaire, the founder of the company "Valve", which is engaged in the creation of computer games. The Gaming Platforms "Half-Life", "Steam" and others become popular developer projects.

Childhood and youth

Gabe Logan Newell was born in early November 1962 in Seattle. Information about parents Gabe Newell prefers not to advertise. In an interview, the entrepreneur reported that it began to create computer programs in 13 years. The young man used the Algol programming language.

Gabe Newell in youth

The passion contributed to the receipt of Gabe to the University of Harvard, but after a few years he threw his studies and settled in the newly created Microsoft company, the founder of which Bill Gates became the founder. From this bold step began the history of the success of a talented programmer.

Career and business

Creating computer equipment fascinated a young employee, he entered the number of developers of the first three versions of Windows. Soon Gabe, among the first shareholders of Microsoft, increased the state to several million, which further influenced his career. In addition to software equipment, Newell became interested in the development of gaming consoles. Using the example of the success of "Doom" and "Super Mario 64", he was convinced of the profitability of this business destination.

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Thirteen years of work at Microsoft in the biography of the young programmer there were changes: along with a friend and colleague Mike Harrington Gabe decided to create his own computer game manufacturing company. It happened after the care of Microsoft Officer Michael Ebrasha in Id Software, a firm that began to produce Quake Gaming.

In 1996, a company appears under the name "Valve", the first project of which the Half-Life platform becomes. It was created on the personal savings of Newell and Harrington founders. The game, the action of which occurs in the secret laboratories of the CIA, immediately found his gamer: in the first months 2 million copies of the game were implemented.

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The rules for the behavior of employees within the company "Valve" from the first days differed by democraticness. Unlike the Charter in Microsoft, which was famous for corporate rigor, Gabe with a partner decided to create a structure of production, devoid of departments, chiefs, managers and managers. In "Valve", employees are allowed to spend working hours on personal needs, visiting cafes, gym and spa salons. The management model has shown its effectiveness - the company's capitalization soon exceeded $ 1 billion and continued to grow.

Two years after the first success, in the process of creating a "Half-Life-2" modification, Mike Harrington leaves the company, and Newell redeems a partner's shares. In parallel with the improvement of the already famous Platform Gabe begins work on Steam, which over time has become one of the most popular computer gaming servers.

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The secret of the success of a talented developer is that he himself becomes a big fan of games and all these years continues to play them with passion. The programmer is confident that the creation of consoles are akin to art. Gabe is gabble in the online server "World of Warcraft". Newell's favorite games still remain "Super Mario 64", "Doom", "Dota 2" and "Star Trek", and he believes the "Team Fortress 2" spy.

The tactics of creating popular shooters, such as "Counter-Strike", is based on the correct selection of frames. Gabe invites unknown, but talented young computer users to work in the company "Valve". Under the brand "Half-Life" there were two programs - "Counter-Strike" and "Team Fortress Classic", as well as Megapopular Video Games "Portal" and "Left 4 Dead", which came out over the next 10 years.

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The company has developed a legend of magic numbers "3". It happened after the programs for the preparation of their third versions did not reach the date of release. For example, the "Half-Life 3" platform after many years of preparation did not see the light. Therefore, for the 4 versions of the famous game, the kreteimers decided to change the concept and even introduce a new main character - the son of the scholar Freamen.

Thanks to the right policy inside the team in 2010, Gabe Newell enters the List "Forbes" as one of the most famous computer-friendly world. According to statistical data, by 2012, the capitalization of the assets of Valve has numbered $ 2.5 billion, and the percentage of profits for each of the 400 programmers of the company was more compared to other developers, such as "Google" and Apple.

American programmer, billionaire Gabe Newell

The state of the owner of the company was equated to $ 1.3 billion Gabe, as well as his former head of Bill Gates, became one of the richest people of the planet who made a business without fully higher education. At the end of 2017, the programmer's condition reached a mark of $ 5.5 billion, which allowed the entrepreneur to enter the list of the 100 richest US people according to Forbes magazine.

The growth in popularity among Gabe Newell gamers depended on its open communication with users. The owner of the game concern himself rewrites with the forums of the site "Steam", creates topics for discussion and always responds to letters.

Personal life

The personal life of the entrepreneur was happily. Gabe Newell has been married to Lisa Newell for over 30 years. Two children are brought up in his family. Now the owner "Valve", together with his wife and sons, lives near Long Beach Beach in Los Angeles. Gabe Newell does not use social networks, a programmer's photo in "Instagram" appear on the pages of computer games.

Billionaire Gabe Newll

Gabe Newell is distinguished by an energetic vitality, which allowed him to overcome a severe ailment. In the early 2000s, the programmer survived a dangerous disease called "Fuchs Distrophy", which could deprive his vision. In 45, the programmer was made in front of the program, which allowed him to see as before. Surgical intervention was successful, and the diagnosis was defeated. Health's health status after the operation does not cause concerns.

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Gabe is fond of collecting cold weapons. The owner of the company "Valve" posted a part of the samples in his office. The programmer belongs to 600 blades, among which Japanese swords of Vakidzasi, trident-Sai and carved knives. For the sake of Hobbies, Newell equipped the workshop in the house, where he is engaged in forging blades. And the programmer has an unusual hobby - Gabe Milet at the sight of the personnel of the animation series for the children "My Little Pony". The programmer's hobby list includes motor silos.

Geiba Newella's income allows him to allocate funds for charity. With the participation of the program, the Heart Of Racing Characteristic Championship is held. Gabe also supports the clinic to combat children's heart disease in Seattle. At one time the billionaire's funds sacrificed and for the needs of the American Union of Protection of Civil Freedies.

Programmer Gabe Newell

On the server "Yandex" In early December 2016, information appeared that the creator of "Valve" Gabe Newell died untimely. But on the official websites of the company, as well as on other news resources about the death of the director, nothing was known. Programmers believe that such news has become the result of a computer system error. A few days after the occurrence of the necrolologist in open access, false records were removed.

Gabe Newell calmly reacted to a collection of a search engine and did not even reach Yandex for this error.

Gabe Newell Now

In 2017, Gabe participated in the holding of the Computer Tournament "The International 2017" ("International 2017"). Together with TV host Casey Eitchison and Jackem Sir Action Slacks, Kanner Gabe Newell, starred in a comic roller, which played the role of the guard. The tournament made a statement on the release of the ARTIFACT card game based on the Dota 2 platform. The presentation of the computer product is scheduled for 2018.


  • Half-Life Game Series
  • Series of Games Portal
  • Series of Games Team Fortress
  • LEFT 4 Dead Game Series
  • Dota 2 game
  • Artifact game
  • In The Valley Of Gods game
  • GOLDSRC, SOURCE and SOURCE 2 game engines

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