Neil Patrick Harris - biography, photos, personal life, movies, husband and last news 2021



Neil Patrick Harris was born in the largest city of the American state of New Mexico in the summer of 1973. Soon parents moved to the small provincial town of Ruidoso nearby, where all the childhood of the future actor passed. His father was a practitioner lawyer, and the mother is a rather successful writer. In addition, parents owned their own small restaurant. But all this little interested in their younger son.

From childhood, the boy was manifested by obvious acting abilities. He sang, read poems, was crying in front of the mirror and loved to impress the surrounding.

Neil Patrick Harris in childhood

In school, he became interested in the children's theater and already in the elementary classes played his first role - Pesik Totoshki in the play on the fabulous wizard of the Emerald city. The teenager devoted to the theater all his free time and soon became a local celebrity. The talented boy was noticed by representatives of one of the TV channels and invited to a tiny role in the series "Sesame Street". From this point on, the Nile "fell ill" cinema and firmly decided to become an actor.


Soon, fate presented him an unexpected gift. The influential playwright Mark Medoff drew attention to the young language and recommended on the role of David in the picture "Clara's Heart" from Wu-Air Goldberg. This work brought the novice actor love and recognition of viewers, as well as the nomination for the Golden Globe. The next bright appearance of the Nile on the screen was the role of a young Wunderkinda doctor in the TV series "Dr. Arc House", for which he again fell into the list of nominees for a prestigious statuette.

Neil Patrick Harris at the beginning of a career

After graduating with honors from school, Nile with his head plunged into creativity. He starred in films and TV shows, was involved in large television projects, voiced cartoon films, and managed to even try his hand to Broadway.

In 1997, the actor starred in the fantasy militant of the field of Vervena "Star Toward", where the friend of the main character was played. The picture did not meet the hopes of his creators and failed at the box office, but was nominated for Oscar for stunning special effects. This failure slightly cooled the interest of the Nile to the cinema, and he decided to devote the theater more time. For several years, many bright dramatic roles appeared in his service list in various theatrical productions, for which he was awarded three times a prestigious Tony Prize.

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In 2005, the actor received the role of Lovelas and Balnik Barney Stevens in the series "How I met your mother", perhaps, the most successful in his film engineer and the world fame brought by the Nile. The series was equal to popularity with famous "friends" and caused the great interest of various layers of the American audience. In it, Jennifer Lopez, Katy Perry, Britney Spears, and many other stars of global magnitude were happy for the symbolic fee.

The whole nine seasons of the Nile were bought in the rays of glory and audience love, besides, he was able to thoroughly correct his financial situation. For each episode with their participation, the actor received more than 100 thousand dollars. This work brought Harris a deserved statuette "Emmy", Tony Award and another nomination for the Golden Globe, and on the Alley of Glory in Hollywood he is now banging his nominal star.

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Shooting in the series Nile successfully combined with work on other projects. His participation in the fabulous comedy "Smurfiki", in which Nile got the main role. The picture had a great success in the box office, which immediately inspired producers to create the second part.

It is worth noting the participation of Harris in the shooting of the cult tape of the overseas youth "American Pie", where he again met on the playground with Mama's partner Alison Hannigan, as well as work in the painting "Harold and Kumar go to the gap", where he played himself.

It is impossible to bypass the presence of the Nile in the detective thriller David Fincher "disappeared" with Ben Affleck in the lead role. Harris himself considers the incredible successful of his participation in this film, where he played a devoted fan of the main heroine. The actor considered a great honor for himself acquaintance with the famous director, and the film scenario led him to a complete delight.

Neil Patrick Harris and Sting

In early 2017, the premiere of the new series "Lemoni Snikette: 33 misfortunes" took place on the motives of the fairy tales of the famous American writer Daniel Handler. The audience did not immediately recognized in the column of Olaf handsome Nile, who in everyday life often compared with the young sting. In the previous screening, Jim Kerry was performed, and now the creators changed the concept and made a bet on Harris. And not mistaken. Unusual make-up, black humor and the skill of the Nile gave the image of the graph the necessary gloomy and mystical fler, causing an enthusiastic response of the audience.

It is worth mentioning the hobby of Nile Harris magic and focus. This talent has repeatedly came in handy an actor on filming, his character in "Mom" was also a magician. Neil is able to be worn out, which makes his voice indispensable when visiting the cartoons. For their successes as an illusionist, the actor is marked by several prestigious awards.

Neil Patrick Harris at the ceremony

In recent years, Nile has established itself as a successful Showman and the lead. In 2015, during the Oscar awards ceremony, he shocked the audience to the audience, appearing on stage in some shorts. According to Harris, so he wanted to spawn the scene from the movie "Berdman" with Michael Kiton, but not all those present were able to appreciate his humor.

Personal life

The personal life of the actor is no less interesting and saturated than his creative fate. Neil is an open gay, which he officially stated in 2006. Non-traditional orientation does not prevent him from playing the role of baptifies and lovelaes. In the same year, Neil met on filming with David Bartka, who soon became his husband and the faithful companion of life.

Neil Patrick Harris with David Bartka

In 2010, with the help of surrogate mother, Gemini Gideon and Harper appeared to the world, and a year later, the newly minted parents reported their engagement. Lovers played a wedding in 2014 in the Italian Perugia. Among the honored guests were attended by Elton John, who performed several of his best compositions for the newlyweds.

Neil Patrick Harris with her husband and children

Today, spouses live in New York, they are engaged in raising children and absolutely satisfied with life. Photos of a happy family often appear in Instagram Nile Harris and on the pages of American glossy publications.


  • 1988 - Clara's heart
  • 1999 - Jeanne d'Ark
  • 2000 - best friend
  • 2001 - Suinny Todd: a demon-hairdresser
  • 2004 - Harold and Kumar go to the gap
  • 2008 - a musical blog of a terrible doctor
  • 2011 - Smurfs
  • 2013 - Million ways to lose their heads
  • 2014 - disappeared
  • 2016 - Lemoni Snicette: 33 misfortunes

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